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Gary Chan edited this page Mar 18, 2017 · 14 revisions

As we move to support cross platform development on .NET Core all developers will need to ensure they have the proper SDK version. Existing developers who have worked with the project before will need to follow the steps below. New developers will also need to ensure they have the SDK but shouldn't have to worry about steps 4 to 6.

Steps for .NET Core version

  1. Download and install the Long Term Support (LTS) version of the SDK (currently 1.0.3) for your platform.

  2. Download and install TypeScript for Visual Studio 2015 (currently 2.2.1).

  3. Open the AllReady Solution

  4. Clean the solution

  5. Perform a nuget package restore either through VS or if you prefer using dotnet restore

  6. Build and run the application

Possible issues In some cases; things can get a bit messed up in VS and even with a clean, things are left around. If you have any problems, try a fresh clean and then navigate to the project folder and delete the obj and bin folders manually. Then run a nuget restore and rebuild the solution.

Running on Linux

Please see Running on Linux for advice on getting set up on Linux.

Running on a Mac


  • DotNetCore SDK
  • Microsoft Sql Server
    • The easiest way to install this on a Mac is to use docker. Installation instructions can be found here
  • NodeJS / NPM
  • Bower npm install -g bower

Getting Started:

  1. Download the source code.

  2. Find and open ./AllReadyApp/Web-App/AllReady/config.json. Then look for the following Json properties:

    "DefaultConnection": {
      "ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=AllReady;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultsets=true;"
    "HangfireConnection": {
      "ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=AllReady;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultsets=true;"

    The ConnectionString needs to be updated so it can connect to your Sql Database. If you followed the instructions above to install Sql Server using Docker, then you can replace you're connection string to the following: `"Server=localhost;Database=AllReady;User=sa;Password=<YourStrong!Passw0rd>;MultipleActiveResultsets=true;"`

3. Point a terminal window to the following path within the repository: `./AllReadyApp/Web-App/AllReady/`
    * Install NPM packages using `npm install`
    * Install Bower packages using `bower install`
    * Restore NuGet packages using `dotnet restore`
    * Run the application using `dotnet run`

4. Open a browser and navigate to [http://localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000)