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DevOps course, practices with Google Cloud Platform.

Homework 15

Docker helps to package the software into standardized units for development, shipment and deployment. Containers are lightweight by design and ideal for enabling microservices application development.

Use Docker to create instance in GCE and publish docker image in Docker Hub.

  • Configure gcloud and create new GCE project docker
~$ gcloud init
~$ gcloud auth application-default login
  • Create instance in GCE by docker-machine and change the environment variables for the Docker Client. It should connect to remote Docker Engine.
~$ docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project <project_id> \
--google-zone europe-west1-b \
--google-machine-type g1-small \
--google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \

~$ eval $(docker-machine env <docker_instance_name>)
  • Display machines running Docker
~$ docker-machine ls
NAME                     ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
<docker_instance_name>   *        google   Running   tcp://<host_ip>:2376           v17.09.0-ce
  • Build docker image
~$ docker build -t reddit:latest ./
~$ docker images -a
  • Run docker container
$ docker run --name reddit -d --network=host reddit:latest
  • Create firewall rule for reddit app
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create reddit-app \
--allow tcp:9292 --priority=65534 \
--target-tags=docker-machine \
--description="Allow TCP connections" \
  • Docker machine needs to have rules docker-machines and reddit-app
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules list
NAME                    NETWORK  DIRECTION  PRIORITY  ALLOW                         DENY
default-allow-icmp      default  INGRESS    65534     icmp
default-allow-internal  default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp
default-allow-rdp       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:3389
default-allow-ssh       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:22
docker-machines         default  INGRESS    1000      tcp:2376
reddit-app              default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:9292
~$ docker-machine ssh <docker_instance_name>

Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-37-generic x86_64)
 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:
docker-user@docker-host:~$ lsb_release -d
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
~$ docker login
~$ docker tag reddit:latest <user-login>/otus-reddit:1.0
~$ docker push <user-login>/otus-reddit:1.0
The push refers to a repository []
1.0: digest: sha256:6d60a3915efdd937a9ae0ad9e8c7b1fa2edc1a9d63000f9993cbcffa4fcca085 size: 3241

Homework 16

  • Create instance in GCE by docker-machine and change the environment variables for the Docker Client. It should connect to remote Docker Engine.
~$ docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project <project_id> \
--google-zone europe-west1-b \
--google-machine-type g1-small \
--google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \

~$ docker-machine ls
NAME          ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
<docker_instance_name>   -        google   Running   tcp://<host_ip>:2376           v17.09.0-ce

~$ docker-machine ssh <docker_instance_name>
~$ eval $(docker-machine env <docker_instance_name>)
  • Download the latest MongoDB image
~$ docker pull mongo:latest
  • Build images and test them
~compose$ docker build -t dashishmakov/ui:1.0 -f ./ui/Dockerfile_1_0 ./ui/
~compose$ docker build -t dashishmakov/comment:1.0 ./comment/
~compose$ docker build -t dashishmakov/post:1.0 ./post-py/
~compose$ docker images -a | grep dashishmakov
dashishmakov/ui        1.0                 0594004be8ef        3 minutes ago       779MB
dashishmakov/comment   1.0                 e18cb5c57fe5        4 minutes ago       774MB
dashishmakov/post      1.0                 1ab61dabb6fe        10 minutes ago      102MB
  • Create bridge-network for reddit app
~$ docker network create reddit
~$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
cac29504a2ac        bridge              bridge              local
cce3aff812f4        host                host                local
97112fc564cf        none                null                local
d85b1da7d878        reddit              bridge              local
  • Run containers, bind each of them to the network reddit and set network aliases
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=comment_db mongo:latest
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post dashishmakov/post:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=comment dashishmakov/comment:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit -p 9292:9292 dashishmakov/ui:1.0
~$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
5ad6df21619c        dashishmakov/ui:1.0        "puma"                   27 seconds ago      Up 25 seconds>9292/tcp   stoic_fermat
8e10a97ee1e6        dashishmakov/comment:1.0   "puma"                   37 seconds ago      Up 36 seconds                                pedantic_kalam
cc883b6c52ba        dashishmakov/post:1.0      "python3"    47 seconds ago      Up 46 seconds                                naughty_fermi
f8d620170918        mongo:latest               "docker-entrypoint..."   56 seconds ago      Up 55 seconds       27017/tcp                modest_blackwell
~$ docker kill $(docker ps -q)
  • If you want to change the network aliases used for communication between applications you should define new env values for each container
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=net_comment_db \
 -e POST_SERVICE_HOST='net_post' \
 -e COMMENT_SERVICE_HOST='net_comment' \
 -e COMMENT_DATABASE_HOST='net_comment_db' \

