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I2C Encoder Arduino Library


Here you can find the library and some examples for arduino boards


The installation is very simple:

  • Download the files i2cEncoderLib.cpp and i2cEncoderLib.h
  • Put them in the folder where you have you arduino .ino source file
  • Add the following "include" on the top of the source file:
#include <Wire.h>
#include "i2cEncoderLib.h"

Initialization of the class

The library makes available the class i2cEncoderLib For initialize the library you have to declare an istance of the class i2cEncoderLib for each encoders. For example:

i2cEncoderLib encoder(0x30);

Declaration of one encoder with the address 0x30.

i2cEncoderLib encoder1(0x30);
i2cEncoderLib encoder2(0x32);

Declaration of two encoders with the address 0x30 and 0x34 in tow separated variable.

 i2cEncoderLib encoder[2] = { i2cEncoderLib(0x30), i2cEncoderLib(0x34)};

Declaration of an array of tow encoders with the address 0x30 and 0x34.



void begin( uint8_t conf)

This is used for initialize the encoder by writing the configuration register (reg: 0x00) of the encoder. The parameters can be concatenate in OR mode. Possible parameters are the following:

Parameter Description
INTE_ENABLE Enable the interrupt output pin
INTE_DISABLE Disable the interrupt output pin
LEDE_ENABLE Enable the LED output
LEDE_DISABLE Disable the LED output
WRAP_ENABLE Wrap enable. When the counter value reaches the CMAX+1, restart to the CMIN and vice versa
WRAP_DISABLE Wrap disable. When the counter value reaches the CMAX or CMIN, the counter stops to increasing or decreasing
DIRE_LEFT Rotate left side to increase the value counter
DIRE_RIGHT Rotate right side to increase the value counter
IPUP_DISABLE Interrupt Pull-UP disable
IPUP_ENABLE Interrupt Pull-UP enable
RMOD_X2 Reading the encoder in X2 mode
RMOD_X1 Reading the encoder in X1 mode
RESET Reset the encoder

bool updateStatus(void)

Read from the encoder status register (reg:0x01) and save the value internally. Return value is true in case of some event, otherwise is false

bool readStatus(uint8_t s)

Must be called after updateStatus(), this method is ued for check if some event occured. Return value is true in case of the event occured, otherwise is false Possible parameter are:

Parameter Description
E_PUSH The push button of the encoder is pressed
E_INCREMENT Counter value is incresed
E_DECREMENT Counter value is decresed
E_MAXVALUE The maximum threshold is reached
E_MINVALUE The minimum threshold is reached

if (encoder.readStatus(E_PUSH)) {
    Serial.println("Push button pressed");

if (encoder.readStatus(E_MAXVALUE)) {
    Serial.println("Maximum reached");

if (encoder.readStatus(E_MINVALUE)) {
    Serial.println("Minimum reached");


uint8_t readStatus(void)

Return the status register of the encoder (reg:0x01).

uint8_t readLEDA(void)

Return the PWM value of the LED A (reg:0x0E).

uint8_t readLEDB(void)

Return the PWM value of the LED B (reg:0x0F).

int32_t readCounterLong(void)

Return the counter value in the format int32_t, by reading all the 4 byte of the counter registers (reg:0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05).

int16_t readCounterInt(void)

Return the counter value in the format int16_t, by reading the 2 LSB byte of the counter registers (reg:0x04 0x05). Useful when the counter register is between the values -32768 to 32767

int8_t readCounterByte(void)

Return the counter value in the format int8_t, by reading the LSB byte of the counter registers (reg:0x05). Useful when the counter register is between the values -128 to 127

int32_t readMax(void)

Return the maximum threshold in fromat int32_t, bye reading all the 4 byte of the counter Max (reg:0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09).

int32_t readMin(void)

Return the minimum threshold in fromat int32_t, by reading all the 4 byte of the counter Min (reg:0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D).


void writeLEDA(uint8_t pwma)

Write the PWM value of the LED A (reg:0x0E). When 0 means PWM at 0%, LED off while 0xFF means PWM at 100% and LED ON

void writeLEDB(uint8_t pwmb)

Write the PWM value of the LED B (reg:0x0F). When 0 means PWM at 0%, LED off while 0xFF means PWM at 100% and LED ON

void writeCounter(int32_t counter)

Write the counter value register with a int32_t (reg:0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05). This value will be increased or decresed every time the encoder is rotated

void writeMax(int32_t max)

Write the counter Max register with a int32_t (reg:0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09). This value will be used as a maximum threshold of the counter value.

void writeMin(int32_t min)

Write the counter Min register with a int32_t (reg:0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D). This value will be used as a minimum threshold of the counter value.