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Migrating to v2.0.0

ESLint v2.0.0 是ESLint 发布的第二个主要版本,作为版本升级结果,ESLint规则在v2.0.0和以前0.x和1.x有了一些显著的变化,这些变化主要来源于ESLint社区的使用者对ESLint的反馈信息,一些反馈意见由于升级轨迹暂未考虑在内。这次升级是必要的,我们相信这次版本升级使得ESLint能够更好的工作,同时我们也希望这次升级所带来的好处能够弥补升级变化带给你的苦恼。

注意: 如果你是从0.x升级到v2.0.0,请首先参考 Migrating to 1.0.0


Due to a quirk in the way rule schemas worked, it was possible that you'd need to account for the rule severity (0, 1, or 2) in a rule schema if the options were sufficiently complex. That would result in a schema such as:

module.exports = {
    "type": "array",
    "items": [
            "enum": [0, 1, 2]
            "enum": ["always", "never"]
    "minItems": 1,
    "maxItems": 2

This was confusing to rule developers as it seemed that rules shouldn't be in charge of validating their own severity. In 2.0.0, rules no longer need to check their own severity.

To address: If you are exporting a rule schema that checks severity, you need to make several changes:

  1. Remove the severity from the schema
  2. Adjust minItems from 1 to 0
  3. Adjust maxItems by subtracting 1

Here's what the schema from above looks like when properly converted:

module.exports = {
    "type": "array",
    "items": [
            "enum": ["always", "never"]
    "minItems": 0,
    "maxItems": 1



解决方案: 你需要手动的对ESLint配置文件中的规则进行升级,ESLint v2.0.0在你依然使用被移除规则时会发出警告并给出替换的规则,在你升级的过程中你会发现一些惊喜之处。


在2.0.0之前,如果项目里既包含.eslintrc 文件,同时也包含 package.son 文件,这两个文件都包含配置信息,那么ESLint的效果是这两个文件合并后的效果。在v2.0.0版本中,如果同时存在以上两个文件,那么只有.eslintrc文件生效,package.json文件内的配置信息将被忽略,除非在不存在.eslintrc文件时,package.json 文件对ESLint的配置才会生效。

解决方案: 如果在相同的目录下同时包含.eslintrc.*package.son 文件来对ESLint进行配置,手动合并这两个文件为一个文件。


在2.0.0版本之前,ES6中的一些新的全局变量,比如Promise, Map, Set, 和Symbol 包含在了内建的全局环境中,这可能会导致一些潜在的问题出现,比如:即使在ES5环境下,Promise还不能使用时,no-undef 也允许了Promise 构造函数的使用,并且不会报错。在2.0.0版本,内建环境只包含了ES5的所有全局变量,而ES6新增的全局变量迁移到了es6 环境中。

解决方案: 如果你正在使用ES6的语法编写代码,那么如果你还没有添加es6环境,那么尽快添加它。

// In your .eslintrc
    env: {
        es6: true

// Or in a configuration comment
/*eslint-env es6*/



  • ecmaFeatures 配置项现从属于parserOptions配置属性下面。
  • 所有的ECMAScript 6 标记的ecmaFeatures 都被移除,并被一个parserOptions 下面的ecmaVersion配置项所替代,该配置项可以被设置为如下值:3, 5(默认值)或者 6.
  • ecmaFeatures.modules标记被parserOptions配置项下面的sourceType属性所替代,该属性可能的取值包括"script"(默认值)和"module" 用于启动ES6中的modules特性。

解决方案: 如果你在ecmaFeatures中使用了ECMAScript 6 特性标签,那么你需要使用ecmaVersion: 6 来替换之前配置,ECMAScript 6特性标签列表如下:


    ecmaFeatures: {
        arrowFunctions: true

那么为了使用ES 6,你需要设置 ecmaVersion:

    parserOptions: {
        ecmaVersion: 6


    ecmaFeatures: {
        jsx: true

然后你需要把 ecmaFeatures 迁移到 parserOptions配置项之下:

    parserOptions: {
        ecmaFeatures: {
            jsx: true

若果你使用了 ecmaFeatures.modules 来启动ES6 module,那么需要做如下修改:

    ecmaFeatures: {
        modules: true

    parserOptions: {
        sourceType: "module"

除此之外,如果你在规则中使用了 context.ecmaFeatures ,那么你需要对你的代码做如下升级:

  1. If you're using an ES6 feature flag such as context.ecmaFeatures.blockBindings, rewrite to check forcontext.parserOptions.ecmaVersion > 5.
  2. If you're using context.ecmaFeatures.modules, rewrite to check that the sourceType property of the Program node is "module".
  3. If you're using a non-ES6 feature flag such as context.ecmaFeatures.jsx, rewrite to check for context.parserOptions.ecmaFeatures.jsx.