~$ docker run -d --network=reddit  --network-alias=net_post \
 -e POST_SERVICE_HOST='net_post' \
 -e COMMENT_SERVICE_HOST='net_comment' \
 -e COMMENT_DATABASE_HOST='net_comment_db' \

~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=net_comment \
 -e POST_SERVICE_HOST='net_post' \
 -e COMMENT_SERVICE_HOST='net_comment' \
 -e COMMENT_DATABASE_HOST='net_comment_db' dashishmakov/comment:1.0

~$ docker run -d --network=reddit \
 -p 9292:9292 \
 -e POST_SERVICE_HOST='net_post' \
 -e COMMENT_SERVICE_HOST='net_comment' \
 -e COMMENT_DATABASE_HOST='net_comment_db' \
  • Open URL http://<host_ip>:9292 and test the app

  • Docker images are big and usually much larger than they need to be. True OS image runs either real hardware or virtualized hardware, but not inside a Docker container. Inside a container you don't want a full system. Use other docker files to build image 2.0 (ubuntu:16.04), image 3.0 (alpine:3.6) and test them with 1.0 (ruby:2.2)

~compose$ docker build -t dashishmakov/ui:2.0 -f ./ui/Dockerfile_2_0 ./ui/
~compose$ docker build -t dashishmakov/ui:3.0 -f ./ui/Dockerfile_3_0 ./ui/
~compose$ docker images dashishmakov/ui
dashishmakov/ui        3.0                 086371a13621        25 seconds ago       199MB
dashishmakov/ui        2.0                 caa68976405a        About an hour ago    454MB
dashishmakov/ui        1.0                 0594004be8ef        3 days ago           779MB
  • Stop running containers
~$ docker kill $(docker ps -q)
  • Create docker volume to save the data after restarting containers and mount it to the mongo:latest
~$ docker volume create reddit_db
~$ docker volume ls
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=comment_db --mount source=reddit_db,target=/data/db mongo:latest
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post dashishmakov/post:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=comment dashishmakov/comment:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit -p 9292:9292 dashishmakov/ui:1.0
  • Start new container with volume
~$ docker kill <mongo_container_id>
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=comment_db --mount source=reddit_db,target=/data/db mongo:latest
~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
d25e4f7d898d        dashishmakov/ui:1.0        "puma"                   2 hours ago         Up 15 seconds>9292/tcp   friendly_yonath
1bdfd93a23cc        dashishmakov/comment:1.0   "puma"                   2 hours ago         Up 15 seconds                                agitated_jackson
76fbdb3c77e8        dashishmakov/post:1.0      "python3"    2 hours ago         Up 14 seconds                                mystifying_hypatia
3530edb57307        mongo:latest               "docker-entrypoint..."   2 hours ago         Up 13 seconds       27017/tcp                zen_hawking

Homework 17

  • Create instance in GCE by docker-machine and change the environment variables for the Docker Client. It should connect to remote Docker Engine.
~$ docker-machine create --driver google \
   --google-project <project_id> \
   --google-zone europe-west1-b \
   --google-machine-type g1-small \
   --google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \

