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Control models of Modular Agents environments can be trained through any of the methods described in the ML-Agents toolkit documentation. We recommend using a built executable environment for training. We use the following folder structure:

  • envs: Build the environment executable here (either Windows or Linux work, depending on your platform).
  • config: This folder contains the configuration files that work for a build using the example projects.
  • results: The results of the training (the control policy model and the learning metrics) will appear in this folder.

To install the learning environment, you can use file environment.yaml in conda to install the ml-agents package. The installation procedure is analogous to the one in the older Marathon project. The instructions can be found here.

To train a simple environment you can make a build from the DeepMimic walk scene and then do:

(ml-agents) PS D:\PUT_HERE_PATH_TO_REPO\Training>  mlagents-learn config/trainMujoco.yaml --run-id=DeepMimic_Walk --env=envs/UnityMjExamples --num-envs=8

A summary of how to train an environment is available here

How to train on cloud infrastructure

The instructions below have worked in google cloud SDK shell, after installing it and introducing the zone (europe-west1-d)

1. Upload environment

You can use the scp command to copy a zip file to the server. For example:

D:\PUT_HERE_PATH_TO_REPO\envs>gcloud compute scp instance-2:.

2. Connect through SSH:

To connect use:

gcloud compute ssh --zone=europe-west1-d  instance-2

Notice that the zone may not be needed if you use the one set up by default.


Connect to Linux VMs using Google tools  |  Compute Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud

Instructions for setting up Anaconda on the cloud:

> sudo apt get && sudo apt upgrade
> sudo apt install wget

Find latest linux install here:

for example, to target:

> wget

To connect and do things as root simply use the previous method, and to connect as root

Connecting to Linux VMs using advanced methods  |  Compute Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud