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Show magnifier

Tap and hold on a map to show a magnifier.

Image of show magnifier

Use case

Due to the limited screen size of some mobile devices, it may be difficult to identify individual features on a map where there is a high density of information, or the scale is very small. This can be the case when a mobile device is used for navigation, and the user wishes to magnify a particular area to better identify a road intersection.

How to use the sample

Tap and hold on the map to show a magnifier, then drag across the map to move the magnifier. You can also pan the map while holding the magnifier, by dragging the magnifier to the edge of the map.

How it works

  1. Create a new MapView, and add an ArcGISMap having ArcGISTopographic BasemapStyle to it.
  2. Enable the magnifier using by setting mapView.interactionOptions.isMagnifierEnabled to true. This will set the magnifier to be shown on the map when the user performs a long press gesture. Note: The default value is false.
  3. The default value of mapView.interactionOptions.allowMagnifierToPan is true which allows the map to be panned automatically when the magnifier gets near the edge of the map.

Relevant API

  • ArcGISMap
  • MapView
  • MapView.interactionOptions.isMagnifierEnabled

Additional information

This sample uses the GeoViewCompose Toolkit module to be able to implement a Composable MapView. It only works on a device with a touch screen. The magnifier will not appear via a mouse click.


geoviewcompose, magnify, map, toolkit, zoom