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executable file
139 lines (91 loc) · 3.37 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
139 lines (91 loc) · 3.37 KB


If a file is read-only and can't be changed, use sudo vim file to open it as root.


ESC or CTRL + [ - Command (Default)
i - Insert (Editing)
v - Visual (Like Command, but with selection)


: - Commands.
. - Repeat previous command.
u - UNDO.
CTRL + r - REDO.
c + movement - Change up to movement.


command + i + character - Do a command inside characters.

vi" - Select everything inside "".
xi( - Delete everything inside (). ci{ - Change (Delete and enter insert mode) inside {}.

Save & Exit

:w - Save
:q - Quit
:wq - Save & Quit
:q! - Cancel & Quit


:tabe FILEPATH - Open file in new tab
:tabn - Next tab
:tabp - Previous tab


esc + v - visual mode for selection.
ctrl + v - block selection i.e. multi-line column, good for commenting. shift + i then text then esc for multi line insertion.

Copy & Paste

Enter visual mode and select text.

y - Copy (yank) selected.
d - Cut selected.
p - Paste after cursor.

x - Delete selected.

These can be combined with movements. Ex. x2e is delete next 2 words.

yy - Copy (yank) line in normal mode.
dd - Cut line in normal mode.


All of these can be used in visual mode for selection.

j - Down
k - Up
h - Left
l - Right

w - Forward one word.
b - Back one word.
e - End of word.

Adding a number before a command, will repeat it n times. Ex. 3h will go up 3 lines, 5dd will detele 5 lines.

0 - Beginning of line.
$ - End of line.

% - Jump to matching tag i.e. ), }, ].

f + character - Jump to next character.
t + character - Jump before next character.

* - Next occurrence of word under cursor.
# - Previous occurrence of word under cursor.

gg - Beginning of file.
G - End of file.
nG - Jump to line n.


/ + string + Enter = Search for string forwards.
? + string + Enter = Search for string backwards.
n - Next occurrence.
N - Previous occurrence.


:%s/text/replacement/g - Replace text on every line.
:s/text/replacement/g - Replace text on current line.


o - Create new line under cursor and enter INS mode.
O - Create new line above cursor and enter INS mode.

x - Delete character.
X - Backspace.

r + new character - Change character under cursor without INS mode.

Multiple Inserts

n times + i + string + ESC = Multiple inserts.

Ex. 5ifoo + ESC will result in foofoofoofoofoo.

vimrc - Customization

The global .vimrc file is located in /etc/vim/vimrc or etc/vimrc.

Create a .vimrc file in the home directory for customizations.

When vim is opened, it will automatically check the current user’s home directory for a .vimrc file. All settings specified in this file will override the global settings.

Configurations can be made inside vim by using :set number.

set nocompatible    # Set compatibility to Vim only.
set number          # Show line numbers.
set visualbell	    # Use visual bell (no beeping)
set wrap            # Word wrap.

set autoindent	    # Auto-indent new lines
set shiftwidth=4    # Number of auto-indent spaces
set smartindent	    # Enable smart-indent
set smarttab	    # Enable smart-tabs
set softtabstop=4   # TAB is 4 spaces.