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119 lines (74 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (74 loc) · 4.63 KB


Table of Contents

  1. About

  2. Installation
    2a. Bash
    2b. PowerShell
    2c. Python

  3. Adding Modules

  4. Creating Modules

  5. Contributing Modules

  6. Future


SKILLWIZARD is a terminal based program to help you learn commands and shortcuts to your favorite systems, applications, languages, etc. through repetition.


The following is required for all installations:

Download the, main.ps1 or script to a directory of your choosing (i recommend making a directory called skillwizard). Download the modules you are interested in trying (or make your own!) to (this part is necessary) a subdirectory called modules of the directory you put the main script into.

Bash Installation

In Bash navigate to the directory you saved and enter the command bash

PowerShell Installation

Run the command Get-ExecutionPolicy in Powershell. Anything other than Unrestricted may cause issues. There are a couple paths to getting the script to run.

  1. Permanently change your Execution Policy (least safe). Open a Powershell instance and enter Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted. Note: You can change the execution policy for all users by excluding -Scope CurrentUser from the above command. You will need to be running Powershell as Administrator, and if anyone aside from you uses this machine I can't recommend doing this.
  2. Temporarily change your Execution Policy (medium safety). Open a powershell instance and type the following Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process . This will allow you to run the script without any permanent changes being made to your machine. This still carries some risk, as you are running a script from an unknown (me) source.
  3. Wild West Cowboy no other option (medium safety): If you are unable to do it the other 2 ways but your machine's Execution Policy is RemoteSigned you can do the following in exact order. Open main.ps1 in Notepad. With Notepad still open, delete main.ps1 from your machine. Go back and save main.ps1 in Notepad to your same directory.

In PowerShell navigate to the directory you saved main.ps1 to and enter the command ./main.ps1.

Python Installation

You must have Python installed on your machine.

On Windows: Enter the command python --version into PowerShell. If you do not have Python go here or enter python in PowerShell and Windows will open the Microsoft Store for you.

On Mac OS and Linux Python is pre-installed.If you are on a Linux distro that doesn't have Python pre-installed you probably don't need my instruction on how to do it.

Adding Modules

You can add any csv to your <skillwizard Path>/modules directory and it will show up as a selectable module the next time you run your program.

Creating Modules

Create a CSV in the same format as the ones located in the ./modules directory.

The format is as follows: Double quote - question - double quote - comma - double quote - answer - double quote - new line


"What is the capitol of California","Sacramento"
"What did you eat for breakfast","Cereal"

Please be aware capitalization matters in the answer.

Contributing Modules

  1. Modules should be limited in scope (e.g. linux directory basics and not every command in powershell)

  2. Modules should be limited to 15 question-answer pairs. In my opinion 10 is the sweet spot so if you have 18 question-answer pairs you would like to contribute please consider contributing 2 modules, one for basics and advanced, or a one of two if it is not possible to break it up in basic and advanced questions. If you feel your module deserves an exemption please contact me directly with your case.

  3. The name of the file should help to easily identify the contents. vi_movement_commands.csv is going to be accepted while vi_commands.csv would not.


  1. Update lines in place so the welcome message doesn't scroll up and you can no longer see past answers during repeats

  2. Implement the ability to use special characters

  3. colors for posix compliant shell

  4. Add License ☑️

  5. Differentiate between directories and files in modules directory. only report CSV files

    python ☑️

    bash ☑️

    pwsh ☑️