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Scripting Reference

This document serves as a reference for writing Friday Night Rewrite scripts. This is not a tutorial, nor is it for beginners!

General Overview

Scripting in Friday Night Rewrite works using hscript (, a simplified version of Haxe coding. Because of this, it is recommended that you have at least a basic understanding of Haxe syntax: However, there are some big differences to note compared to proper Haxe:

  • Currently, there is no support for classes, typedefs, packages, or imports
  • The switch construct is supported but not pattern matching
  • You can only declare one variable per var statement

Additionally, for more advanced scripts it is handy to have an understanding of the Friday Night Rewrite codebase.

It should be noted that import statements are not allowed (for security reasons and also cuz it'd be a pain to implement). Instead, various classes are automatically imported into scripts and you can just reference them directly.

Table of Contents

Universal Imports

The following are classes automatically imported into every type of script.

Haxe stuff:

  • Date
  • DateTools
  • Math
  • Std
  • StringTools
  • haxe.Json

HaxeFlixel stuff:

  • flixel.FlxBasic
  • flixel.FlxCamera
  • flixel.FlxG
  • flixel.FlxObject
  • flixel.FlxSprite
  • flixel.FlxState
  • flixel.FlxSubState
  • flixel.animation.FlxAnimation
  • flixel.effects.particles.FlxParticle
  • flixel.effects.postprocess.PostProcess
  • flixel.math.FlxAngle
  • flixel.math.FlxMath
  • flixel.math.FlxRandom
  • flixel.math.FlxRect
  • flixel.text.FlxText
  • flixel.tweens.FlxEase
  • flixel.tweens.FlxTween
  • flixel.ui.FlxBar
  • flixel.ui.FlxSpriteButton
  • flixel.util.FlxGradient
  • flixel.util.FlxTimer

Friday Night Rewrite stuff:

  • AssetSprite
  • AssetSprite.AssetSpriteDataRegistry
  • SpriteText
  • SoundData
  • SoundData.SoundDataRegistry
  • music.MusicData
  • music.MusicData.MusicDataRegistry
  • music.Conductor
  • music.Node
  • music.Event
  • music.Song
  • music.Song.SongRegistry
  • shader.ShaderResolver
  • assetManagement.FileManager
  • assetManagement.LibraryManager
  • Controls
  • Settings
  • Scores
  • ConductedState
  • menu.Menu
  • stage.Stage.StageDataRegistry
  • Album.AlbumDataRegistry
  • music.Song.SongRegistry
  • Character.CharacterDataRegistry
  • DifficultyUtil

Universal Functions

The following are functions that you can call directly from any script (without having to reference a class).

HaxeFlixel stuff:

  • colorRGB(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int, a:Int = 255):FlxColor
    • Returns a color
  • colorRGBFloat(r:Float, g:Float, b:Float, a:Float = 1.0):FlxColor
    • Returns a color
  • colorString(str:String):FlxColor
    • Returns a color (str should be something like a hex code)
  • colorInterpolate(color1:FlxColor, color2:FlxColor, factor:Float = 0.5):FlxColor
    • Returns a color

Friday Night Rewrite stuff:

  • alert(message:String)
    • Traces and makes a window alert. Useful for debugging
  • addSprite(x:Float, y:Float, id:String):AssetSprite
    • Makes an asset-sprite and adds it to the current state
  • insertSprite(position:Int, x:Float, y:Float, id:String):AssetSprite
    • Makes an asset-sprite and inserts it in the current state
  • playSound(id:String)
  • playSoundOn(id:String, sound:FlxSound)
    • Plays a sound with the given ID on a sound object
  • playMusic(id:String, looped:Bool, restart:Bool = true)
  • transitionPlayMusic(id:String, looped:Bool, duration:Float, restart:Bool = true)
  • loadStage(id:String)
    • Loads and replaces the current stage (warning: doing this could cause bugs and be very laggy!)
  • getStageElements(targetTag:String):Array<FlxSprite>
    • Gets all stage elements with the given tag
  • getStageElement(targetTag:String):FlxSprite
    • Gets a singular stage element with the given tag
  • insertSpriteInStage(position:Int, x:Float, y:Float, id:String):AssetSprite
    • Makes an asset-sprite and inserts it in the current stage
  • setVisible(targetTag:String, value:Bool)
    • Sets a stage element visible
  • playAnim(targetTag:String, name:String)
    • Plays an animation on a stage element

Global-Script Callbacks

The following only applies to "global scripts". (So not every type of script... Kind of confusing, I know.) When you add any of the following functions to your script, the engine will call them at the appropriate time.

  • onStart()
    • Called on every script after every script has been parsed/initialized
  • onUpdate(elapsed:Float)
    • Called every frame. elapsed is how many milliseconds passed since the last frame
  • onUpdateMusic(time:Float, bpm:Float, beat:Float)
    • Called every frame while music is playing. Note that beat is not a whole number!
  • onWholeBeat(beat:Int)
    • Called every whole beat
  • onStageCreated(stage:Stage)
    • Called when a conducted state creates its stage
  • onPlayTitleScreenIntro()
  • onSkipTitleScreenIntro()
    • Called when intro is manually skipped. Note that onEndTitleScreenIntro() will also get called right after!
  • onEndTitleScreenIntro()
  • onAlbumSelected(album:Album)
    • Called when an album is selected or "hovered over" in the album select screen
  • onAlbumInteracted(album:Album)
    • Called when an album is chosen in the album select screen
  • onWeekSelected(week:Week)
    • Called when a week is selected or "hovered over" in the week select screen
  • onWeekInteracted(week:Week)
    • Called when a week is chosen in the week select screen

Stage Element Callbacks

When you add any of the following functions to your custom stage element script, the engine will call them at the appropriate time.

  • onNew(data:Dynamic)
    • Called when the element is created. data contains any custom data that was provided by the stage editor
  • onUpdate(elapsed:Float)
    • Called every frame. elapsed is how many milliseconds passed since the last frame
  • onUpdateMusic(time:Float, bpm:Float, beat:Float)
    • Called every frame while music is playing. Note that beat is not a whole number!
  • onWholeBeat(beat:Int)
    • Called every whole beat

Note: you can use this to access properties/functions of the stage element sprite itself

Event Type Callbacks

When you add any of the following functions to your event type script, the engine will call them at the appropriate time.

  • onTrigger(state:ConductedState, time:Float, args:Dynamic)
    • state is the state this event was triggered on (may not always be the PlayState!), time is the music time in milliseconds when it was triggered, and args contains any custom arguments set in the editor

Note Type Callbacks

When you add any of the following functions to your note type script, the engine will call them at the appropriate time.

  • onHit(state:PlayState, time:Float, lane:Int, accuracy:Float)
    • time is the music time in milliseconds when the note was hit. For lane, 0 is left, 1 down, 2 up, and 3 right. accuracy is a value from 0 to 1. 1 is absolutely perfect, while 0 is just barely within the hit range
  • onMiss(state:PlayState, time:Float, lane:Int)
    • time is the music time in milliseconds when the note was missed. For lane, 0 is left, 1 down, 2 up, and 3 right