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Monitoring BlackLab (e.g. using Prometheus)

These two modules (contributed by Esteban Ginez of Lexion AI) add the ability to monitor any BlackLab server using Prometheus (or any other monitoring system supported by Micrometer).

Try it out

To try it out for a BlackLab Server instance running on your local machine:

  • install Docker (we will run Prometheus in a Docker container)
  • add a setting debug.metricsProvider to blacklab-server.yaml with the metric provider class to use (PrometheusMetricsProvider is included in instrumentation-impl and works with Prometheus)
  • restart BlackLab Server
  • check BLS' metrics response that will be used by Prometheus at http://localhost:8080/blacklab-server/
  • Go to the test subdirectory and run the script to run Prometheus and start collecting metrics (Ctrl+C stops the container again).
  • Open the Prometheus webapp at http://localhost:9090/
  • Try graphing a property such as jvm_memory_used_bytes

Note that with this testing setup, the data is stored only temporarily inside the container. When you remove the Prometheus container, the data is lost. A named volume would be better if you want to keep the data.

More information

For more information on Prometheus, see here. Another useful article is this one, which also links to more resources.

TODO: currently, only basic JVM metrics are collected. We want to get BlackLab-specific information as well, including cache status and information about what queries were handled, how long they took, how many hits they returned, etc.