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Quickstart: Interact with a bot in C# Unity

This sample demonstrates how to use DialogServiceConnector to connect to a bot, send and receive activities, and recognize speech in Unity C# using the Speech SDK.


Download Speech SDK plugin and sample

Prepare the sample

  • Open the sample project in Unity:
    • Start Unity. In the launch window, under the Projects tab select Open.
    • Select the folder which contains this sample.
    • After a bit of time, the Unity Editor window should pop up.

      Note: do not worry about the error The type or namespace name 'CognitiveServices' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) after opening the sample. This error gets resolved in the next step by importing the Speech SDK.

  • Import the Speech SDK:
    • Import the Speech SDK by selecting Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
    • In the file picker, select the Speech SDK .unitypackage file that you downloaded before.
    • Ensure that all files are selected and click Import.
  • Select the DialogServiceConnectorSample scene:
    • In the Project Window (bottom-left by default), navigate to Assets > SpeechSDK > Scenes and double-click on the DialogServiceConnectorSample scene to open it up.
    • Remove "Untitled Scene" if it exists
  • Select Canvas and view the DialogServiceConnectorSample script component - it will have several empty fields.
    • Replace Subscription Key with your Cognitive Services subscription key.
    • Replace Region with the service region of your subscription. For example, westus2 (As part of preview, the only-supported region is 'westus2')
  • You can alternatively edit the above settings in the DialogServiceConnectorSample.cs source.
    • Inside Unity editor, in the Project window under Assets > SpeechSDK > Scripts directory, double-click the file to make edits.

Run the sample

There are various options to run this sample. Start by running it in the Unity Editor (first option), then explore other options depending on your needs.

Build and run the sample via Unity editor for Universal Windows Platform

  • Open File > Build Settings.
  • Select Universal Windows Platform and Click Switch Platform.
  • Press Play button on Unity editor.
    • When the app runs, the state indicator text should read "DialogServiceConnector created".
    • When ready, press the 'Start' button to begin the bot interaction.
      • While speaking, you should see the recognition results being displayed and hear TTS output if "speak" responses are received.
    • The console output also provides debug messages.

Build and run the sample as a stand-alone desktop application

  • Open File > Build Settings.
  • Select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone as platform.
  • If this wasn't the active platform before, you have to select Switch Platform (and wait a bit).
  • Ensure the Target Platform field is set to Windows and pick the option you need from the Architecture field.
  • Select Build.
  • In the folder picker, create and select a new build folder.
  • Once the build has finished, the Windows Explorer launches with the folder containing the application DialogServiceConnectorSample.exe. Do not launch it yet
  • Navigate to the DialogServiceConnectorSample_Data/Plugins folder in your build output folder. Copy the DLL Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.core.dll into the DialogServiceConnectorSample_Data/Managed folder.
  • Double-click on DialogServiceConnectorSample.exe in the build output folder to start the application.
  • When the app runs, the state indicator text should read "DialogServiceConnector created".
  • When ready, press the 'Start' button to begin the bot interaction.
    • While speaking, you should see the recognition results being displayed and hear TTS output if "speak" responses are received.
  • Close the app to stop.

Build and run the sample for Universal Windows Platform

  • Open File > Build Settings.
  • Select Universal Windows Platform and Click Switch Platform.
  • Select Player Settings, Click Other Settings, Select .NET 4.x Equivalent as Scripting Runtime Version.
  • Select IL2CPP as Scripting Backend.
  • Under Publishing Settings > capabilities, make sure following capabilities are selected.
    • InternetClient
    • InternetClientServer
    • Microphone
  • From Build Settings, click Build, create a directory e.g. UWP under the DialogServiceConnectorSample project and press Select.
  • After successfull build, use Windows explorer and double click generated DialogServiceConnectorSample.sln file under the UWP folder and that should open Visual Studio project.
  • Inside Visual Studio project, change build target to x64 or x86
  • Build DialogServiceConnectorSample solution
  • After successfull build, deploy the project
    • NOTE: Sometimes in order to successfully deploy, you may need to generate Visual Assets under Package.manifest, there under Visual Assets -> Asset Generator, select thumbnails as source from Assets folder and generate.
  • Launch DialogServiceConnectorSample application
    • Accept consent query for microphone
    • Press the 'Start' button and say something. You should see the recognized text on-screen.

Build and run the sample for Android platform

  • Complete your Android environment setup in Unity, including the Android NDK setup.
  • Open File > Build Settings.
  • Select Android as platform.
  • If this wasn't the active platform before, you have to select Switch Platform (and wait a bit).
  • Click Player Settings... to open them up in the Inspector Window (on the right by default).
  • Navigate to the Other Settings of the Settings for Android tab.
  • Review the information under Identification and Configuration and make sure they are correct for your environment, in particular:
    • Minimum API Level
    • Target API Level
    • Scripting Runtime Version (set to .NET 4.x)
    • Scripting Backend (set to IL2CPP)
    • Target Architectures
  • Connect your developer-enabled Android device to your PC via USB.
  • Back in the Build Settings window, click Build And Run.
  • After the build completes, the app launches on your Android device:
    • When you see the prompt asking for microphone permission, agree to it.
    • Then, click the button and speak an English phrase or sentence into your device's microphone. Your speech is transmitted to the Speech service and transcribed to text, which appears in the window.
    • Close the app to stop speech recognition.