~$ docker-machine ls
NAME          ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
docker-host   *        google   Running   tcp://<host_ip>:2376           v17.10.0-ce
  • Run container net_test with none network driver that has timer and will deleted after 100 sec. Container has Loopback network interface only.
~$ docker run --network none --rm -d --name net_test joffotron/docker-net-tools -c "sleep 100"
~$ docker exec -ti net_test ifconfig
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  • Run container net_test with host network driver and test ifconfig outputs
~$ docker run --network host --rm -d --name net_test joffotron/docker-net-tools -c "sleep 100"
~$ docker exec -ti net_test ifconfig
~$ docker-machine ssh docker-host ifconfig
  • Create new bridge network (it is a default network in the docker and you no need to define key '--driver' explicitly, but just do it)
~$ docker network create reddit --driver bridge
~$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
e7a048591474        bridge              bridge              local
e5e41b5bb7b9        host                host                local
a9aca5eaa1f3        none                null                local
df49b0667c1c        reddit              bridge              local
  • Run containers, bind each of them to the network reddit and set network aliases because services search by DNS names from env variables
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=comment_db mongo:latest
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=post dashishmakov/post:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit --network-alias=comment dashishmakov/comment:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=reddit -p 9292:9292 dashishmakov/ui:1.0
  • Open URL http://<host_ip>:9292 and test the app

  • Right now all services use one network interface. Let's create different network interfaces and separate ui from db

~$ docker network create back_net --subnet=
~$ docker network create front_net --subnet=
~$ docker run -d --network=front_net -p 9292:9292 --name ui dashishmakov/ui:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=back_net --name comment dashishmakov/comment:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=back_net --name post dashishmakov/post:1.0
~$ docker run -d --network=back_net --name mongo_db --network-alias=post_db --network-alias=comment_db mongo:latest
~$ docker network connect front_net post
~$ docker network connect front_net comment
  • Open URL http://<host_ip>:9292 and test the app

  • Let's look at the current Linux network stack on virtual instance in GCE

~$ docker-machine ssh docker-host
~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bridge-utils
~$ sudo docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
310a8bd102cf        back_net            bridge              local
e7a048591474        bridge              bridge              local
593663a63d49        front_net           bridge              local
e5e41b5bb7b9        host                host                local
a9aca5eaa1f3        none                null                local
df49b0667c1c        reddit              bridge              local

~$ ifconfig | grep br
br-310a8bd102cf Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:83:55:32:14
br-593663a63d49 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:1d:7a:48:6c
br-df49b0667c1c Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:96:6c:be:1d

~$ brctl show br-593663a63d49
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br-593663a63d49		8000.02421d7a486c	no		veth3b6ae49
  • Show iptables
~$ sudo iptables -nL -t nat
Chain DOCKER (2 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
RETURN     all  --  
RETURN     all  --  
RETURN     all  --  
RETURN     all  --  
DNAT       tcp  --              tcp dpt:9292 to:
  • Find the docker-proxy process listening on TCP port 9292
~$ ps ax | grep docker-proxy
  • Stop and remove running containers
~$ docker kill $(docker ps -q)
~$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)


A service definition contains configuration which will be applied to each container started for that service, much like passing command-line parameters to docker run, docker network, docker volume

  • Set environment variables for docker-compose
~compose$ export USERNAME=dashishmakov
~compose$ cp .env.example .env
~compose$ docker-compose up -d
~compose$ docker-compose ps
          Name                       Command             State           Ports
microservices_comment_1    puma                          Up
microservices_mongo_db_1 mongod   Up      27017/tcp
microservices_post_1       python3           Up
microservices_ui_1         puma                          Up>9292/tcp

Homework 20, 21

1.1) Prometheus is a powerful time-series monitoring service, providing a flexible platform for monitoring software products. Let's run and get acquainted with this product.

