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It is recommended to fill in environment variables in the Workers configuration interface, rather than directly modifying variables in the JS code.

KV Configuration

KEY Special Explanation
DATABASE Create KV first, name it arbitrarily, and then set it to DATABASE when binding.

System Configuration

Configuration that is common to each user, usually filled in the Workers configuration interface.

KEY Description Default Value Special Description
LANGUAGE Language zh-CN zh-CNzh-TW, en
AI_PROVIDER AI provider auto AI providers: auto, azure, openai, workers; auto automatically selects a valid configuration. The priority order is azure > openai > workers.
UPDATE_BRANCH Git branch master Branch where version detection is located
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TELEGRAM_API_DOMAIN Telegram Customization of Telegram API server.
TELEGRAM_AVAILABLE_TOKENS Support for multiple Telegram Bot Token null Multiple Token separated by ,
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CHAT_WHITE_LIST Chat ID Whitelisting null Multiple IDs are separated by ,, not knowing the IDs, talking to the bot for a sentence returns
I_AM_A_GENEROUS_PERSON Close the whitelist and allow access to all false Since many people don't want to whitelist, or don't know how to get an ID, setting this option will allow everyone to access it, with a value of true.
LOCK_USER_CONFIG_KEYS Lock custom user configurations [] You can lock certain fields. For example, setting it to CHAT_MODEL can prevent other users from switching models through the /setenv command. Multiple fields are separated by ,.
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AUTO_TRIM_HISTORY Automatically trim history true To avoid the 4096 character limit, truncate the message
MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH Maximum history length 20 When AUTO_TRIM_HISTORY is turned on To avoid the 4096 character limit, truncate the message
MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH Maximum number of historical tokens 2048 Too long and easy to timeout suggest setting at a suitable number
GPT3_TOKENS_COUNT GTP counting mode false Use more accurate token counting mode instead of just judging string length, but it's easy to time out
GPT3_TOKENS_COUNT_REPO GPT3 Counter Resource Repo Resource file for loading GPT3 Token counting configurations
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SYSTEM_INIT_MESSAGE System initialization message You are a useful assistant. Default robot init message
SYSTEM_INIT_MESSAGE_ROLE System initialization message Role system Default robot init role
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ENABLE_USAGE_STATISTICS Enable usage statistics false After enabling, each API call will be recorded in KV and can be viewed through /usage.
HIDE_COMMAND_BUTTONS Hide command buttons null Write the buttons you want to hide separated by commas /start,/system, remember to include slashes, and after modifying, reinitialize init.
SHOW_REPLY_BUTTON Show Quick Reply button false Display quick reply buttons.
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DEBUG_MODE Debug mode false Currently, the latest message can be saved to KV for convenient debugging. It consumes a lot of KV write volume and must be turned off in the production environment.
DEV_MODE Developer mode false Development testing
STREAM_MODE Stream mode true Get a typewriter output mode similar to ChatGPT Web.
SAFE_MODE Safe mode true Safe mode will increase KV write overhead, but it can avoid Telegram's death loop retry caused by Workers timeout, reduce token waste, and it is not recommended to disable.
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API_KEY OpenAI API Key null Multiple keys can be used at the same time, and one will be randomly selected when using the
CHAT_MODEL Open AI model gpt-3.5-turbo
OPENAI_API_DOMAIN OpenAI API Domain [Deprecated: use OPENAI_API_BASE] Can be replaced with the domain name of other service providers compatible with OpenAI API.
OPENAI_API_BASE OPENAI API Base URL Compatible with Cloudflare AI Gateway
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AZURE_API_KEY azure api key null Support Azure API, choose either of the two keys. If you want to use Azure by default, you can set AI_PROVIDER to azure.
AZURE_COMPLETIONS_API azure completions api url null
AZURE_DALLE_API azure dalle api url null
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CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID Cloudflare User ID null You can find this information in the right sidebar of the workers homepage, If you want to use Azure by default, you can set AI_PROVIDER to workers.
CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN Cloudflare Token null You can create using the Workers AI (Beta) template at
WORKERS_CHAT_MODEL Text generation model @cf/mistral/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1 You can check the specific model list at
WORKERS_IMAGE_MODEL Text-to-image generation model @cf/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 Same as above.
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DALL_E_MODEL The model of the generated image dall-e-2 Support dall-e-2 and dall-e-3
DALL_E_IMAGE_SIZE The size of the generated image 512x512 The size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024 for dall-e-2. Must be one of 1024x1024, 1792x1024, or 1024x1792 for dall-e-3 models.
DALL_E_IMAGE_QUALITY The image quality of the generated image standard The quality of the image that will be generated. hd creates images with finer details and greater consistency across the image. This param is only supported for dall-e-3.
DALL_E_IMAGE_STYLE The image style of the generated image vivid The style of the generated images. Must be one of vivid or natural. Vivid causes the model to lean towards generating hyper-real and dramatic images. Natural causes the model to produce more natural, less hyper-real looking images. This param is only supported for dall-e-3.

