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BIRD-SQL: A BIg Bench for Large-Scale Relational Database Grounded Text-to-SQLs

🔗Paper 🏆Leaderboard

License Data Link Python 3.7+ Pytorch 1.8+ Leaderboard 1.8+ OpenAI 0.27+

License Notation: Due to large volume of requests, now we change the license to CC BY-SA 4.0.


BIRD-SQL is the first cross-domain large-scale benchmark specifically designed to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications in the field of text-to-SQL parsing. While models such as Codex and ChatGPT have demonstrated remarkable performance, existing benchmarks such as Spider and WikiSQL concentrate primarily on database schema, leaving database contents largely unexplored. Realizing this limitation, we set out to create a comprehensive benchmark that delves deeper into database values, ultimately unveiling new challenges and opportunities for developments in the text-to-SQL domain.

BIRD-SQL is distinguished by its large dataset, which includes 12,751 text-to-SQL pairs, 95 databases encompassing 37 professional domains, and a total size of 33.4 GB. By highlighting database values, BIRD-SQL draws attention to new challenges, such as external knowledge, dirty data, and SQL efficiency in vast databases. In order to generate accurate SQL queries, models must not only conduct semantic parsing but also comprehend database values.

Dataset Introduction

The dataset contains the main following resources:

  • database: The database should be stored under the ./data/dev_databases/. In each database folder, it has two components:
    • database_description: the csv files are manufactured to describe database schema and its values for models to explore or references.
    • sqlite: The database contents in BIRD.
  • data: Each text-to-SQL pairs with the oracle knowledge evidence is stored as a json file, i.e., dev.json is stored on ./data/dev.json. In each json file, it has three main parts:
    • db_id: the names of databases
    • question: the questions curated by human crowdsourcing according to database descriptions, database contents.
    • evidence: the external knowledge evidence annotated by experts for assistance of models or SQL annotators.
    • SQL: SQLs annotated by crowdsource referring to database descriptions, database contents, to answer the questions accurately.
  • ground-truth SQL file: The SQL file should be stored at ./llm/data/dev_gold.sql.
  • llm: It contains source codes to convert texts to SQLs by calling APIs from LLMs, such as code-davinci-002, gpt-3.5-turbo.
  • finetuning: It contains the codes for supervised fine-tuning T5, a prevalent sequence-to-sequence pre-trained language model, to perform text-to-SQL task in BIRD.

Fine-tuning (FT)

Environment Setup:

To train T5 via an end-to-end FT method, please first create enviroments following UnifiedSKG. You may also need to download the third party packages for evaluations:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ./finetuning/
conda env create -f finetuning
conda activate finetuning
# install the hugginface package: datasets according to your version.
pip install datasets
# The following line to be replaced depending on your cuda version.
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url


All parameters and attempts are stored in the ./finetuning/run/. Please start training by the following commands:

sh ./run/

In-Context Learning (ICL):

Environment Setup:

First, you need install openai in your python environment by:

pip install openai

Collect results

Then you could directly execute the command line by following instructions (you may need to adjust paramters and paths with your preference):

cd ./llm/
sh ./run/


Execution (EX) Evaluation:

Please post-process your collected results as the format: SQL and its db_id, which is splitted by '\t----- bird -----\t'. The examples are shown in the ./llm/exp_result/turbo_output/predict_dev.json. Put the ground-truth sql file in the ./data/. And you may need to design a ChatGPT tag by your own. The main file for ex evaluation is located at ./llm/src/
Then you could evaluate the results by the following command line :

cd ./llm/
sh ./run/

Valid Efficiency Score (VES) Evaluation (time-mainly):

In the newest version, ves and ex can be evaluated in the same shell. Then main file is ./llm/src/, so you can eval your efficiency via:

cd ./llm/
sh ./run/

(For stable VES, you may need to enlarge timeout or repeat and average results. In our test evaluation, we will enlarge timeout to 3 s/ex; then we repeat 5 times for VES computation, only the highest results will be reported.)

Test Evaluation

If your code scripts don't need complex environment setting up and can fetch results via openai-api mainly. Please connect for fast test.


We thank Xin Yan for active involvement in ChatGPT prompt design, discussion, and figure creation in the HKU STAR Lab. We thank Jan Motl, Oliver Schulte for valuable suggestions and assistance in maintaining the databases from

Call for Calibration

In this work, we are committed to delivering high-quality datasets to boost the development of text-to-SQL research. Despite our hard efforts in evaluating and refining this benchmark with ~700 hours, we acknowledge that errors and ambiguities may still exist. To ensure long-term contributions to the text-to-SQLs, we are actively soliciting community feedback on possible enhancements to our datasets. Please consider reporting errors or your suggestions on the ISSUES, or via emailing us by

We will also polish this benchmark periodically. Therefore, We would be grateful if you could provide any feedback regarding errors or future directions to BIRD. Let's contribute to the future of text-to-SQL research. Thank you for your support!

Insteresting Stories about Values:

we are welcome to any findings during experiments about interaction with database values. For example, we find that GPT4-32k even fails to consider the tied results in a joined tables correctly.
In the dev_1388, the predicted SQL of GPT4-32k is:

Question: Which students manage to generate the highest income. State his/her name along with the income source.
SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, T2.source  
FROM member AS T1  
INNER JOIN income AS T2 ON T1.member_id = T2.link_to_member  
WHERE T2.amount = (  
    SELECT MAX(amount)  
    FROM income  

it leads to a NULL result set since MAX(amount) is 3000 in the orignal table income. However, the ground-truth SQL should consider the MAX(amount) in the joined table pertaining to tables member and income. Therefore, the largest amount is only 50, and the ground-truth SQL should be:

SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, T2.source
FROM member AS T1
ON T1.member_id = T2.link_to_member
WHERE T2.amount = (
    SELECT MAX(T4.amount)
    FROM member AS T3
    INNER JOIN income AS T4
    ON T3.member_id = T4.link_to_member

We hypothesize that GPT-4 is pre-trained based on semantic parsing framework, losing the enough attention on values. This may also be marked as the initial challenge in achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for real-world text-to-SQL applications.


Please cite the repo if you think our work is helpful to you.

  title={Can LLM Already Serve as A Database Interface? A BIg Bench for Large-Scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQLs},
  author={Jinyang Li and Binyuan Hui and Ge Qu and Binhua Li and Jiaxi Yang and Bowen Li and Bailin Wang and Bowen Qin and Ruiying Geng and Nan Huo and Xuanhe Zhou and Chenhao Ma and Guoliang Li and Kevin C. C. Chang and Fei Huang and Reynold Cheng and Yongbin Li},