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  1. bibtext/ contains the customized bibtex parser.
  2. parses $(root)/content/diag.bib using the bibtex parser to create markdown files per publication. The markdown files are stored in $(root)/content/pages/publications/. It also saves a json file that contains extra information that will be used by pelican to generate the general list of publications and the list of publications per author. In the online version, this script is called by traviz in .traviz.yml before running pelican.


  1. bibtex_loader/ Pelican runs this plugin automatically. This plugin loads the json file generated by The content is placed as a session variable with the name 'bibkeys_html'.
  2. edit_url/ Pelican runs this plugin automatically. This plugin adds an edit_url property to content objects that correspond to a place online to edit the content (usually Github).
  3. hierarchy/ Pelican runs this plugin automatically. This plugin creates a URL hierarchy for pages that matches the directory hierarchy of their sources.
  4. fileutil/ Custom plugins for file utilities.