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A discord-bot for open source communities

Gitty is a bot for Discord that allows open source communities work with github with out leaving Discord . It integrates github api for giving the information you need to run your community.


git help

To know all the commands.

git addorg

Add default organization for your server.After adding organization you can access PRs and issues in any repo of that organization.Pass org name as argument.

git org

To know info of any organization on github.Pass orgname as an argument or check yours by simply typing git org.

git pulls

To know PRs in any repo of the default organization.Pass reponame as argument.

git issues

To know Issues in any repo of the deafault organization.Pass reponame as argument.

git user

To know about any github user. Pass username as an argument.

git quote

To get some motivation.

git serverinfo

To know server Stats.

git memberinfo

To know server memberinfo.

More command documentation to be added soon