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Solution building instructions

This guide explains how to:

  • Install required software
  • Clone the repository (source code) to your local computer
  • Build (compile) the source code to DLL files
  • Test in-game

We strongly recommend doing development work on Windows as there's much more tooling available. If you're using a Mac, set up a Boot Camp partition for Windows and use that. If you're using Linux, consult the internets.


You only need to do these steps once

The following software is required...

If desired, there are some additional tools listed in the wiki.

To enable file and line numbers in log files follow THIS PAGE.


You only need to do these steps once

This will clone the source code to your local machine...

GitHub and Windows Mandatory ASLR

Recent versions of Windows 10 include an anti-exploit mechanism called Mandatory ASLR. However, this can prevent unix-like executable (such as those used by GitHub) from functioning.

If you have system-wide Mandatory ASLR enabled, you might see errors such as:

  • .... \git\usr\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected
  • .... \app\mingw64\libexec\git-core\git-submodule: line 1121: cmd_: command not found

The only known workaround is to exclude all executables in \resources\app\git\ from Mandatory ASLR. For details see GitHub issue #3096.

GitHub Desktop:

  • Go to the online repository
  • Click the green Clone or Download button and choose Open in Desktop
  • Follow on-screen instructions (dependencies will be handled automatically)

Git for Windows:

  • Open the inbuilt console
  • Use git clone clone repository locally
  • Then cd TMPE
  • Then git submodule update --init --recursive to fetch dependencies


You only need to do these steps once

This is only required for the JetBrains Rider IDE:


This will compile the source code to DLL files...

If you get errors at this stage, it's likely that your IDE isn't able to find the managed .dll files it needs. See Managed DLLs section at bottom of this page.


There are several build configurations, but we mostly use just three:

  • DEBUG - this build enables all kinds of debug features, including the in-game debug menu, debug overlays and debug logging
    • Mod display name will include DEBUG
  • RELEASE - this build is for public releases of the STABLE edition of TM:PE
    • Mod display name will include STABLE
  • RELEASE LABS - this build is for the public releases of the LABS edition of TM:PE
    • Mod display name will include LABS

In Visual Studio:

  • Choose desired build configuration
    • Use the drop-down on the toolbar (it's adjacent to Any CPU)
  • Then build the project:
    • Right-click TLM project in Solution Explorer and choose Build
    • Or, Build > Build Solution (shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + B)

In JetBrains Rider:

  • Choose desired build configuration
    • Use the dropdown on the actions bar (under Team menu)
  • Then build the project:
    • Right-click TLM project in Solution Explorer and choose Build
    • Or, Build > Build Solution (shortcut: F6)


The built DLL files are automatically copied over to the local mods folder of the game if the build is successful. If not, check the post-build events for the TLM project.

Once built, you should be able to test the mod in-game. Remember to enable it in Content Manager > Mods.

If you have any problems, let us know!

Managed DLLs

If you have installed Cities Skylines, the build system will try to locate the dlls automatically. If it can't find them you will need setup dll references manually. You only need to do this once, and only if your IDE wasn't able to find the required managed .dll files.

TM:PE requires references to several "managed" .dll files that are bundled with the game; it should automatically find the files, but if not you'll have to do some additional setup...


  • First, locate your Steam folder. It is normally found in:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
    • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/
    • On Steam client you can check Steam > settings > Download > Steam Library Folders
  • The managed .dll files should be in the subfolder: \steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed\.

EA Origin:

  • First, locate your Origin Games folder. It's normally found in:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games
  • The managed .dll files should be in the subfolder: \Cities Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed.

Now you'll need to let your IDE know about the folder or the files:

  • Locate your local TMPE GitHub repository clone
  • Do only one of the following:
    • create a \TLM\dependencies folder, then copy in the .dll files (simple, but you'll need to repeat the task each game update)
    • or, create a \TLM\dependencies symlink to the ...\Managed folder you located earlier
    • or, manually add the reference path to each project in the solution (process depends on IDE see below...)

If you choose the latter option, the procedure depends on your IDE.

In Visual Studio:

  • Open \TLM\TMPE.sln in your IDE, then...
  • For each project listed in the Solution Explorer (right sidebar):
    1. Right-click the project, then choose Properties
    2. Select Reference Paths on the left
    3. Add the full path to the Managed folder.

In JetBrains Rider:

  • At time of writing, there is no GUI for adding Reference Paths so you have to do it manually:
    • For each project, create a <project name>.csproj.user file (in the folder of that project)
      • For example, the TLM project needs a TLM.csproj.user file (in the \TLM folder)
    • Paste in the following code, making sure to edit the path to the Managed folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">