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Modern Online Judge powered by Docker & Node

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HANA is a PS Judgement Server that runs on Docker.

Supported Languages

C, C++, Go, Java, Python3, Pypy3, Rust, Text, JavaScript, TypeScript

Build option
  • C
gcc Main.c -o Main -O2 -Wall -lm --static -std=c99 -DONLINE_JUDGE
  • C++
g++ Main.cpp -o Main -O2 -Wall -lm --static -pipe -std=c++17 -DONLINE_JUDGE
  • Go
go build Main.go
  • Java
javac --release 11 -J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx1920m -J-Xss512m -encoding UTF-8
  • Python3
python3 -m compileall -b ${path}
  • Pypy3
pypy3 -m compileall -b ${path}
  • Rust
  • TypeScript
tsc Main.ts


docker run -p 80:80 -it hancomac/hana:lastest



Submit judge request can be done by following request.

You should use POST method and application/json as content type.

API Endpoint



interface Request {
    uid: string
    timeLimit: number
    memoryLimit: number
        | 'TEXT'
        | 'C'
        | 'CPP'
        | 'JAVA'
        | 'PYTHON3'
        | 'PYPY3'
        | 'RUST'
        | 'JAVASCRIPT'
        | 'TYPESCRIPT'
        | 'GO'
        | 'CommonJudge'
        | 'OutputOnly'
        | 'Interactive'
        | 'SpecialJudge'
        | 'COMPETITIVE'
    source: {
        name: string
        source: string
    dataSet: {
        scoringType: 'PROPORTIONAL' | 'QUANTIZED'
        data: {
            input?: string
            output: string
    specialJudge?: {
            | 'TEXT'
            | 'C'
            | 'CPP'
            | 'JAVA'
            | 'PYTHON3'
            | 'PYPY3'
            | 'RUST'
            | 'JAVASCRIPT'
            | 'TYPESCRIPT'
            | 'GO'
        source: string
    "language": "CPP",
    "judgeType": "SpecialJudge",
    "specialJudge": {
        "language": "CPP",
        "source": "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n\nFILE * fin;\nFILE * fsol;\nFILE * fuser;\n\nint main(int argc,char *args[])\n{\n\tfin=fopen(args[1],\"r\");\n\tfsol=fopen(args[2],\"r\");\n\tfuser=fopen(args[3],\"r\");\n\n\tint ret=0;\n\tchar a[100], c[100];\n\twhile(fscanf(fsol,\" %[^\\r\\n]s\",a) != EOF){\n  fscanf(fuser,\" %[^\\r\\n]s\",c);\n  if(strcmp(a,c)!=0) {\n  ret=1;\n  break;\n  }\n\t}\n\tfclose(fin);\n\tfclose(fsol);\n\tfclose(fuser);\n\treturn ret; // 0 이면 성공, 1이면 실패\n}\n"
    "source": [
            "name": "Main.cpp",
            "source": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main(){\n    int a,b;\n    while(cin >> a >> b)\n        cout << a+b << endl;\n return 0;\n}"
    "dataSet": [
            "scoringType": "QUANTIZED",
            "data": [
                { "input": "1 1", "output": "2" },
                { "input": "10 1", "output": "11" },
                { "input": "5 1", "output": "6" },
                { "input": "1 3", "output": "4" }
            "scoringType": "QUANTIZED",
            "data": [
                { "input": "15 1", "output": "16" },
                { "input": "17 21", "output": "38" }
            "scoringType": "QUANTIZED",
            "data": [
                { "input": "1 1", "output": "2" },
                { "input": "10 1", "output": "11" },
                { "input": "5 1", "output": "6" },
                { "input": "1 3", "output": "4" }
    "timeLimit": 2000,
    "memoryLimit": 1024


interface Response {
    success: boolean
    uid: string

uid is an unique id for each judge request.

Getting Response

There are two ways to retrieve result from HANA: Using WebSocket or using HTTP Polling.

Using WebSocket

You need to connect to / endpoint.

Response will be sent by WebSocket message.

Using HTTP Polling

You need to request to /pull endpoint with GET method.

Response will be sent by JSON, in data field as array.

Response Format
interface responseOne {
    success: boolean
        | 'JUDGE_FINISH'
        | 'JUDGE_PROGRESS'
        | 'JUDGE_INFO'
        | 'JUDGE_STATUS'
        | 'JUDGE_ERROR'
    data?: any
    error?: string
Response Type

Message will be sent when judge is progressing.

interface responseFinish extends responseOne {
    data: {
        uid: string
        progress: number
        resultCode: 'RUN'

progress is value between 0 and 1.


Message will be sent when judge is finished.

interface responseFinish extends responseOne {
    data: {
        uid: string
        result: (number | number[])[]
        resultCode: 'AC' | 'WA' | 'TLE' | 'MLE' | 'OLE' | 'RE' | 'CE'
        reason: ('AC' | 'WA' | 'TLE' | 'MLE' | 'OLE' | 'RE' | 'CE')[]
        time: number[]
        memory: number[]
        message: string

result for each subtask will be sent as array. element of result will be number if scoringType is QUANTIZED, or number[] if scoringType is PROPORTIONAL.

resultCode is a representing result of each subtask's reason.

message is one sample stderr message when compile error or runtime error.


Message will be sent when user requests to get judge program's info.


Message will be sent when user requests to get judge status.


Message will be sent when judge encounters error.

Test Page

test page

You can test this program by opening /test endpoint in your browser.

You can judge 'A+B' problem with sample data.