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543 lines (452 loc) · 34.5 KB


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[10.9.0] - 2021-12-06

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.8.0] - 2021-09-20

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.7.0] - 2021-07-02

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.6.0] - 2021-04-29

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.5.0] - 2021-04-19

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.4.0] - 2021-03-11

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.3.1] - 2021-01-26

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.3.0] - 2020-11-16

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.2.0] - 2020-10-19

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.1.0] - 2020-10-12

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[10.0.0] - 2019-06-10


  • Fixed a typo in the CombinedShapeLightShared shader include that resulted in an invalid file reference.

[7.1.1] - 2019-09-05

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[7.0.1] - 2019-07-25

Version Updated The version number for this package has increased due to a version update of a related graphics package.

[7.0.0] - 2019-07-17


  • LWRP is being deprecated in favour of Universal Render Pipeline. See the changelog for the UniversalRP Package.

[6.7.0] - 2019-05-16


  • Added SpeedTree Shaders.
  • Added two Shader Graph master nodes: Lit Sprite and Unlit Sprite. They only work with the 2D renderer.
  • Added documentation for the 2D renderer.


  • The 2D renderer and Light2D component received a number of improvements and are now ready to try as experimental features.
  • Updated the Feature Comparison Table to reflect the current state of LWRP features.


  • When in playmode, the error 'Non matching Profiler.EndSample' no longer appears. case 1140750
  • LWRP Particle Shaders now correctly render in stereo rendering modes. case 1106699
  • Shaders with 'debug' in the name are no longer stripped automatically. case 1112983
  • Fixed tiling issue with selection outline and baked cutout shadows.
  • in the Shadergraph Unlit Master node, Premultiply no longer acts the same as Alpha. case 1114708
  • Fixed an issue where Lightprobe data was missing if it was needed per-pixel and GPU instancing was enabled.
  • The Soft ScreenSpaceShadows Shader variant no longer gets stripped form builds. case 1138236
  • Fixed a typo in the Particle Unlit Shader, so Soft Particles now work correctly.
  • Fixed emissive Materials not being baked for some meshes. case 1145297
  • Camera matrices are now correctly set up when you call rendering functions in EndCameraRendering. case 1146586
  • Fixed GI not baking correctly while in gamma color space.
  • Fixed a NullReference exception when adding a renderer feature that is contained in a global namespace. case 1147068
  • Shaders are now set up for VR stereo instancing on Vulkan. case 1142952.
  • VR stereo matrices and vertex inputs are now set up on Vulkan. case 1142952.
  • Fixed the Material Upgrader so it's now run upon updating the LWRP package. 1148764
  • Fixed a NullReference exception when you create a new Lightweight Render Pipeline Asset. case 1153388

[6.6.0] - 2019-04-01


  • Added support for Baked Indirect mixed lighting.
  • You can now use Light Probes for occlusion. This means that baked lights can now occlude dynamic objects.
  • Added RenderObjects. You can add RenderObjects to a Renderer to perform custom rendering.
  • (WIP) Added an experimental 2D renderer that implements a 2D lighting system.
  • (WIP) Added a Light2D component that works with the 2D renderer to add lighting effects to 2D sprites.


  • Fixed a project import issue in the LWRP template.
  • Fixed the warnings that appear when you create new Unlit Shader Graphs using the Lightweight Render Pipeline.
  • Fixed light attenuation precision on mobile platforms.
  • Fixed split-screen rendering on mobile platforms.
  • Fixed rendering when using an off-screen camera that renders to a depth texture.
  • Fixed the exposed stencil render state in the renderer.
  • Fixed the default layer mask so it's now applied to a depth pre-pass.
  • Made several improvements and fixes to the render pass UI.
  • Fixed artifacts that appeared due to precision errors in large scaled objects.
  • Fixed an XR rendering issue where Unity required a depth texture.
  • Fixed an issue that caused transparent objects to sort incorrectly.

