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Shared Libraries on Android

This doc outlines some tricks / gotchas / features of how we ship native code in Chrome on Android.


Library Packaging

  • Android J & K (ChromePublic.apk):
    • is stored compressed and extracted by Android during installation.
  • Android L & M (ChromeModernPublic.apk):
    • is stored uncompressed within the apk (with the name to avoid extraction).
    • It is loaded directly from the apk (without extracting) by mmap()'ing it.
  • Android N+ (MonochromePublic.apk):
    • is stored uncompressed (AndroidManifest.xml attribute disables extraction) and loaded directly from the apk (functionality now supported by the system linker).

Debug Information

What is it?

  • Sections of an ELF that provide debugging and symbolization information (e.g. ability convert addresses to function & line numbers).

How we use it:

  • ELF debug information is too big to push to devices, even for local development.
  • All of our APKs include .so files with debug information removed via strip.
  • Unstripped libraries are stored at out/Default/lib.unstripped.
    • Many of our scripts are hardcoded to look for them there.

Unwind Info & Frame Pointers

What are they:

  • Unwind info is data that describes how to unwind the stack. It is:
    • It is required to support C++ exceptions (which Chrome doesn't use).
    • It can also be used to produce stack traces.
    • It is generally stored in an ELF section called .eh_frame & .eh_frame_hdr, but arm32 stores it in .ARM.exidx and .ARM.extab.
      • You can see these sections via: readelf -S
  • "Frame Pointers" is a calling convention that ensures every function call has the return address pushed onto the stack.
    • Frame Pointers can also be used to produce stack traces (but without entries for inlined functions).

How we use them:

  • We disable unwind information (search for exclude_unwind_tables).
  • For all architectures except arm64, we disable frame pointers in order to reduce binary size (search for enable_frame_pointers).
  • Crashes are unwound offline using minidump_stackwalk, which can create a stack trace given a snapshot of stack memory and the unstripped library (see //docs/testing/
  • To facilitate heap profiling, we ship unwind information to arm32 canary & dev channels as a separate file: assets/unwind_cfi_32

JNI Native Methods Resolution

  • For ChromePublic.apk and ChromeModernPublic.apk:
    • JNI_OnLoad() is the only exported symbol (enforced by a linker script).
    • Native methods registered explicitly during start-up by generated code.
      • Explicit generation is required because the Android runtime uses the system's dlsym(), which doesn't know about Crazy-Linker-opened libraries.
  • For MonochromePublic.apk:
    • JNI_OnLoad() and Java_* symbols are exported by linker script.
    • No manual JNI registration is done. Symbols are resolved lazily by the runtime.

Packed Relocations

  • All flavors of lib(mono) enable "packed relocations", or "APS2 relocations" in order to save binary size.
  • To process these relocations:
    • Pre-M Android: Our custom linker must be used.
    • M+ Android: The system linker understands the format.
  • To see if relocations are packed, look for LOOS+# when running: readelf -S
  • Android P+ supports an even better format known as RELR.
    • We'll likely switch non-Monochrome apks over to using it once it is implemented in lld.

RELRO Sharing

What is it?

  • RELRO refers to the ELF segment GNU_RELRO. It contains data that the linker marks as read-only after it applies relocations.
    • To inspect the size of the segment: readelf --segments
    • For lib(mono) on arm32, it's about 2mb.
  • If two processes map this segment to the same virtual address space, then pages of memory within the segment which contain only relative relocations (99% of them) will be byte-for-byte identical.
    • Note: For fork()ed processes, all pages are already shared (via fork()'s copy-on-write semantics), so RELRO sharing does not apply to them.
  • "RELRO sharing" is when this segment is copied into shared memory and shared by multiple processes.

How does it work?

  • For Android < N (crazy linker):
    1. Browser Process: loaded normally.
    2. Browser Process: GNU_RELRO segment copied into ashmem (shared memory).
    3. Browser Process (low-end only): RELRO private memory pages swapped out for ashmem ones (using munmap() & mmap()).
    4. Browser Process: Load address and shared memory fd passed to renderers / gpu process.
    5. Renderer Process: Crazy linker tries to load to the given load address.
      • Loading can fail due to address space randomization causing something else to already by loaded at the address.
    6. Renderer Process: If loading to the desired address succeeds:
      • Linker puts GNU_RELRO into private memory and applies relocations as per normal.
      • Afterwards, memory pages are compared against the shared memory and all identical pages are swapped out for ashmem ones (using munmap() & mmap()).
  • For a more detailed description, refer to comments in
  • For Android N+:
    • The OS maintains a RELRO file on disk with the contents of the GNU_RELRO segment.
    • All Android apps that contain a WebView load at the same virtual address and apply RELRO sharing against the memory-mapped RELRO file.
    • Chrome uses MonochromeLibraryPreloader to call into the same WebView library loading code.
      • When Monochrome is the WebView provider, is loaded with the system's cached RELRO's applied.
    • System.loadLibrary() is called afterwards.
      • When Monochrome is the WebView provider, this only calls JNI_OnLoad, since the library is already loaded. Otherwise, this loads the library and no RELRO sharing occurs.
  • For non-low-end Android O+ (where there's a WebView zygote):
    • For non-renderer processes, the above Android N+ logic applies.
    • For renderer processes, the OS starts all Monochrome renderer processes by fork()ing the WebView zygote rather than the normal application zygote.
      • In this case, RELRO sharing would be redundant since the entire process' memory is shared with the zygote with copy-on-write semantics.

Library Prefetching

  • During start-up, we fork() a process that reads a byte from each page of the library's memory (or just the ordered range of the library).

Historical Tidbits

  • We used to use the system linker on M (
  • We used to use relocation_packer to pack relocations after linking, which complicated our build system and caused many problems for our tools because it caused logical addresses to differ from physical addresses.
    • We now link with lld, which supports packed relocations natively and doesn't have these problems.

See Also