  • create instance in GCE by docker-machine. Change the environment variables for the Docker Client and connect to the remote Docker Engine
$ docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project <project_id> \
--google-machine-image \
--google-machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--google-zone europe-west1-b \

$ eval $(docker-machine env vm1)
  • check firewall-rules:
$ gcloud compute firewall-rules list
NAME                    NETWORK  DIRECTION  PRIORITY  ALLOW                         DENY
default-allow-icmp      default  INGRESS    65534     icmp
default-allow-internal  default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp
default-allow-rdp       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:3389
default-allow-ssh       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:22
docker-machines         default  INGRESS    1000      tcp:2376
prometheus-default      default  INGRESS    1000      tcp:9090
puma-default            default  INGRESS    1000      tcp:9292
  • create if you do not have one of them
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-ssh --allow tcp:22 --priority=65534 --description="Allow SSH connections" --direction=INGRESS
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create prometheus-default --allow tcp:9090
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create puma-default --allow tcp:9292
~compose$ docker run --rm -p 9090:9090 -d --name prometheus prom/prometheus
~compose$ docker ps
~compose$ docker stop prometheus

1.2) Prometheus will monitor all microservices, so we need a container with Prometheus that could communicate over the network with all other services and config it in docker-compose file

  • set environment variables for docker-compose
~compose$ export USERNAME=<dockerhub_login>
~compose$ cp .env.example .env
  • build custom images with Prometheus and other microservices
~compose/prometheus$ bash
~compose/ui$ bash
~compose/post-py$ bash
~compose/comment$ bash
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
dashishmakov/ui                 latest              dfac89a27201        43 minutes ago      204MB
dashishmakov/comment            latest              ce03118d56db        2 hours ago         778MB
dashishmakov/post               latest              8cafeba72426        2 hours ago         101MB
dashishmakov/prometheus         latest              1c9abba20bb2        2 hours ago         80.2MB
  • run all containers
~compose$ docker-compose up -d
~compose$ docker-compose ps
           Name                         Command               State           Ports
microservices_comment_1      puma                             Up
microservices_mongo_db_1 mongod      Up      27017/tcp
microservices_post_1         python3              Up      5000/tcp
microservices_prometheus_1   /bin/prometheus ...   Up>9090/tcp
microservices_ui_1           puma                             Up>9292/tcp

1.3) Healthcheck is a part of metrics for each service and runs into each of them (part of source code). Microservices are dependent from each other and healthcheck indicates availability all endpoints for concrete service (1 = healthy, 0 = unhealthy)

  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:9090] and find graph ui_health
  • stop post service and refresh graph
~compose$ docker-compose stop post
  • open graphs ui_health_post_availability and ui_health_comment_availability and test each of them
  • start post service should fix Healthcheck
~compose$ docker-compose start post

1.4) Node exporter is a part of project Prometheus. It helps to collect hardware and *NIX kernels metrics of host machine (main virtual machine) for Prometheus; MongoDB exporter collects metrics about sharding, replication and storage engines

 ~compose/prometheus$ bash
 ~compose/mongodb-exporter$ bash
 ~compose$ docker-compose down
 ~compose$ docker-compose up -d
 ~compose$ docker-compose ps
              Name                            Command               State           Ports
microservices_comment_1            puma                             Up
microservices_mongo_db_1  mongod      Up      27017/tcp
microservices_mongodb-exporter_1   mongodb_exporter                 Up      9001/tcp
microservices_node-exporter_1      /bin/node_exporter --path. ...   Up      9100/tcp
microservices_post_1               python3              Up      5000/tcp
microservices_prometheus_1         /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up>9090/tcp
microservices_ui_1                 puma                             Up>9292/tcp
  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:9090/targets] and test node_cpu metric
  • push all microservice images to Docker Hub repository
~compose$ docker login
~compose$ docker push $USERNAME/ui
~compose$ docker push $USERNAME/post
~compose$ docker push $USERNAME/comment
~compose$ docker push $USERNAME/prometheus
~compose$ docker push $USERNAME/mongodb_exporter

Homework 23

1.1) Docker's container monitoring. cAdvisor analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. It collects, aggregates, processes, and might to exports information to various storages such as Prometheus, ElasticSearch, InfluxDB, Kafka and simple stdout.