[6.5.0] - 2019-03-07


  • You can now create a custom forward renderer by clicking on Assets/Create/Rendering/Lightweight Render Pipeline/Forward Renderer. This creates an Asset in your Project. You can add additional features to it and drag-n-drop the renderer to either the pipeline Asset or to a camera.
  • You can now add ScriptableRendererFeature to the ScriptableRenderer to extend it with custom effects. A feature is an ScriptableObject that can be drag-n-dropped in the renderer and adds one or more ScriptableRenderPass to the renderer.
  • ScriptableRenderer now exposes interface to configure lights. To do so, implement SetupLights when you create a new renderer.
  • ScriptableRenderer now exposes interface to configure culling. To do so, implement SetupCullingParameters when you create a new renderer.
  • ScriptableRendererData contains rendering resources for ScriptableRenderer. A renderer can be overridden globally for all cameras or on a per-camera basis.
  • ScriptableRenderPass now has a RenderPassEvents. This controls where in the pipeline the render pass is added.
  • ScriptableRenderPass now exposes ConfigureTarget and ConfigureClear. This allows the renderer to automatically figure out the currently active rendering targets.
  • ScriptableRenderPass now exposes Blit. This performs a blit and sets the active render target in the renderer.
  • ScriptableRenderPass now exposes RenderPostProcessing. This renders post-processing and sets the active render target in the renderer.
  • ScriptableRenderPass now exposes CreateDrawingSettings as a helper for render passes that need to call ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers.


  • Removed RegisterShaderPassName from ScriptableRenderPass. Instead, CreateDrawingSettings now takes one or a list of ShaderTagId.
  • Removed remaining experimental namespace from LWRP. All APIrelated to ScriptableRenderer, ScriptableRenderPass, and render pass injection is now out of preview.
  • Removed SetRenderTarget from ScriptableRenderPass. You should never call it. Instead, call ConfigureTarget, and the renderer automatically sets up targets for you.
  • Removed RenderFullscreenQuad from ScriptableRenderer. Use CommandBuffer.DrawMesh and RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh instead.
  • Removed RenderPostProcess from ScriptableRenderer. Use ScriptableRenderPass.RenderPostProcessing instead.
  • Removed postProcessingContext property from ScriptableRenderer. This is now exposed in RenderingUtils.postProcessingContext.
  • Removed GetCameraClearFlag from ScriptableRenderer.


  • Fixed y-flip in VR when post-processing is active.
  • Fixed occlusion mesh for VR not rendering before rendering opaques.
  • Enabling or disabling SRP Batcher in runtime works now.
  • Fixed video player recorder when post-processing is enabled.

[6.4.0] - 2019-02-21

[6.3.0] - 2019-02-18

[6.2.0] - 2019-02-15


  • Code refactor: all macros with ARGS have been swapped with macros with PARAM. This is because the ARGS macros were incorrectly named.

[6.1.0] - 2019-02-13

[6.0.0] - 2019-02-23


  • You can now implement a custom renderer for LWRP. To do so, implement an IRendererData that contains all resources used in rendering. Then create an IRendererSetup that creates and queues ScriptableRenderPass. Change the renderer type either in the Pipeline Asset or in the Camera Inspector.
  • LWRP now uses the Unity recorder extension. You can use this to capture the output of Cameras.
  • You can now inject a custom render pass before LWRP renders opaque objects. To do so, implement an IBeforeRender interface.
  • Distortion support in all Particle Shaders.
  • An upgrade system for LWRP Materials with MaterialPostprocessor.
  • An upgrade path for Unlit shaders
  • Tooltips for Shaders.
  • SRP Batcher support for Particle Shaders.
  • Docs for these Shaders: Baked Lit, Particles Lit, Particles Simple Lit, and Particles Unlit.
  • LWRP now supports dynamic resolution scaling. The target platform must also support it.
  • LWRP now includes version defines for both C# and Shaders in the format of LWRP_X_Y_Z_OR_NEWER. For example, LWRP_5_3_0_OR_NEWER defines version 5.3.0.
  • The Terrain Lit Shader now samples Spherical Harmonics if you haven't baked any lightmaps for terrain.
  • Added a Priority option, which you can use to tweak the rendering order. This is similar to render queue in the built-in render pipeline. These Shaders now have this option: Lit, Simple Lit, Baked Lit, Unlit, and all three Particle Shaders.
  • Added support for overriding terrain detail rendering shaders, via the render pipeline editor resources asset.


