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graph2mat: Equivariant matrices meet machine learning


The aim of graph2mat is to pave your way into meaningful science by providing the tools to interface to common machine learning frameworks (e3nn, pytorch) to learn equivariant matrices.


It also provides a set of tools to facilitate the training and usage of the models created using the package:

  • Training tools: It contains custom pytorch_lightning modules to train, validate and test the orbital matrix models.
  • Server: A production ready server (and client) to serve predictions of the trained models. Implemented using fastapi.
  • Siesta: A set of tools to interface the machine learning models with SIESTA. These include tools for input preparation, analysis of performance...

The package also implements a command line interface (CLI): graph2mat. The aim of this CLI is to make the usage of graph2mat's tools as simple as possible. It has two objectives:

  • Make life easy for the model developers.
  • Facilitate the usage of the models by non machine learning scientists, who just want good predictions for their systems.


It can be installed with pip. Adding the tools extra will also install all the dependencies needed to use the tools provided.

pip install graph2mat[tools]

If you want to use graph2mat with e3nn you can also ask for the e3nn extra dependencies:

pip install graph2mat[tools,e3nn]

What is an equivariant matrix?



We are very open to suggestions, contributions, discussions...

We look forward to your contributions!