  • create instance in GCE by docker-machine. Change the environment variables for the Docker Client and connect to the remote Docker Engine
$ docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project <project_id> \
--google-machine-image \
--google-machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--google-zone europe-west1-b \
--google-open-port 80/tcp \
--google-open-port 3000/tcp \
--google-open-port 8080/tcp \
--google-open-port 9090/tcp \
--google-open-port 9292/tcp \

$ eval $(docker-machine env vm1)
  • new service cadvisor should be defined in docker-compose file and Prometheus should get information from here
  • set environment variables for docker-compose
~compose$ export USERNAME=<dockerhub_login>
~compose$ cp .env.example .env
  • rebuild Prometheus image and start microservices
~compose/prometheus$ bash
~compose$ docker-compose up -d
~compose$ docker-compose ps
              Name                            Command               State           Ports
microservices_cadvisor_1           /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr   Up>8080/tcp
microservices_comment_1            puma                             Up
microservices_mongo_db_1  mongod      Up      27017/tcp
microservices_mongodb-exporter_1   mongodb_exporter                 Up      9001/tcp
microservices_node-exporter_1      /bin/node_exporter --path. ...   Up      9100/tcp
microservices_post_1               python3              Up      5000/tcp
microservices_prometheus_1         /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up>9090/tcp
microservices_ui_1                 puma                             Up>9292/tcp
  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:8080/docker] and watch detailed information for each one; [http://<host_ip>:8080/metrics] defines metrics for Prometheus, container_memory_usage_bytes for example
  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:9090] and test metric container_memory_usage_bytes and others in Prometheus

1.2.1) Use Grafana for visualizing metrics data from docker containers

  • new service grafana should be defined in docker-compose file
  • start service grafana
~compose$ docker-compose up -d grafana
~compose$ docker-compose ps
              Name                            Command               State           Ports
microservices_cadvisor_1           /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr   Up>8080/tcp
microservices_comment_1            puma                             Up
microservices_grafana_1            /                          Up>3000/tcp
microservices_mongo_db_1  mongod      Up      27017/tcp
microservices_mongodb-exporter_1   mongodb_exporter                 Up      9001/tcp
microservices_node-exporter_1      /bin/node_exporter --path. ...   Up      9100/tcp
microservices_post_1               python3              Up      5000/tcp
microservices_prometheus_1         /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up>9090/tcp
microservices_ui_1                 puma                             Up>9292/tcp
  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:3000/docker], login and add new data source, name: Prometheus Server, type: Prometheus, url: http://<host_ip>:9090
  • download shared dashboard Docker and system monitoring from Dashboards and import it

1.2.2) Let's create new dashboard UI Service Monitoring for Grafana:

  • main menu -> dashboards -> new

    • graph -> edit panel title -> metrics tab -> data source: Prometheus Server -> select metric ui_request_count
    • tune graph: refresh every 10 seconds and show last 15 minutes
    • general tab -> Title: UI HTTP Requests
  • save template with name: Add UI HTTP Requests

  • add new row Graph for our custom dashboard

    • graph -> edit panel title -> metrics tab -> data source: Prometheus Server -> select metric pattern rate(ui_request_count{http_status=~"^[45].*"}[5m])
    • tune graph: refresh every 10 seconds and show last 15 minutes
    • general tab -> Title: Rate of UI HTTP Requests with Error
    • for test only open URL http://<host_ip>:9292/nonexistent and register exception with undefined endpoint
  • save template with name: Add HTTP Requests with Error status code

  • add 3rd row Graph for our custom dashboard

    • graph -> edit panel title -> metrics tab -> data source: Prometheus Server -> select metric pattern histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(ui_request_latency_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))
    • general tab -> Title: HTTP response time 95th percentile
  • save template with name: Add HTTP response time 95th percentile

  • each dashboard has own version history of changes, look at configuration

  • export dashbord to JSON file with name: UI Service Monitoring

1.2.3) Let's create new one dashboard Business Logic Monitoring:

  • title: Post count, metrics query: rate(post_count[1h]), save template
  • title: Comment Count, metrics query: rate(comment_count[1h]), save template
  • export dashbord to JSON file

1.3) Alerts help to know about some problems in production environment at the same time when that happens. Let's add WebHook for your own Slack channel to get notifications in some accident cases. Alertmanager is a component for Prometheus that handle alerts and rote sufisticated notifications

  • new service alertmanager should be defined in docker-compose.yml and prometheus.yml that Prometheus should to know about it
  • edit config.yml and define your own slack_api_url and
  • build image of alertmanager and run container
~compose/alertmanager$ ./
~compose$ docker-compose up -d alertmanager
  • if you edit alert.rules.yml you should rebuild prometheus docker image and run it again
~compose$ docker-compose stop prometheus
~compose$ docker-compose rm prometheus
~compose$ docker-compose up -d prometheus
  • open URL [http://<host_ip>:9090] -> set up -> submit execute and look for this graph
  • stop container post and wait 1 minute, Slack should receive notification [FIRING:1] InstanceDown (post:5000 post page)
~compose$ docker-compose stop post
... wait 1m
~compose$ docker-compose up -d post

At the end remove docker containers and remote instance of docker machine

~compose$ docker-compose kill
~compose$ docker-compose rm
~compose$ docker-machine kill <docker_instance_name>
~compose$ docker-machine rm <docker_instance_name>

Homework 27

1.1) Docker include swarm mode for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a Docker Swarm. Docker Swarm available out of the box for cluster management and orchestration features.

  • create several instances in GCE by docker-machine.
~swarm$ docker-machine create --driver google \
   --google-project <project_id> \
   --google-zone europe-west1-b \
   --google-machine-type g1-small \
   --google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \
~swarm$ docker-machine create --driver google \
   --google-project <project_id> \
   --google-zone europe-west1-b \
   --google-machine-type g1-small \
   --google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \
~swarm$ docker-machine create --driver google \
   --google-project <project_id> \
   --google-zone europe-west1-b \
   --google-machine-type g1-small \
   --google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \
  • Change the environment variables for the Docker Client and connect to the remote Docker Engine (node master-1)
~swarm$ eval $(docker-machine env master-1)
~swarm$ export USERNAME=dashishmakov
  • rebuild docker image for ui service and push latest version to Docker Hub repository
~swarm/ui$ bash
~swarm$ docker push $USERNAME/ui
  • init Docker Swarm
    • node master-1 switch to swarm mode
    • node to become swarm manager node
    • node assigned a hostname
    • node listen port 2377
    • node has status active and could get task from scheduler
    • init distributed persistent key-value storage for orchestration
    • generates self-signed root certificate for swarm
    • generates tokens to bind Worker и Manager nodes to the cluster
    • creates overlay-network Ingress to publish ports outside the swarm. All nodes participate in an ingress routing mesh
~swarm$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr <master-1_internal_ip>:2377
Swarm initialized: current node (1scjwp239x4ajg5kabr1kv0wm) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-0wo27ownjz1zgw0zsbit5e7aa69r7td8a91tpvnu5m32cenbtp-bmrtyoioou9zupoc2w9sug6zv <master-1_internal_ip>:2377
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
  • add worker-1 and worker-2 to swarm cluster
~swarm$ docker-machine ssh worker-1
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-40-generic x86_64)
docker-user@worker-1:~$ sudo docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-0wo27ownjz1zgw0zsbit5e7aa69r7td8a91tpvnu5m32cenbtp-bmrtyoioou9zupoc2w9sug6zv \
This node joined a swarm as a worker.