  • You can now only initialize a camera by setting a Background Type. The supported options are Skybox, Solid Color, and Don't Care.
  • LWRP now uses non-square shadowmap textures when it renders directional shadows with 2 shadow cascades.
  • LWRP now uses RGB111110 as the HDR format on mobile devices, when this format is supported.
  • Removed IAfterDepthPrePass interface.
  • We’ve redesigned the Shader GUI. For example, all property names in Shaders are now inline across the board
  • The Simple Lit Shader now has Smoothness, which can be stored in the alpha of specular or albedo maps.
  • The Simple Lit and Particles Simple Lit Shaders now take shininess from the length (brightness) of the specular map.
  • The Double sided property is now Render Face. This means you can also do front face culling.
  • Changed the docs for Lit Shader, Simple Lit Shader and Unlit Shader according to Shader GUI changes.
  • When you create a new LWRP Asset, it will now be initialized with settings that favor performance on mobile platforms.
  • Updated the FAQ and the Built-in/LWRP feature comparison table.


  • Several tweaks to reduce bandwidth consumption on mobile devices.
  • The foldouts in the Lightweight Asset inspector UI now remember their state.
  • Added missing meta file for GizmosRenderingPass.cs.
  • Fixed artifacts when using multiple or Depth Only cameras. Case 1072615
  • Fixed a typo in ERROR_ON_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION() that was causing the shader compiler to run out of memory in GLES2. Case 1104271
  • LWRP now renders shadows on scaled objects correctly. Case 1109017
  • LWRP now allows some Asset settings to be changed at runtime. Case 1105552
  • Realtime shadows now work in GLES2. Case 1087251
  • Framedebugger now renders correctly when stepping through drawcalls.
  • Cameras that request MSAA and Opaque Textures now use less frame bandwidth when they render.
  • Fixed rendering in the gamma color space, so it doesn't appear darker.
  • Particles SImple Lit and Particles Unlit Shaders now work correctly.
  • Soft Particles now work correctly.
  • Camera fading for particles.
  • Fixed a typo in the Unlit IgnoreProjector tag.
  • Particles render in both eyes with stereo instancing
  • Fixed specular issues on mobile. case 1109017
  • Fixed issue causing LWRP to create MSAA framebuffer even when MSAA setting was disabled.
  • Post-processing in mobile VR is now forced to be disabled. It was causing many rendering issues.
  • Fixed Editor Previews breaking in Play Mode when VR is enabled. Case 1109009
  • A camera's HDR enable flag is now respected when rendering in XR.
  • Terrain detail rendering now works correctly when LWRP is installed but inactive.

[5.2.0] - 2018-11-27


  • LWRP now handles blits that are required by the device when rendering to the backbuffer.
  • You can now enable the SRP Batcher. To do so, go to the Pipeline Asset. Under Advanced, toggle SRP Batcher.


  • Renamed shader variable unity_LightIndicesOffsetAndCount to unity_PerObjectLightData.
  • Shader variables unity_4LightIndices0 and unity_4LightIndices1 are now declared as unity_PerObjectLightIndices array.

[5.1.0] - 2018-11-19


  • The user documentation for LWRP is now in this GitHub repo, instead of in the separate GitHub wiki. You can find the most up-to-date pages in the file. Pages not listed in that file are still in progress.


  • The LWRP package is no longer in preview.
  • LWRP built-in render passes are now internal.
  • Changed namespace from UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline to UnityEngine.Rendering.LWRP.
  • Changed namespace from UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline to UnityEditor.Rendering.LWRP.


  • LWRP now respects the iOS Player setting Force hard shadows. When you enable this setting, hardware filtering of shadows is disabled.
  • Scene view mode now renders baked lightmaps correctly. Case 1092227
  • Shadow bias calculations are now correct for both Shader Graph and Terrain shaders.
  • Blit shader now ignores culling.
  • When you select Per Vertex option for Additional Lights, the Per Object Limit option is not greyed out anymore.
  • When you change camera viewport height to values above 1.0, the Unity Editor doesn't freeze anymore. Case 1097497
  • When you use AR with LWRP, the following error message is not displayed in the console anymore: "The camera list passed to the render pipeline is either null or empty."

