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Rust integration into C++ Gtest targets.

This directory contains the tools for writing gtest-based tests in Rust and integrating them into Chromium's C++ gtest binaries. The tools are all accessible through the rust_gtest_interop target which is automatically included in test targets that depend on //testing/gtest.

To add rust unittests to a C++ Gtest target

A typical Gtest target is defined in a file, with something like this:

test("some_unittests") {
  sources = [
  deps = [

To add a Rust file to the test suite, simply add it to the rs_sources. Unlike other Rust crates, the crate_root is not specified, since it is generated from the sources list.

test("some_unittests") {
  sources = [
  rs_sources = [
  deps = [

To write a Gtest unit test in Rust

To write a unit test, you simply write a function an decorate it with the #[gtest] macro. The macro takes 2 arguments, which are the test suite name and the test name, just like the C++ TEST() macro.

The #[gtest] macro is provided by the rust_gtest_interop_rs crate, and is exported in the prelude module. Typically a unit test file would start with use rust_gtest_interop_rs::prelude::*; which includes all of the available gtest macros. This is similar to writing #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" in C++.

A Rust test:

use rust_gtest_interop_rs::prelude::*;  // Provides all the gtest macros.

#[gtest(MyTestSuite, MyTestOfThing)]
fn test() {

A C++ test:

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"  // Provides all the gtest macros.

TEST(MyTestSuite, MyTestOfThing) {


We have access to many of the same EXPECT macros in Rust that are familiar to C++ Gtest users, though they are used with Rust's macro syntax.

The macros currently available are:


expect_eq!(2, 1 + 1);  // A == B
expect_ne!(3, 1 + 2);  // A != B

expect_lt!(1 * 1, 1 * 2);  // A < B
expect_gt!(4 * 1, 1 * 2);  // A > B
expect_le!(2 * 1, 1 * 2);  // A <= B
expect_ge!(3 * 1, 2 * 3);  // A >= B

Returning a Result

A C++ test always returns void and Rust tests usually do as well. But if your test calls a function that returns Result, it is convenient to make use of the ? operator instead of checking the Result value explicitly. Thus a test can either return:

  1. () aka void.
  2. std::result::Result<(), E> for any E that can be converted to a std::error::Error. (Or in Rust parlance, for any E for which there is Into<std::error::Error>). Common error types are std::io::Error or String.

If the test with a std::result::Result return type returns Result::Err, the test will fail and display the error.

In this example, the test will fail if it can not read from file.txt, or if it does not contain "hello world":

#[gtest(TestingIO, ReadFile)]
fn test() -> std::io::Result {
  let s = std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt")?;
  expect_eq!(s, "hello world");

Shared helper utilities

Sometimes tests across different test files want to share helper utilities. Such helpers should be placed in a separate GN target, typically named with a _test_support suffix, such as starship_test_support for the starship_unittests. And would also usually be found in a test/ subdirectory.


The starship_unittests test() target would include any unit test files, such as And the starship_test_support static_library() target would include the files in the test/ subdirectory, such as and


Specifying a C++ TestSuite class

In C++, a chosen TestSuite, which subclasses testing::Test, can be specified with the TEST_F() macro. For example TEST_F(SomeSubclassOfTestingTest, Gadgets). The same can be done in Rust, albeit with a slight bit more indirection. The #[gtest_suite] macro can be specified on the test function, after the #[gtest] macro, in order to chose the TestSuite class. The macro takes an argument which is the name of a C++ function that returns the output of rust_gtest_interop::rust_gtest_factory_for_subclass<T>() where T is the class to use as the TestSuite. For example:

In a C++ file:

class ChosenClass: public testing::Test {};

/// This function can be used in #[gtest_suite].
extern "C" testing::Test* chosen_class_gtest_factory(void(*f)()) {
  return rust_gtest_interop::rust_gtest_factory_for_subclass<ChosenClass>(f);

In Rust tests:

use rust_gtest_interop::*;

#[gtest(ChosenClassTest, Gadgets)]
fn test() {
  // This test uses ChosenClass as its TestSuite.

Then the ChosenClassTest.Gadgets test will run with ChosenClass as its TestSuite class. Note that the C++ function must be marked extern "C" at this time, until we can generate access to C++-mangled functions from Rust.