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310 lines (251 loc) · 14.1 KB

Changelog for concordium-client



  • Display the correct "at disposal" balance when used with node versions prior to 7.
  • Fix a bug in correctly accounting for parsed events.
  • Change --out flag for ./client validator add to --validator-credentials-out, fixing an issue where this command had two conflicting--out options.


  • Support node version 7 and protocol version 7.
    • Display account balance "at disposal". (Note, this will (incorrectly) show as 0 if connecting to an older version of the node.)
    • List the cooldowns on an account, and their expiration times.
  • Improved checks when configuring a validator or delegator.
  • Fix the display of the expected expiry of pending changes to an account's stake, so that they correctly account for the change taking place at a payday.


  • Remove command raw SendTransaction.
  • Remove command transaction send-shielded to disable the transfer of CCD from the shielded balance of the account to the shielded balance of another account.
  • Remove command account shield to disable the transfer of CCD from the public balance to the shielded balance of an account.
  • Add command transaction add-signature to add a signature to a partially-signed transaction.
  • Revise command transaction submit to submit already-signed transactions to the chain. (This is a breaking change, as transactions must now already be signed, e.g. with transaction add-signature.)
  • Add optional --out flag to all transaction-creating commands to output a partially-singed transaction to a file.
  • Update GHC version to 9.6.4 (lts-22.9).
  • Update Rust version to 1.73.
  • Preliminary support for protocol version 7.


  • Remove uses of baker term when printing chain parameters.
  • Remove remaining uses of baker in output of validator add and validator configure command and in their options.


  • Revise client's reconnect handling so that the client will no longer attempt to automatically reconnect on timeouts and node resource exhaustion.
  • Rename bakers to validators in output.
  • Add additional configuration options that use validator in place of baker. For example concordium-client validator add. The older options still exist, but are hidden.
  • The module inspect command now attempts to print any embedded verifiable build information.
  • The module deploy command now warns if a module is being deployed that does not have embedded verifiable build information.


  • Add baker win-time command for determining the earliest time a specified baker is expected to bake.
  • End stream consumption early if an error is returned.
  • Add support for the following node version 6.1 queries under the raw command:
    • GetBakersRewardPeriod
    • GetBlockCertificates
    • GetBakerEarliestWinTime
    • GetWinningBakersEpoch
    • GetFirstBlockEpoch
    • Add support for CommissionRates in CurrentPaydayBakerPoolStatus (Only available for node versions > 6.0).
    • Show all options for importing an account.


  • Add an unit (ms) to the minimum block time shown in the chain parameters for P6.


  • Remove a stray CTrue in output of consensus show-chain-parameters.
  • The client now outputs protocol version as part of raw GetBlockInfo and block show commands.
  • The client needs node version at least 5.4.
  • Add raw GetNextUpdateSequenceNumbers subcommand.
  • Add node version to the output of raw GetNodeInfo.
  • Add current timeout duration, current round, current epoch and trigger block time to the output of raw GetConsensusInfo.
  • Add current timeout duration, current round, current epoch and trigger block time to the output of consensus status when they are present.
  • Add round and epoch to the output of raw GetBlockInfo.
  • Add round and epoch to the output of block show when they are present.
  • Print "Block time" instead of "Slot time" in the output of block show.
  • In the output of consensus show-parameters, only print election difficulty when present.


  • Fix a bug that caused another code-leftover to be displayed in the finalization proof line of the gas rewards section of the consensus show-chain-parameters output. This is only relevant when the queried chain runs protocol version 6.
  • Add raw GetBlockTransactionEvents that prints the list of transaction outcomes in a given block.


  • Fix a bug that caused commission-rate related reject reasons to be incorrectly displayed in the output of baker configure and transaction status.
  • Fix a bug that caused leftover code to be displayed in the finalization proof line of the gas rewards section of the consensus show-chain-parameters output.
  • Fix a bug that caused the output of raw GetCryptographicParameters to be printed in a non-versioned context.
  • The help-message for raw Shutdown now properly describes its effects.


  • The --grpc-authentication-token option has been removed.
  • The client now uses the V2 GRPC API exposed by the node. This introduces some breaking changes:
    • Since the node serves the V2 GRPC API at port 20000 by default, the default value of the --grpc-port option has been updated to reflect this.
    • raw family of commands:
      • Commands raw GetTransactionStatusInBlock, raw StartBaker, raw StopBaker, raw JoinNetwork and raw LeaveNetwork have been removed.
      • Command raw GetBlockSummary has been removed, and replaced by the commands raw GetBlockPendingUpdates, raw GetBlockSpecialEvents, raw GetBlockChainParameters raw GetBlockFinalizationSummary. These provide a more granular way of accessing to the same data.
      • raw BanNode and raw UnbanNode no longer support node IDs, but now rather take just an IP address.
      • raw DumpStart takes a parameter specifying the path of the file to write dumped packets to, and furthermore supports a flag to specify whether raw packets should be written to the file.
      • Output of raw GetBannedPeers prints a JSON list of banned IP addresses, represented as strings.
      • Output of raw GetPeerUptime now prints an integer representing the uptime of the node in milliseconds.
      • Slight changes to raw GetNodeInfo. Notably the baker ID is now included in the output when the node is in the baker or finalization committee. Various consensus-related details about the node is also elaborated upon.
      • Slight changes to raw GetPeerData output. Notably the catch-up status and consensus-related details about the peer is elaborated upon.
      • raw SendTransaction no longer allows for specifying a network ID.
    • consensus show-parameters now additionally prints the election difficulty.
    • Slight changes to error message information and their phrasing for other families of commands.


  • Receive function parameters are now displayed as JSON in transaction status whenever they could be succesfully parsed by a smart contract schema embedded in the module or supplied by the user using the --schema option.