[5.0.0-preview] - 2018-09-28


  • Added occlusion mesh rendering/hookup for VR
  • You can now configure default depth and normal shadow bias values in the pipeline asset.
  • You can now add the LWRPAdditionalLightData component to a Light to override the default depth and normal shadow bias.
  • You can now log the amount of shader variants in your build. To do so, go to the Pipeline Asset. Under Advanced, select and set the Shader Variant Log Level.


  • Removed the supportedShaderFeatures property from LWRP core. The shader stripper now figures out which variants to strip based on the current assigned pipeline Asset in the Graphics settings.


  • The following error does not appear in console anymore: ("Begin/End Profiler section mismatch")
  • When you select a material with the Lit shader, this no longer causes the following error in the console: ("Material doesn't have..."). case 1092354
  • In the Simple Lit shader, per-vertex additional lights are now shaded properly.
  • Shader variant stripping now works when you're building a Project with Cloud Build. This greatly reduces build times from Cloud Build.
  • Dynamic Objects now receive lighting when the light mode is set to mixed.
  • MSAA now works on Desktop platforms.
  • The shadow bias value is now computed correctly for shadow cascades and different shadow resolutions. case 1076285
  • When you use Area Light with LWRP, Cast Shadows no longer overlaps with other UI elements in the Inspector. case 1085363


Read/write XRGraphicsConfig -> Read-only XRGraphics interface to XRSettings.

[4.0.0-preview] - 2018-09-28


  • When you have enabled Gizmos, they now appear correctly in the Game view.
  • Added requiresDepthPrepass field to RenderingData struct to tell if the runtime platform requires a depth prepass to generate a camera depth texture.
  • The RenderingData struct now holds a reference to CullResults.
  • When HDR is enabled in the Camera but disabled in the Asset, an information box in the Camera Inspector informs you about it.
  • When MSAA is enabled in the Camera but disabled in the Asset, an information box in the Camera Inspector informs you about it.
  • Enabled instancing on the terrain shader.
  • Sorting of opaque objects now respects camera opaqueSortMode setting.
  • Sorting of opaque objects disables front-to-back sorting flag, when camera settings allow that and the GPU has hidden surface removal.
  • LWRP now has a Custom Light Explorer that suits its feature set.
  • LWRP now supports Vertex Lit shaders for detail meshes on terrain.
  • LWRP now has three interactive Autodesk shaders: Autodesk Interactive, Autodesk Interactive Masked and Autodesk Interactive Transparent.
  • [Shader API] The GetMainLight and GetAdditionalLight functions can now compute shadow attenuation and store it in the new shadowAttenuation field in LightData struct.
  • [Shader API] Added a VertexPositionInputs struct that contains vertex position in difference spaces (world, view, hclip).
  • [Shader API] Added a GetVertexPositionInputs function to get an initialized VertexPositionInputs.
  • [Shader API] Added a GetPerObjectLightIndex function to return the per-object index given a for-loop index.
  • [Shader API] Added a GetShadowCoord function that takes a VertexPositionInputs as input.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Added VertexNormalInputs struct that contains data for per-pixel normal computation.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Added GetVertexNormalInputs function to return an initialized VertexNormalInputs.


