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GrrrDog edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 4 revisions


  • backend (URL to origin) is uncontrollable
  • allows any value for the verb
  • allows any path/query values (except 0x00-0x20): GET !i?lala=#anything HTTP/1.1
  • doesn't normalize, url-decode request before applying rules
  • doesn't forward AnyHeader : - 400
  • support line folding for headers ( Header:zzz-> concatenate with previous header)
  • doesn't allow >1 Host:
  • forwards Host: header
  • adds X-Forwarded-For: to req to the origin server
    • we can send our values in request and it will be added to proxy's request (,
  • req includes query string (no path part)
    • req.url ~ "\.jpg$" == ?random=.jpg


  • Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/5.0)
  • X-Varnish: 7
  • X-Varnish-Host: ip-address-here
  • X-Varnish-Backend: ip address
  • X-Varnish-Esi-Method
  • Accept-Range: bytes (for all requests)
  • 400 error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request


  • support Absolute-URI with higher priority under host header
  • "http" only in Absolute-URI


  • it caches GET and HEAD requests
  • key for cache: host header and uri
  • status codes cached: 200, 203, 300, 301, 302, 307, 404, 410
  • doesn't cache reqs with cookie(!) or Authorization header, or Set-Cookie (default)
    • often practice to cut all cookie headers before sending to origin
  • It respects the Cache-Control and Expires headers from origin server (depending on version)
    • it respects CC flags
    • it cares about the max-age parameter and uses it to calculate the TTL for an object.
    • it ignores "Cache-Control: no-cache" by default, but cares about "max-age" (Before V4.0.0?)
  • Does not honor the Pragma and the client's Cache-Control
  • doesn't care about Vary, by default

Caching detection

  • X-Varnish: has two figures in case of hit, and one in case of miss. Age is also changed (0 -> \d+ )
  X-Varnish: 65563 29 
  X-Varnish: 65563
  • Age: 0
  • doesn't care about If-* headers
  • support Range header
  • If-Range + Range -> returns part of content only (always)

Vulnerable configs

  • Misrouting /../admin/
if ( == "") {
        set = "";
        set req.url = "/sport" + req.url;
  • Blacklist bypass Post //wp-login.php HTTP/1.1
if(req.method == "POST" || req.url ~ "^/wp-login.php$" || req.url ~ "^/wp-admin") {
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