Group Configuration

You can add the bot to a group, and then everyone in the group can chat with the bot.

BREAKING CHANGE: Major changes, you must add the group ID to the whitelist CHAT_GROUP_WHITE_LIST to use it, otherwise anyone can add your bot to the group and consume your quota.

IMPORTANT: Due to the privacy and security policies of restricted Telegram groups, if your group is a public group or has more than 2000 people, please set the bot as administrator, otherwise the bot will not respond to chat messages with @bot.

IMPORTANT:Must set /setprivacy to disable in botfather, otherwise the bot will not respond to chat messages with @bot.

KEY Explanation Default Value Special Explanation
GROUP_CHAT_BOT_ENABLE Enable group chat bot true After enabling, the bot joins the group and everyone in the group can chat with the bot.
TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME Bot name xxx_bot null The order must be consistent with TELEGRAM_AVAILABLE_TOKENS, must be set, otherwise it cannot be used in group chat
GROUP_CHAT_BOT_SHARE_MODE Share chat history of group chat bot false After enabling, the group has only one session and configuration. If disabled, each person in the group has their own session context.
CHAT_GROUP_WHITE_LIST Group chat ID whitelist null Separate multiple IDs with ,. If you don't know the ID, you can chat with the bot in the group and it will return it.

User Configuration

Each user's custom configuration can only be modified by sending a message through Telegram. The message format is /setenv KEY=VALUE. User configurations have higher priority than system configurations. If you want to delete a configuration, please use /delenv KEY. To set variables in bulk, please use /setenvs {"KEY1": "VALUE1", "KEY2": "VALUE2"}.

KEY Description
AI_PROVIDER Configuration same as ENV.AI_PROVIDER
CHAT_MODEL Configuration same as ENV.CHAT_MODEL
OPENAI_API_KEY After setting this value, the system-configured KEY will not be called.
OPENAI_API_EXTRA_PARAMS OpenAI API additional parameters, once set, will be included in every API call and can be used to adjust temperature and other parameters. /setenv OPENAI_API_EXTRA_PARAMS={"temperature": 0.5} Each modification must be a complete JSON.
DALL_E_MODEL Configuration same as ENV.DALL_E_MODEL
AZURE_API_KEY Configuration same as ENV.AZURE_API_KEY

Support command

Command Description Example
/help Get command help. /help
/new Initiate a new conversation. /new
/start Get your ID and start a new conversation. /start
/img Generate an image. /img Image description
/version Get the current version number and determine if an update is needed. /version
/setenv Set user configuration, see User Configuration for details. /setenv KEY=VALUE
/delenv Delete user configuration. /delenv KEY
/usage Get the usage statistics of the current robot. /usage
/system View some current system information. /system
/role Set the preset identity, configure usage method same as /setenv. /role
/redo Modify the previous question or provide a different answer. /redo modified content or /redo
/echo Echo message, only available in development mode. /echo

Custom Commands

In addition to the instructions defined by the system mentioned above, you can also customize shortcut commands, which can simplify certain longer commands into single-word instructions.

Custom commands use environment variables to set CUSTOM_COMMAND_XXX, where XXX is the command name, such as CUSTOM_COMMAND_azure, and the value is the command content, such as /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "azure"}. This allows you to use /azure instead of /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "azure"} for quick switching of AI providers.

Here are some examples of custom commands.

command value
CUSTOM_COMMAND_azure /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "azure"}
CUSTOM_COMMAND_workers /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "workers"}
CUSTOM_COMMAND_gpt3 /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "openai", "CHAT_MODEL": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}
CUSTOM_COMMAND_gpt4 /setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "openai", "CHAT_MODEL": "gpt-4"}
CUSTOM_COMMAND_en2cn /setenvs {"SYSTEM_INIT_MESSAGE": "You are a translator, please translate everything I say into Chinese."}

If you are using toml for configuration, you can use the following method:

CUSTOM_COMMAND_azure= '/setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "azure"}'
CUSTOM_COMMAND_workers = '/setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "workers"}'
CUSTOM_COMMAND_gpt3 = '/setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "openai", "CHAT_MODEL": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}'
CUSTOM_COMMAND_gpt4 = '/setenvs {"AI_PROVIDER": "openai", "CHAT_MODEL": "gpt-4"}'
CUSTOM_COMMAND_en2cn = '/setenvs {"SYSTEM_INIT_MESSAGE": "You are a translator, please translate everything I say into Chinese."}'