~swarm$ docker-machine ssh worker-2
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-40-generic x86_64)
docker-user@worker-2:~$ sudo docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-0wo27ownjz1zgw0zsbit5e7aa69r7td8a91tpvnu5m32cenbtp-bmrtyoioou9zupoc2w9sug6zv \
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
  • print all nodes in the swarm
~swarm$ docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS
1scjwp239x4ajg5kabr1kv0wm *   master-1            Ready               Active              Leader
h4rf9on49q2v2n623ei0a2zlg     worker-1            Ready               Active
whc2xwhg3rfvbzxp3icpirnd9     worker-2            Ready               Active

1.2) Docker Compose is a good tool for defining and running multi-container of Docker applications. Docker Compose is the heart of Docker Stack and define stack of services for swarm

  • let's deploy a new Docker Stack
~swarm$ docker stack deploy --compose-file=<(docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml config 2>/dev/null) DEV
~swarm$ docker stack services DEV
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                         PORTS
kuk8aiu1zb9h        DEV_ui              replicated          1/1                 dashishmakov/ui:latest        *:9292->9292/tcp
rhq65y0tlqrf        DEV_mongo           replicated          1/1                 mongo:3.2
td9jgtmq6buy        DEV_comment         replicated          1/1                 dashishmakov/comment:latest
vlykfrg53f15        DEV_post            replicated          1/1                 dashishmakov/post:latest
  • add label to the master node
~swarm$ docker node update --label-add reliability=high master-1
  • describe all available labels
~swarm$ docker node ls -q | xargs docker node inspect  -f '{{ .ID }} [{{ .Description.Hostname }}]: {{ .Spec.Labels }}'
  • update Docker Stack
~swarm$ docker stack deploy --compose-file=<(docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml config 2>/dev/null) DEV
Updating service DEV_mongo (id: rhq65y0tlqrfb5fwb110xrsts)
Updating service DEV_post (id: vlykfrg53f15t41di63ocpefo)
Updating service DEV_ui (id: kuk8aiu1zb9hxxwhrvbwjy0o0)
Updating service DEV_comment (id: td9jgtmq6buyxj7897s2sa6n4)
  • check statuses of containers and scaling by all nodes
    • 1x scale on master node (mongo) - no scaling
    • 2x scale on worker nodes (ui, pos, comment) - replicated scaling
    • 3x scale on master and worker nodes (node-exporter) - global replicated
~swarm$ docker stack ps DEV
ID                  NAME                                          IMAGE                         NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
mit4pxws64uk        DEV_node-exporter.h4rf9on49q2v2n623ei0a2zlg   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    worker-1            Running             Running 25 seconds ago
bqn4962cey46        DEV_node-exporter.1scjwp239x4ajg5kabr1kv0wm   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    master-1            Running             Running 25 seconds ago
zhpe6t4zw4qa        DEV_node-exporter.whc2xwhg3rfvbzxp3icpirnd9   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    worker-2            Running             Running 23 seconds ago
oqsmddkcj1iq        DEV_comment.1                                 dashishmakov/comment:latest   worker-2            Running             Running 12 hours ago
u699vk83e2i7        DEV_ui.1                                      dashishmakov/ui:latest        worker-2            Running             Running 12 hours ago
jic5u0vk2mkw        DEV_post.1                                    dashishmakov/post:latest      worker-1            Running             Running 12 hours ago
quvmp86hzb8c        DEV_mongo.1                                   mongo:3.2                     master-1            Running             Running 12 hours ago
bivw1mfilrc0        DEV_comment.2                                 dashishmakov/comment:latest   worker-1            Running             Running 23 minutes ago
fgucvzrvfbdo        DEV_ui.2                                      dashishmakov/ui:latest        worker-1            Running             Running 23 minutes ago
iwgd5gjlxfmk        DEV_post.2                                    dashishmakov/post:latest      worker-2            Running             Running 24 minutes ago
  • add new one worker node to swarm
~swarm$ docker-machine create --driver google \
   --google-project <project_id> \
   --google-zone europe-west1-b \
   --google-machine-type g1-small \
   --google-machine-image $(gcloud compute images list --filter ubuntu-1604-lts --uri) \
~swarm$ docker swarm join-token worker
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-0wo27ownjz1zgw0zsbit5e7aa69r7td8a91tpvnu5m32cenbtp-bmrtyoioou9zupoc2w9sug6zv <master-1_internal_ip>:2377

