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Plume Admin

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Plume Admin is based on Plume Framework, it provides Jersey web services to build an administration area.

If you are looking for a JavaScript frontened that uses these web-services, check out the Plume Admin UI for AngularJS.

Looking for a demo? Check out the Plume Demo project.


  1. Maven dependency:
  1. Guice module: install(new GuiceAdminWsWithDefaultsModule())
  2. Jersey web-services: packages("com.coreoz.plume.admin.webservices")
  3. Jersey admin security: register(AdminSecurityFeature.class)
  4. Generate a JWT secret key and register it in your configuration: admin.jwt-secret = "long_generated_password_to_secure_jwt_tokens"
  5. SQL, see setup files
  6. Install a JS frontend like Plume Admin UI for AngularJS

Current user access

To fetch the current user in an administration web-service, this Jersey binder must be installed in the Jersey configuration class:

register(new AbstractBinder() {
	protected void configure() {

Admin security

To use this module without Admin Web-services, an implementation of WebSessionClassProvider must be provided.


To generate JWT secret, LastPass generator can be used with a password length of about 50 characters.

# this key should be changed in production if test users cannot be trusted
admin.jwt-secret = "long_generated_password_to_secure_jwt_tokens"
# default values
admin.session-duration = 12 hours
admin.login.max-attempts = 5
admin.login.blocked-duration = 30 seconds
# enable to ensure that users passwords are long enough
admin.passwords.min-length = 0

WS System module

To set up the module, install the Plume Schedule module in ApplicationModule: install(new GuiceSchedulerModule());

HTTP API Log module

To set up the module:

  • Maven:
  • Install the Plume Schedule module in ApplicationModule: install(new GuiceSchedulerModule());
  • Scheduler:
LogApiScheduledJobs logApiScheduledJobs; // from dependency injection

Upgrade instructions

See the upgrade file to see the upgrade instructions.


If hibernate is used, install Guice brige module: install(new GuiceHibernateToQuerydslBridgeModule())