  • The RenderingData struct is now read-only.
  • ScriptableRendereralways performs a Clear before calling IRendererSetup::Setup.
  • ScriptableRenderPass::Execute no longer takes CullResults as input. Instead, use RenderingDataas input, since that references CullResults.
  • IRendererSetup_Setup no longer takes ScriptableRenderContext and CullResults as input.
  • Shader includes are now referenced via package relative paths instead of via the deprecated shader export path mechanism
  • The LWRP Asset settings were re-organized to be more clear.
  • Vertex lighting now controls if additional lights should be shaded per-vertex or per-pixel.
  • Renamed all Local Lights nomenclature to Additional Lights.
  • Changed shader naming to conform to our SRP shader code convention.
  • [Shader API] Renamed SpotAttenuation function to AngleAttenuation.
  • [Shader API] Renamed _SHADOWS_ENABLED keyword to _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS
  • [Shader API] Renamed GetLight function to GetAdditionalLight.
  • [Shader API] Renamed GetPixelLightCount function to GetAdditionalLightsCount.
  • [Shader API] Renamed attenuation to distanceAttenuation in LightData.
  • [Shader API] Renamed GetLocalLightShadowStrength function to GetAdditionalLightShadowStrength.
  • [Shader API] Renamed SampleScreenSpaceShadowMap functions to SampleScreenSpaceShadowmap.
  • [Shader API] Renamed MainLightRealtimeShadowAttenuation function to MainLightRealtimeShadow.
  • [Shader API] Renamed light constants from Directional and Local to MainLight and AdditionalLights.
  • [Shader API] Renamed GetLocalLightShadowSamplingData function to GetAdditionalLightShadowSamplingData.
  • [Shader API] Removed OUTPUT_NORMAL macro.
  • [Shader API] Removed lightIndex and substractiveAttenuation from LightData.
  • [Shader API] Removed ComputeShadowCoord function. GetShadowCoord is provided instead.
  • All LightweightPipeline references in API and classes are now named LightweightRenderPipeline.
  • Files no longer have the Lightweight prefix.
  • Renamed Physically Based shaders to Lit, ParticlesLit, and TerrainLit.
  • Renamed Simple Lighting shaders to SimpleLit, and ParticlesSimpleLit.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputSurfacePBR.hlsl, InputSurfaceSimple.hlsl, and InputSurfaceUnlit to LitInput.hlsl, SimpleLitInput.hlsl, and UnlitInput.hlsl. These files were moved from the ShaderLibrary folder to theShaders.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassLit.hlsl and LightweightPassLitSimple.hlsl to LitForwardPass.hlsl and SimpleLitForwardPass.hlsl. These files were moved from the ShaderLibrary folder to Shaders.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassMetaPBR.hlsl, LightweightPassMetaSimple.hlsl and LighweightPassMetaUnlit to LitMetaPass.hlsl, SimpleLitMetaPass.hlsl and UnlitMetaPass.hlsl. These files were moved from the ShaderLibrary folder to Shaders.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassShadow.hlsl to ShadowCasterPass.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassDepthOnly.hlsl to DepthOnlyPass.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputSurfaceTerrain.hlsl to TerrainLitInput.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassLitTerrain.hlsl to TerrainLitPases.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed ParticlesPBR.hlsl to ParticlesLitInput.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputSurfacePBR.hlsl to LitInput.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputSurfaceUnlit.hlsl to UnlitInput.hlsl. This file was moved to the Shaders folder.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputBuiltin.hlsl to UnityInput.hlsl.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed LightweightPassMetaCommon.hlsl to MetaInput.hlsl.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed InputSurfaceCommon.hlsl to SurfaceInput.hlsl.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Removed LightInput struct and GetLightDirectionAndAttenuation. Use GetAdditionalLight function instead.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Removed ApplyFog and ApplyFogColor functions. Use MixFog and MixFogColor instead.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Removed TangentWorldToNormal function. Use TransformTangentToWorld instead.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Removed view direction normalization functions. View direction should always be normalized per pixel for accurate results.
  • [ShaderLibrary] Renamed FragmentNormalWS function to NormalizeNormalPerPixel.


  • If you have more than 16 lights in a scene, LWRP no longer causes random glitches while rendering lights.
  • The Unlit shader now samples Global Illumination correctly.
  • The Inspector window for the Unlit shader now displays correctly.
  • Reduced GC pressure by removing several per-frame memory allocations.
  • The tooltip for the the camera MSAA property now appears correctly.
  • Fixed multiple C# code analysis rule violations.
  • The fullscreen mesh is no longer recreated upon every call to ScriptableRenderer.fullscreenMesh.

