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Repository files navigation

Articles Edition Manual

1. Good practices

  • Follow the file tree below
  • New pages go into (root)/Pages/(page_title).md
  • Images go into (root)/Pages/assets/
  • Avoid blank spaces in folder or file names, as they require '%20' when referenced in markdown
  • Reference new pages in (root)/
📁 Pages/
↳ 📁 ...
  📁 HT Download Trial/
  ↳ 📄 HT Download
    📄 ...
    📁 Assets/
    ↳ 🖼️ image.jpg
      🎞️ video.avi
      🖼️ ...


Each markdown page can have a header:

group: Get Ready
short: Download the Trial
order: 10
  • group is the collection of guides this page belongs to ("Get Ready", "Get Started", etc...)
    • For each page of a group, the navigation box appears on the left and lists all member pages.
    • The ⬅️ "previous page" and ➡️ "next page" links are automatically created within a group.
  • short is the title of the article.

    This is the title used in the navigation box, and "previous/next" links.

  • order is the position of the guide in the group.

    Advised to go by increments of 10, so it's easier to insert pages later (with order: 15 for example)

The groups order is defined in _config.yml.

  • The last page of a group has a "next" link to the first page of the next group.
  • The first page of a group has a "prev" link to the last page of the previous group.

The header is optional, but without it the navigation box and previous/next links will not appear.


Links between articles can use relative paths.
[Download the Trial](../HT_Download_Trial_SCANeR/
Download the Trial

Suggest another article with the hook icon:
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: [Download the Trial](../HT_Download_Trial_SCANeR/
↩️ Download the Trial

Manual previous/next links (in case your page is not in a group):
:arrow_left: [Download the Trial](../HT_Download_Trial_SCANeR/
⬅️ Download the Trial
:arrow_right: [Download the Trial](../HT_Download_Trial_SCANeR/
➡️ Download the Trial


Don't push videos onto the repository itself. It is too heavy.

Youtube videos can be embedded in the article.
On the Youtube page of the video:

  • Button "Share"
  • Icon "Embed"
  • Copy the html code provided
  • Paste as is in the markdown article

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2. Using GitHub web editor

The GitHub interface includes the necessary editors.

Markdown editor

Add file > Create new file

Set the file name with .md extention to activate syntax colouring, and correct result in the Preview tab.
In the file name, add a / to create a new folder

Upload images

Add file > Upload files

To create the assets folder, create a new file called folder/deleteme
Then delete the deleteme file and upload your images in it.

3. Using a local Git repo

Set up the Git local repo

  • Navigate inside folder dedicated to Pages edition (e.g. D:/Pages/)
  • Right click > Git Bash here
  • In the Git Bash console, run the following commands
git init
git remote add origin
git fetch origin Published
  • When prompted, login to GitHub with the account linked to your company e-mail.
  • Once fetching is finished, run the following command in the Git Bash console
git checkout Published

This creates a new local branch "Published" that with upstream "origin/Pages" Now your working tree has the latest version of the website files.

Publish a modification

Get the latest version from GitHub

git pull

Start working

git status
git add Pages/HT_Something/*
git commit -m "Created or modified some page"

Publish your modifications

git push