~swarm$ docker-machine ssh worker-3
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-40-generic x86_64)
docker-user@worker-3:~$ sudo docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-0wo27ownjz1zgw0zsbit5e7aa69r7td8a91tpvnu5m32cenbtp-bmrtyoioou9zupoc2w9sug6zv \
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
  • check statuses of containers and scaling by all 4 nodes
~swarm$ docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS
1scjwp239x4ajg5kabr1kv0wm *   master-1            Ready               Active              Leader
h4rf9on49q2v2n623ei0a2zlg     worker-1            Ready               Active
whc2xwhg3rfvbzxp3icpirnd9     worker-2            Ready               Active
pt2fhi36b036eo2yvbm8giplk     worker-3            Ready               Active

~swarm$ docker stack ps DEV
 ID                  NAME                                          IMAGE                         NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE               ERROR               PORTS
 vyjf8tvz9f3n        DEV_node-exporter.pt2fhi36b036eo2yvbm8giplk   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    worker-3            Running             Running 10 minutes ago
 mit4pxws64uk        DEV_node-exporter.h4rf9on49q2v2n623ei0a2zlg   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    worker-1            Running             Running 26 minutes ago
 bqn4962cey46        DEV_node-exporter.1scjwp239x4ajg5kabr1kv0wm   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    master-1            Running             Running 26 minutes ago
 zhpe6t4zw4qa        DEV_node-exporter.whc2xwhg3rfvbzxp3icpirnd9   prom/node-exporter:v0.15.0    worker-2            Running             Running 26 minutes ago
 oqsmddkcj1iq        DEV_comment.1                                 dashishmakov/comment:latest   worker-2            Running             Running 12 hours ago
 u699vk83e2i7        DEV_ui.1                                      dashishmakov/ui:latest        worker-2            Running             Running 12 hours ago
 jic5u0vk2mkw        DEV_post.1                                    dashishmakov/post:latest      worker-1            Running             Running 12 hours ago
 quvmp86hzb8c        DEV_mongo.1                                   mongo:3.2                     master-1            Running             Running 12 hours ago
 bivw1mfilrc0        DEV_comment.2                                 dashishmakov/comment:latest   worker-1            Running             Running about an hour ago
 fgucvzrvfbdo        DEV_ui.2                                      dashishmakov/ui:latest        worker-1            Running             Running about an hour ago
 iwgd5gjlxfmk        DEV_post.2                                    dashishmakov/post:latest      worker-2            Running             Running about an hour ago
  • increase min replica values and check again

1.3) Docker Swarm has routing mesh, load balancer and decentralization architecture. It helps to route all requests between worker nodes in cluster. Do several requests on concrete host in example

~swarm$ docker-machine ip $(docker-machine ls -q)
~swarm$ curl <external_ip_worker-3>:9292 | grep "Microservices Reddit in"
<a class='navbar-brand' href='/'>Microservices Reddit in DEV 03a8760bef10 container</a>
<a class='navbar-brand' href='/'>Microservices Reddit in DEV 3e1e5763d96e container</a>
<a class='navbar-brand' href='/'>Microservices Reddit in DEV 5d1bf5267ca2 container</a>

1.4) Keep all services into the file docker-compose.yml and move all infrastructure services to the file docker-compose.infra.yml

~swarm$ docker stack rm DEV
~swarm$ docker stack deploy --compose-file=<(docker-compose -f docker-compose.infra.yml -f docker-compose.yml config 2>/dev/null) DEV

At the end remove docker containers and remote instance of docker machine

~swarm$ docker stack rm DEV
~swarm$ docker-machine kill $(docker-machine ls -q)
~swarm$ docker-machine rm $(docker-machine ls -q)