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ofxPubSubOsc API Reference


Reference type

  • template <typename T> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, T &value);

Setter Function / Method

setter function

  • template <typename T, typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, R (*callback)(T &));

setter method

  • template <typename T, typename R, typename C> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, C &that, R (C::*callback)(T));
  • template <typename T, typename R, typename C> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, C *that, R (C::*callback)(T));

const setter method (if you don't change property)

  • template <typename T, typename R, typename C> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, const C &that, R (C::*callback)(T) const);
  • template <typename T, typename R, typename C> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, const C *that, R (C::*callback)(T) const);

Callback Function / Method receive ofxOscMessage

callback function

  • template <typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, R (*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));

callback method

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, C &that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));
  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, C *that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));

const callback method

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string * &address, const C &that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &) const);
  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, const C *that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &) const);
    • TODO

lambda callback

  • void ofxSubscribeOsc(int port, const string &address, std::function<void(ofxOscMessage &)> &callback);
    • (if you use 0.9.0~)

bind value/function/method to OSC message has address incoming from port.

if use function/method, then call callback(mess) or (that.\*callback)(mess) or (that->\*callback)(mess), std::function<void(ofxOscMessage &)> when receive OSC message mess.


  • void ofxUnsubscribeOSC(int port, const string &address);

unbind OSC message has address incoming from port.

  • void ofxUnsubscribeOSC(int port);

unbind all OSC messages incoming from port.

  • void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, void (*callback)(ofxOscMessage &))

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, C *that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &))

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, C &that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &))

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, const C *that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &) const)

  • template <typename C, typename R> void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, const C &that, R (C::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &) const)

  • void ofxSetLeakedOscPicker(int port, std::function<void(ofxOscMessage &)> &callback)

    • if you use 0.9.0~

set callback for port. this callback is kick when receive OSC message has not binded address.

  • void ofxRemoveLeakedOscPicker(int port)

remove callback.

  • template <typename T> void ofxPublishOsc(const string &ip, int port, const string &address, T &value, bool whenValueIsChanged = true);
  • template <typename T> void ofxPublishOsc(const string &ip, int port, const string &address, T (*getter)(), bool whenValueIsChanged = true);
  • template <typename T, typename U> void ofxPublishOsc(const string &ip, int port, const string &address, U *that, T (U::*getter)(), bool whenValueIsChanged = true);

publish value / getter() / (that.*getter)() to OSC message has address to ip:port. if whenValueIsChanged is set to false, then we send binded value every frame after App::update.

  • template <...> void ofxPublishOscIf(bool &condition, const string &ip, int port, const string &address, ...);
  • template <...> void ofxPublishOscIf(bool (*condition)(), const string &ip, int port, const string &address, ...);
  • template <..., typename C> void ofxPublishOscIf(C *condition, bool (C::*method)(), const string &ip, int port, const string &address, ...);
  • template <..., typename C> void ofxPublishOscIf(C &condition, bool (C::*method)(), const string &ip, int port, const string &address, ...);

if condition / condition() / (condition.*method)() is true then publish arguments are same pattern as ofxPublishOsc. (only whenValueChanged is eliminated. whenValueChanged is always true.)

  • void ofxUnpublishOSC(const string &ip, int port, const string &address);

unpublish OSC message has address is send to ip:port.

  • void ofxUnpublishOSC(const string &ip, int port);

unpublish all OSC messages is send to ip:port.

  • template <typename T, size_t size> typename array_type<T, size>::type ofxPublishAsArray(T *ptr);
    • where array_type<T, size>::type is T (&)[size]

cast value is typed T * -> value is typed T (&)[size]

  • template <typename T, size_t size> typename array_type<T, size>::fun ofxPublishAsArray(T *(*getter)());
    • where array_type<T, size>::fun is array_type<T, size>::type (*)()

cast function returns T * -> function returns T (&)[size]

  • template <typename T, size_t size> typename array_method<T, size, U>::method ofxPublishAsArray(T *(U::*getter)());
    • where array_method<T, size, U>::method is array_type<T, size>::type (U:*)()

cast method of U returns T * -> method of U returns T (&)[size]

struct P {
	int *getFooPtr() { return foo; }
	int foo[8];

P p;
float *bar = new float[12];


ofxPublishOsc("localhost", 9005, "/foo", p, ofxPublishAsArray<int, 8>(&P::getFooPtr));
ofxPublishOsc("localhost", 9005, "/bar", ofxPublishAsArray<float, 12>(bar));
  • ofxSetPublisherUsingBundle(bool bUseBundle)

set to send messages with bundle

  • static ofxOscSubscriberManager &getSharedInstance();

return sharedInstance.

  • static ofxOscSubscriber &getOscSubscriber(int port);

return OSC subscriber is binded to port.

  • template <typename T> void subscribe(const string &address, T &value);
  • void subscribe(const string &address, void (*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));
  • template <typename T> void subscribe(const string &address, T &that, void (T::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));
  • template <typename T> void subscribe(const string &address, T * that, void (T::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));

bind value/function/method to OSC message has address.

  • void unsubscribe(const string &address);

unbind OSC message has address.

  • void unsubscribe();

unbind all OSC messages.

to subscribing value into ofParameterGroup, is different to others.

we need key for search parameter from parameter group.

so, we have to add key to first argument of OSC message.

for example, we setup parameter group and parameter like this:

ofParameterGroup group;
ofParameter<float> float_x;
ofParameter<float> float_y;
ofParameter<ofColor> color;



group.add(float_y); // float_y has index 0 and name "y"
group.add(float_x); // float_x has index 1 and name "x"
group.add(color); // color has index 2 and name "c"

ofxSubscribeOsc(9005, "/param_group", group);

then, we construct message like this:

ofxOscMessage mx, my;

sender.sendMessage(mx); // this value set to float_x

sender.sendMessage(my); // this value set to float_y

ofxOscMessage m_0, m_1;

sender.sendMessage(m0); // !! this value set to float_y

sender.sendMessage(m1); // !! this value set to float_x 

ofxOscMessage mc;
sender.sendMessage(mc); // color will set to red
  • void setLeakPicker(void (*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));
  • template <typename T> void setLeakPicker(T *that, void (T::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));
  • template <typename T> void setLeakPicker(T &that, void (T::*callback)(ofxOscMessage &));

set callback for port. this callback is kick when receive OSC message has not binded address.

  • void removeLeakPicker();

remove callback picks leaked message.

if you don't use setLeakPicker to a port, then you can pick leaked messages manually like this:

while(ofxGetOscSubScriber(port).hasWaitingLeakedOscMessages()) {
	ofxOscMessage m;
	ofLogNotice() << m.getAddress();

please note that argument of getNextLeakedOscMessage is not as address (i.e. ofxOscMessage *). you can pass ofxOscMessage and we will receive as ofxOscMessage & and set something.

  • static ofxOscPublisherManager &getSharedInstance();

return sharedInstance.

  • static ofxOscPublisher &getOscPublisher(const string &ip, int port);

return OSC publisher send to ip:port.

  • template <typename T> void publish(const string &address, T &value, bool whenValueIsChanged = true);
  • template <typename T> void publish(const string &address, T (*getter)(), bool whenValueIsChanged = true);
  • template <typename T, typename U> void publish(const string &address, U *that, T (U::*getter)(), bool whenValueIsChanged = true);

publish value / getter() / (that.*getter)() to OSC message has address to ip:port. if whenValueIsChanged is set to false, then we send binded value every frame after App::update.

  • void unpublish(const string &address);

unpublish OSC message has address.

  • void ofxUnpublishOSC();

unpublish all OSC messages.