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263 lines (163 loc) · 9.42 KB

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263 lines (163 loc) · 9.42 KB



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Queuer adheres to Semantic Versioning.

3.x Releases

2.x Releases

1.x Releases

3.0.1 - No Loop No Party

4 May 2024


  • Fixed a bug that would run the executionBlock indefinitely when using async/await APIs - #32


  • Improved documentation

3.0.0 - The Phoenix

24 Apr 2024


The goal of this release is to make the repo more maintainable. To do so, only Swift Package Manager will be supported. If you rely on any of the removed dependencies managers, like CocoaPods or Carthage, please stick to the previous version.

Queuer 2.1.1 is compatible with Swift 5.10, you can still use it in your projects.


  • Changed CI service to GitHub Actions
  • Changed minumum iOS version to 12.0 - #24
  • Changed minimum macOS version to 10.13
  • Changed minimum tvOS version to 12.0
  • Changed minimum watchOS version to 4.0
  • Changed minimum macCatalyst version to 13.0


  • Added visionOS 1.0 support
  • Added full Linux support
  • Added manual finish feature to ConcurrentOperation class, more info on how to use it here - #28
  • Added new GroupOperation operation type, more info on how to use it here - #14 #17
  • Added support to Xcode 15.3 and Swift 5.10
  • Added macCatalyst support
  • Added Swift Package Index documentation support - #26 #30
  • Added Dependabot support


  • Fixed a Scheduler bug that may prevent to correctly call the event handler



  • Removed SynchronousOperation. Use a queue with maxConcurrentOperationCount set to 1 to execute a synchronous queue
  • Removed isAsynchronous variable from ConcurrentOperation as always ignored by OperationQueues. You can override it anyway if you need to, since it's inferred from the Operation class
  • Removed hasFailed variable from ConcurrentOperation class as it was deprecated in version 2.0.1
  • Removed finish(_ hasFailed: Bool) function from ConcurrentOperation class as it was deprecated in version 2.0.1
  • Removed State Restoration feature as it was not fully working and never went out of beta
  • Removed SwiftLint support
  • Removed CocoaPods support
  • Removed Carthage support
  • Removed Coveralls support
  • Removed Slather support
  • Removed Jazzy support

Thanks to Kalzem, changmingw96, cristianilea-lateral, kradalby, mradzinski and marinofaggiana for this release.

2.1.1 - Swift 5.1 Support

6 Nov 2019


  • Added support to Xcode 11.2 and Swift 5.1


  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.35.0

2.1.0 - Swift 5.0 Support

12 Apr 2019


  • Added support to Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5.0

2.0.1 - Better APIs

26 Dec 2018


  • Renamed open func finish(_ hasFailed: Bool) to open func finish(success: Bool = true), the old one has been deprecated but still valid #12
  • Renamed hasFailed variable to success, the old one has been deprecated but still valid #12


  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.29.2

Thanks to @zykloman for this release

2.0.0 - Let Me Retry

1 Nov 2018


  • Added support to Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2
  • Added retry feature to ConcurrentOperation class #10, more info on how to use it here and here
  • Added addCompletionHandler(_:) function to Queuer class
  • Added a Scheduler class to better schedule your tasks, more info on how to use it here
  • Added queue state restoration (beta) feature, more info on how to use it here


  • Changed executionBlock of ConcurrentOperation to pass the concurrentOperation variable inside the closure to be able to use the retry feature. If you don't need it simply put _ in after the block creation:

    let concurrentOperation = ConcurrentOperation { _ in
        /// Your task here

    This also affects SynchronousOperation

  • Changed from Codecov to Coveralls service for code coverage


  • Improved Semaphore with timeout handling
  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.27.0


  • Removed watchOS 2.0 support in favor of watchOS 3.0, thanks to an App Store submission bug #11
  • Removed Hound CI

Thanks to SureshSc, zykloman and debjitk for this release

1.3.2 - Linux Quality

7 Jul 2018


  • Added QualityOfService on Linux
  • Deprecated RequestOperation, it will be removed in Queuer 2


  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.26.0
  • Improved code with new SwiftLint rules

1.3.1 - Swift 4.1 Support

2 Apr 2018


  • Added support to Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1


  • OperationQueue in Queuer class is now open

Thanks to BabyAzerty for this release

1.3.0 - Open Everything

18 Feb 2018


  • Added swift_version property in podspec file for CocoaPods 1.4.0
  • Added Hound CI


  • body, headers and query parameters in RequestOperation class may now be nil
  • RequestOperation class and all of its functions are now open
  • session object in RequestOperation class in now open and has waitsForConnectivity sets to true for iOS 11 or later by default
  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.25.0


  • Now Swift Package Manager correctly builds Queuer with Swift 4
  • Removed self captures

1.2.1 - Unwanted Alert

22 Oct 2017


  • Removed alert on Xcode 9 that shows the ability to convert the code to Swift 4 even it's already written in Swift 4

1.2.0 - Swift 4 Support

23 Sep 2017


  • Added support to Swift 4 and Xcode 9


  • Using new Xcode 9 build system
  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.22.0

1.1.0 - Quality Of Service

1 Sep 2017


  • Added qualityOfService property on Queuer class
  • Added ddChainedOperations(_ operations: Operation..., completionHandler: convenience function on Queuer class


  • Improved the init function on Queuer class with maxConcurrentOperationCount and qualityOfService properties, both with a default value, so no changes are required
  • Updated SwiftLint to 0.21.0


  • Now ConcurrentOperation is subclassable with open instead of public Access Control #2
  • Fixed tests that sometimes fails

1.0.0 - First Queue

26 Jul 2017


  • Added ConcurrentOperation to create asynchronous operations
  • Added Queuer to handle a shared queue or create a custom one
  • Added RequestOperation to create network request operations
  • Added Semaphore to create a Dispath semaphore
  • Added SynchronousOperation to create synchronous operations