[3.3.0-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Added callbacks to LWRP that can be attached to a camera (IBeforeCameraRender, IAfterDepthPrePass, IAfterOpaquePass, IAfterOpaquePostProcess, IAfterSkyboxPass, IAfterTransparentPass, IAfterRender)


  • Clean up LWRP creation of render textures. If we are not going straight to screen ensure that we create both depth and color targets.
  • UNITY_DECLARE_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT and UNITY_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT macros were added. They are necessary for reading transient attachments.
  • UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP is now defined.
  • Renamed LightweightForwardRenderer to ScriptableRenderer.
  • Moved all light constants to _LightBuffer CBUFFER. Now _PerCamera CBUFFER contains all other per camera constants.
  • Change real-time attenuation to inverse square.
  • Change attenuation for baked GI to inverse square, to match real-time attenuation.
  • Small optimization in light attenuation shader code.


  • Lightweight Unlit shader UI doesn't throw an error about missing receive shadow property anymore.

[3.2.0-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Receive Shadows property is now exposed in the material instead of in the renderer.
  • The UI for Lightweight asset has been updated with new categories. A more clean structure and foldouts has been added to keep things organized.


  • Shadow casters are now properly culled per cascade. (case 1059142)
  • Rendering no longer breaks when Android platform is selected in Build Settings. (case 1058812)
  • Scriptable passes no longer have missing material references. Now they access cached materials in the renderer.(case 1061353)
  • When you change a Shadow Cascade option in the Pipeline Asset, this no longer warns you that you've exceeded the array size for the _WorldToShadow property.
  • Terrain shader optimizations.

[3.1.0-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Fixed assert errors caused by multi spot lights
  • Fixed LWRP-DirectionalShadowConstantBuffer params setting

[3.0.0-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Added camera additional data component to control shadows, depth and color texture.
  • pipeline now uses XRSEttings.eyeTextureResolutionScale as renderScale when in XR.
  • New pass architecture. Allows for custom passes to be written and then used on a per camera basis in LWRP


  • Shadow rendering has been optimized for the Mali Utgard architecture by removing indexing and avoiding divisions for orthographic projections. This reduces the frame time by 25% on the Overdraw benchmark.
  • Removed 7x7 tent filtering when using cascades.
  • Screenspace shadow resolve is now only done when rendering shadow cascades.
  • Updated the UI for the Lighweight pipeline asset.
  • Update assembly definitions to output assemblies that match Unity naming convention (Unity.*).


  • Post-processing now works with VR on PC.
  • PS4 compiler error
  • Fixed VR multiview rendering by forcing MSAA to be off. There's a current issue in engine that breaks MSAA and Texture2DArray.
  • Fixed UnityPerDraw CB layout
  • GLCore compute buffer compiler error
  • Occlusion strength not being applied on LW standard shaders
  • CopyDepth pass is being called even when a depth from prepass is available
  • GLES2 shader compiler error in IntegrationTests
  • Can't set RenderScale and ShadowDistance by script
  • VR Single Pass Instancing shadows
  • Fixed compilation errors on Nintendo Switch (limited XRSetting support).

[2.0.0-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Explicit render target load/store actions were added to improve tile utilization
  • Camera opaque color can be requested on the pipeline asset. It can be accessed in the shader by defining a _CameraOpaqueTexture. This can be used as an alternative to GrabPass.
  • Dynamic Batching can be enabled in the pipeline asset
  • Pipeline now strips unused or invalid variants and passes based on selected pipeline capabilities in the asset. This reduces build and memory consuption on target.
  • Shader stripping settings were added to pipeline asset



  • Pipeline code is now more modular and extensible. A ForwardRenderer class is initialized by the pipeline with RenderingData and it's responsible for enqueueing and executing passes. In the future pluggable renderers will be supported.
  • On mobile 1 directional light + up to 4 local lights (point or spot) are computed
  • On other platforms 1 directional light + up to 8 local lights are computed
  • Multiple shadow casting lights are supported. Currently only 1 directional + 4 spots light shadows.

