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Table of Contents:


This boilerplate allows you to create npm package fast and easy with the following setup:

  • Storybook to build your component and see it in action before publishing it to npm.
  • Rollup to bundle your package.
  • Commitizen to simplify professional commit messages.
  • standard-version which will bump package version, create a new release tag with the new version and updates CHANGELOG file.

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Installing / Getting Started:

  • Install packages pnpm install
  • Package JSON:
    • name: add the name of your package.
    • description: add the description of your package.
    • repository => url: add the URL of your package.
    • keywords: add keywords to represent your package (SEO).
    • author: add your name.
    • bugs => url: add issues link of your repository.
    • homepage: add readme link of your repository.
  • src/components:
    • Add your component with named export in a directory with the same name of your component and don't forget to add index.ts file in the same directory.
    • Update src/components/index.ts to export your component.
    • Add component stories in a file with this extension ComponentName.stories.tsx following the instructions on storybook site.
    • Add component test in a file with this extension ComponentName.test.tsx.
  • run pnpm storybook to see your component during development.
  • run pnpm commit to commit your files following conventional commit standards.

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Publishing your package:

Create NPM token:

  • Log into your npm account.
  • Click on Edit Profile button.
  • Click on Access Tokens.
  • Click on Generate New Token:
    • Click on Classic Token:
      • Enter token name.
      • Select Automation if you will use GitHub actions, select Publish if you will publish you package manually.
      • Click on Generate Token.
      • Copy the generated token and save it somewhere.

Publishing a package with GitHub actions:

  • Open your repository on GitHub => settings => Secrets and variables => Actions => New repository secret:
    • Name: NPM_AUTH_TOKEN
    • Secret: paste your npm access token.
  • Commit your changes:
    pnpm commit
  • Create a new release:
    pnpm semantic-release
    • If you want to commit and run semantic release at the same time use the following script:
      pnpm release
  • push your changes to GitHub to run publish workflow.

Publishing a package manually:

  • Run your tests:
    pnpm test
  • Run semantic release script to create a new release, bump package version and update file:
    pnpm semantic-release
  • Build your package:
    pnpm build-lib
  • Navigate to lib directory:
    cd lib
  • Publish your npm package:
    npm publish --access public

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Setup local NPM registry

  • I like to publish my package to a local registry and test it locally before publishing it to NPM.
  • We will use verdaccio registry:
    • Pull verdaccio image:
    docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
    • Run verdaccio container:
    docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
    • Create a new user:
    npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/
    • Publish your package after building it:
    npm publish --registry http://localhost:4873/
    • Install your package from your local registry:
    npm install <package_name> --registry http://localhost:4873/

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Configuring Prettier:

This build relies on Prettier formatter to enforce code style. And ESLint for identifying problematic patterns found in the code.

  • Setting up prettier:

    1- You can find steps on how to set up prettier formatter with WebStorm/PhpStorm here.


    • It's better to use local node_modules version of prettier instead of a global one, to avoid version conflicts (in case the globally installed version does not match the version specified in package.json).

    2- Follow the next steps to set up prettier and eslint in VS Code:

    • Install prettier plugin

    • Install eslint plugin

    • Open VS Code settings CTRL + ,:

      a- Search for formatter => check Format on save

      b- Search for prettier => add .prettierrc in Prettier: Config Path section && check Prettier: Require Config

    3- Please refer to other tutorials if you are using a different IDE.

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Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

pnpm storybook

pnpm commit

  • Creates a professional commit following conventional commit standards.

pnpm semantic-release:

  • Creates or updates CHANGELOG file.
  • Creates a new release tag.
  • Bump package version in package.json.

pnpm release

  • Runs 2 scripts pnpm commit and pnpm semantic-release.

pnpm build-storybook

  • Builds your story book for production.

pnpm build-lib

  • Builds your package in the dist folder in 2 formats:
    • CommonJS (CJS).
    • ECMAScript (ESM).
  • Output your package types into dist/index.d.ts
  • Creates a new directory called lib and copies the following into it to make your package ready for publishing:
    • dist folder
    • package.json

pnpm test

  • Runs all test files.

pnpm test:watch

  • Runs all unit test files in /src directory using watch mode.
  • Runs all your tests once, then again on every change of your source code.

pnpm test:clear

  • Clears test cache.

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