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Interchain Exchange Tutorial

Ahmed Hilali edited this page May 17, 2021 · 11 revisions
const seedHashPair = createSeedHashPair();
    const seed = seedHashPair.seed;
    const hash = seedHashPair.hash;
    console.log(`Seed/Hash generated: ${seed}/${hash}`);
    const spvAddressSender = "SPV_ADDRESS";
    const dfcHtlcTimeout = 500;
    const extHtlcTimeout = 15;

    // Convert some UTXO DFI to Account DFI
    await waitConfirmation(await rpcMethod('utxostoaccount', [{ [ownerAddress]: '100@0' }]));

    const newAddressSpv = (await rpcMethod('spv_getnewaddress')).result;
    console.log(`New SPV address generated: ${newAddressSpv}`);

    const spvReceiverPubKey = (await rpcMethod('spv_getaddresspubkey', [newAddressSpv])).result;

    // Create order
    const orderObj = await rpcMethod('icx_createorder',  [{"tokenFrom": 0, "chainTo":"BTC","ownerAddress": ownerAddress,"amountFrom":30,"orderPrice":0.1,"expiry":1000, "receivePubkey": spvReceiverPubKey}]);
    const orderTxId = await waitConfirmation(orderObj.result);

    const newAddress = (await rpcMethod('getnewaddress')).result;
    console.log(`New address generated: ${newAddress}`);

    // Convert some UTXO DFI to Account DFI
    await waitConfirmation(await rpcMethod('utxostoaccount', [{ [newAddress]: '100@0' }]));

    // Get pub key of address
    const newAddressPubKey = (await rpcMethod('getaddressinfo', [newAddress])).result.pubkey;

    // Make offer
    const offerTxId = await waitConfirmation((await rpcMethod('icx_makeoffer',  [{"orderTx": orderTxId,"amount": 1,
        "receiveAddress": newAddress, "ownerAddress": newAddress}])).result);

    // Submit HTLC on DFC side
    const htlcTxId = await waitConfirmation((await rpcMethod('icx_submitdfchtlc',  [{"offerTx": offerTxId, "amount": 10, 
        "hash": hash, "receiveAddress": newAddress, "receivePubkey": newAddressPubKey, "timeout": dfcHtlcTimeout}])).result);

    const spvSenderPubKey = (await rpcMethod('spv_getaddresspubkey', [spvAddressSender])).result;
    console.log(`spvReceiverPubKey: ${spvReceiverPubKey}`);
    console.log(`spvSenderPubKey: ${spvSenderPubKey}`);
    // Submit HTLC on BTC side
    const spvHtlc = await waitSPVConnected(async () => {
        return await rpcMethod('spv_createhtlc', [spvReceiverPubKey, spvSenderPubKey, `${extHtlcTimeout}`, hash], false, true);
    const spvHtlcInfo = spvHtlc.result;
    console.log(`SPV HTLC info: ${JSON.stringify(spvHtlcInfo)}`);

    // Send money to HTLC script address
    await waitSPVConnected(async () => {
        return await rpcMethod('spv_sendtoaddress',  [spvHtlcInfo.address, 0.00002], true, true);

    // List HTLC outputs
    const spvHtlcOutputsResult = await rpcMethod('spv_listhtlcoutputs');
    console.log(`SPV HTLC outputs: ${JSON.stringify(spvHtlcOutputsResult, null, 2)}`);
    // Submit external HTLC
    await waitConfirmation((await rpcMethod('icx_submitexthtlc', [{"offerTx": offerTxId, "amount": 1, 
        "htlcScriptAddress": spvHtlcInfo.address, "hash": hash, "ownerPubkey": spvReceiverPubKey, 
        "timeout": extHtlcTimeout}])).result);

    // List HTLCs
    const listHTLC = await rpcMethod('icx_listhtlcs', [{"offerTx": offerTxId}]);
    console.log(`HTLC list: ${JSON.stringify(listHTLC.result, null, 2)}`);

    // Claim ext HTLC
    await waitSPVConnected(async () => {
        return await rpcMethod('spv_claimhtlc',  [spvHtlcInfo.address, newAddressSpv, seed, 2000], false, false);

    // Get HTLC seed
    const retrievedSeed = (await rpcMethod('spv_gethtlcseed',  [spvHtlcInfo.address])).result;

    console.log(`Seed retrieved: ${JSON.stringify(retrievedSeed)}`);

    // Claim DFC HTLC
    await waitConfirmation((await rpcMethod('icx_claimdfchtlc',  
        [{"dfchtlcTx": htlcTxId, "amount": 0.1, "seed": retrievedSeed}])).result);