Shading Framework

  • Directional Lights are always considered a main light in shader. They have a fast shading path with no branching and no indexing.
  • GetMainLight() is provided in shader to initialize Light struct with main light shading data.
  • Directional lights have a dedicated shadowmap for performance reasons. Shadow coord always comes from interpolator.
  • MainLigthRealtimeShadowAttenuation(float4 shadowCoord) is provided to compute main light realtime shadows.
  • Spot and Point lights are always shaded in the light loop. Branching on uniform and indexing happens when shading them.
  • GetLight(half index, float3 positionWS) is provided in shader to initialize Light struct for spot and point lights.
  • Spot light shadows are baked into a single shadow atlas.
  • Shadow coord for spot lights is always computed on fragment.
  • Use LocalLightShadowAttenuation(int lightIndex, float3 positionWS) to comppute realtime shadows for spot lights.


  • Issue that was causing VR on Android to render black
  • Camera viewport issues
  • UWP build issues
  • Prevent nested camera rendering in the pipeline

[1.1.4-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Terrain and grass shaders ported
  • Updated materials and shader default albedo and specular color to midgrey.
  • Exposed _ScaledScreenParams to shader. It works the same as _ScreenParams but takes pipeline RenderScale into consideration
  • Performance Improvements in mobile


  • SRP Shader library issue that was causing all constants to be highp in mobile
  • shader error that prevented LWRP to build to UWP
  • shader compilation errors in Linux due to case sensitive includes
  • Rendering Texture flipping issue
  • Standard Particles shader cutout and blending modes
  • crash caused by using projectors
  • issue that was causing Shadow Strength to not be computed on mobile
  • Material Upgrader issue that caused editor to SoftLocks
  • GI in Unlit shader
  • Null reference in the Unlit material shader GUI

[1.1.2-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Performance improvements in mobile


  • Shadows on GLES 2.0
  • CPU performance regression in shadow rendering
  • Alpha clip shadow issues
  • Unmatched command buffer error message
  • Null reference exception caused by missing resource in LWRP
  • Issue that was causing Camera clear flags was being ignored in mobile

[1.1.1-preview] - 2018-01-01


  • Added Cascade Split selection UI
  • Added SHADER_HINT_NICE_QUALITY. If user defines this to 1 in the shader Lightweight pipeline will favor quality even on mobile platforms.


  • Shadowmap uses 16bit format instead of 32bit.
  • Small shader performance improvements


  • Subtractive Mode
  • Shadow Distance does not accept negative values anymore

[0.1.24] - 2018-01-01


  • Added Light abstraction layer on lightweight shader library.
  • Added HDR global setting on pipeline asset.
  • Added Soft Particles settings on pipeline asset.
  • Ported particles shaders to SRP library


  • HDR RT now uses what format is configured in Tier settings.
  • Refactored lightweight standard shaders and shader library to improve ease of use.
  • Optimized tile LOAD op on mobile.
  • Reduced GC pressure
  • Reduced shader variant count by ~56% by improving fog and lightmap keywords
  • Converted LW shader library files to use real/half when necessary.


  • Realtime shadows on OpenGL
  • Shader compiler errors in GLES 2.0
  • Issue sorting issues when BeforeTransparent custom fx was enabled.
  • VR single pass rendering.
  • Viewport rendering issues when rendering to backbuffer.
  • Viewport rendering issues when rendering to with MSAA turned off.
  • Multi-camera rendering.

[0.1.23] - 2018-01-01


  • UI Improvements (Rendering features not supported by LW are hidden)


  • Shaders were ported to the new SRP shader library.
  • Constant Buffer refactor to use new Batcher
  • Shadow filtering and bias improved.
  • Pipeline now updates color constants in gamma when in Gamma colorspace.
  • Optimized ALU and CB usage on Shadows.
  • Reduced shader variant count by ~33% by improving shadow and light classification keywords
  • Default resources were removed from the pipeline asset.


  • Fixed shader include path when using SRP from package manager.
  • Fixed spot light attenuation to match Unity Built-in pipeline.
  • Fixed depth pre-pass clearing issue.

[0.1.12] - 2018-01-01


  • Standard Unlit shader now has an option to sample GI.
  • Added Material Upgrader for stock Unity Mobile and Legacy Shaders.
  • UI improvements


  • Realtime shadow filtering was improved.


  • Fixed an issue that was including unreferenced shaders in the build.
  • Fixed a null reference caused by Particle System component lights.