If you're not using ecmaFeatures in your configuration, then no change is needed.


    "extends": "eslint:recommended"

在2.0.0中, "eslint:recommended"新增11条规则。


    "extends": "eslint:recommended",
    "rules": {
        "no-case-declarations": 0,
        "no-class-assign": 0,
        "no-const-assign": 0,
        "no-dupe-class-members": 0,
        "no-empty-pattern": 0,
        "no-new-symbol": 0,
        "no-self-assign": 0,
        "no-this-before-super": 0,
        "no-unexpected-multiline": 0,
        "no-unused-labels": 0,
        "constructor-super": 0


We found some bugs in our scope analysis that needed to be addressed. Specifically, we were not properly accounting for global variables in all the ways they are defined.

Originally, Variable objects and Reference objects refer each other:

  • Variable#references property is an array of Reference objects which are referencing the variable.
  • Reference#resolved property is a Variable object which are referenced.

But until 1.x, the following variables and references had the wrong value (empty) in those properties:

  • var declarations in the global.
  • function declarations in the global.
  • Variables defined in config files.
  • Variables defined in /* global */ comments.

Now, those variables and references have correct values in these properties.

Scope#through property has references where Reference#resolved is null. So as a result of this change, the value of Scope#through property was changed also.

To address: If you are using Scope#through to find references of a built-in global variable, you need to make several changes.

For example, this is how you might locate the window global variable in 1.x:

var globalScope = context.getScope();
globalScope.through.forEach(function(reference) {
    if ( === "window") {

This was a roundabout way to find the variable because it was added after the fact by ESLint. The window variable was in Scope#through because the definition couldn't be found.

In 2.0.0, window is no longer located in Scope#through because we have added back the correct declaration. That means you can reference the windowobject (or any other global object) directly. So the previous example would change to this:

var globalScope = context.getScope();
var variable = globalScope.set.get("window");
if (variable) {

Further Reading:

Default Changes When Using eslint:recommended

This will affect you if you are extending from eslint:recommended, and are enabling no-multiple-empty-lines or func-style with only a severity, such as:

    "extends": "eslint:recommended",
    "rules": {
        "no-multiple-empty-lines": 2,
        "func-style": 2

The rule no-multiple-empty-lines has no default exceptions, but in ESLint 1.x, a default from eslint:recommended was applied such that a maximum of two empty lines would be permitted.

The rule func-style has a default configuration of "expression", but in ESLint 1.xeslint:recommended defaulted it to "declaration".

ESLint 2.0.0 removes these conflicting defaults, and so you may begin seeing linting errors related to these rules.

To address: If you would like to maintain the previous behavior, update your configuration for no-multiple-empty-lines by adding {"max": 2}, and change func-style to "declaration". For example:

    "extends": "eslint:recommended",
    "rules": {
        "no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, {"max": 2}],
        "func-style": [2, "declaration"]

SourceCode constructor (Node API) changes

SourceCode constructor got to handle Unicode BOM. If the first argument text has BOM, SourceCode constructor sets true to this.hasBOM and strips BOM from the text.

var SourceCode = require("eslint").SourceCode;

var code = new SourceCode("\uFEFFvar foo = bar;", ast);

assert(code.hasBOM === true);
assert(code.text === "var foo = bar;");

So the second argument ast also should be parsed from stripped text.

To address: If you are using SourceCode constructor in your code, please parse the source code after it stripped BOM:

var ast = yourParser.parse(text.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ""), options);
var sourceCode = new SourceCode(text, ast);

Rule Changes

  • strict - defaults to "safe" (previous default was "function")

Plugins No Longer Have Default Configurations

Prior to v2.0.0, plugins could specify a rulesConfig for the plugin. The rulesConfig would automatically be applied whenever someone uses the plugin, which is the opposite of what ESLint does in every other situation (where nothing is on by default). To bring plugins behavior in line, we have removed support forrulesConfig in plugins.

To address: If you are using a plugin in your configuration file, you will need to manually enable the plugin rules in the configuration file.