  • Add support of contract schema V3. - V3 schemas offer the same options as V2, but also optionally includes a schema for contract events. - transaction status now displays contract events, and a schema can be provided with --schema, which will be used to parse the contract events. By default events are parsed with the schema embedded in the contract, if present. - This enables concordium-client to interact with contracts and schemas using concordium-std version 5.
  • Improved formatting of transaction status output using contract schemas if they are available for displaying contract events.
  • Output function parameters as hex strings in transaction status.


  • Add support for protocol version 5.
  • Add a --secure flag to enable connecting to gRPC using TLS. All commands that query the node support this.


  • Fix handling of --no-confirm in contract init, contract update, module deploy, and register data transactions. This flag is now respected.
  • Add support for importing accounts exported by the browser extension wallet.
  • Make the output of CCD amounts consistent when printing transaction outcomes. The output should now always x.y CCD for some x and y.


  • Fix bug in contract schema parsing caused by endiannes confusion.
  • Add support for smart contract schema V2.
    • V2 schemas offer the same options as V1, but can also include a schema for the error type.
    • This enables concordium-client to interact with contracts and schemas using concordium-std version 4.


  • Add support for contract schemas containing the version.
  • Add support for the contract schema types, ULeb128, ILeb128, ByteList and ByteArray.


  • Fix calculation of payload size of a configure baker transaction in the function bakerConfigurePayloadSize in Transaction.hs used by the wallet-proxy.
  • Fix help text of baker add and baker configure commands that referred to raw GetChainParameters.


  • Add support for v1 smart contracts.
  • Add contract invoke command for simulating contracts locally on the node.
  • Make module deploy expect modules with a version prefix.
    • This prefix is automatically added when building with cargo-concordium version >= 2.
    • Add the flag --contract-version to support modules without the version prefix.
  • contract update command now uses --entrypoint to specify the function to invoke. This is renamed from the previous --func.
  • When calling contract update or contract invoke with a non-existent entrypoint the fallback entrypoint is called if one specified in the contract.
  • Related to delegation:
    • Add commands delegator add, delegator configure and delegator remove.
    • Add commands baker configure , baker update-url and baker update-delegation-status.
    • Update existing commands baker add, baker remove, baker set-key, baker update-restake and baker update-stake so that in Protocol version < 4, they generate the former P3 transaction, and in Protocol version 4, they generate the relevant "configure baker" transaction.
    • Support raw queries GetPoolStatus and GetBakerList.
  • Add consensus show-chain-parameters subcommand to print the chain parameters.


  • Rename --encrypted and --decrypt-encrypted flags to account show to --shielded and --reveal-shielded.


  • support the same range of tag names for LEI as is supported by identity issuance command line tools. Previously only UNNAMED#13 was supported and now both lei and the former are.


  • credentials revealing newly introduced attribute LEI can be deployed


  • rename GTU token to CCD
  • rename send-gtu, send-gtu-scheduled and send-gtu-encrypted to send, send-scheduled and send-shielded.
  • rename account encrypt/decrypt to account shield/unshield


  • show line breaks, tabs etc. in memo transfers (when it's CBOR encoded string), instead of escaping them as \n, \t etc.
  • Display memo as JSON in a more readable way.
  • Add time units to slot duration and epoch duration in consensus status.
  • Update register-data command to register data as CBOR encoded strings or JSON using the new flags --string and --json. Raw data can still be registered using the new flag --raw.
  • Add raw DisconnectPeer, a dual to the existing raw ConnectPeer.
  • Warn user when trying to add a baker with stake below the minimum threshold.
  • Improve how contract schemas are shown as JSON.
    • Display complex types in arrays correctly.
    • Use angle brackets to indicate placeholders, e.g. "<UInt16>" instead of "UInt16".
  • Improve module inspect:
    • Show all contracts from a module regardless of whether a schema is included or not.
    • Show the receive methods for contracts as well.
  • Allow sending transactions where the sender is an account alias.
  • Add command for generating aliases of an address.


  • show smart contract state as raw bytes, if schema is provided but doesn't include the state type.
  • warn about sending transfers with oversized memos.
  • show amount in GTU instead of µGTU when trying to send an encrypted amount that is larger than the encrypted balance.


  • The account show command can receive a credential registration ID instead of a name or address.
  • support sending the three new transaction types, i.e. TransferWithMemo, EncryptedTransferWithMemo and TransferWithScheduleAndMemo
  • show transfer memo in transaction status
  • show protocolVersion, genesisIndex, currentEraGenesisBlock and currentEraGenesisTime in consensus status
  • this version is only compatible with node version 1.1.0 and later.
  • warn the user when trying to deploy a wasm module of size > 65536 bytes
  • warn the user when adding a baker staking more than 95% of the amount on the account
  • correct printing of cooldown time in account show
  • The raw GetBlocksAtHeight command can take an optional genesis index, given by the --genesis-index <GENINDEX> option. If supplied, the height is considered relative to the genesis block at this index. Additionally, the --restrict flag can be specified to only return blocks that belong to the specified genesis index (or index 0, if the genesis index was not specified).
  • show the genesis index and relative block height in block show


  • support the new mobile wallet export format. This breaks compatibility with the old format.


  • baker generate-keys outputs public and private keys in separate files, and optionally includes baker-id
  • fix printing of "expiry too soon warning" when the expiry is less than 30s from now.
  • produce an error when an invalid credential holder or invalid key is specified in the 'signers' option of the 'send-gtu' command.
  • Improve error message for SC update failures.
  • Fix incorrect parsing of ReceiveName when the contract field contains a dot.


  • Add ContractName and ReceiveName to schema.
  • Add UInt128 and Int128 to schema type.
  • Add 'transaction register-data' command.