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Solr integration (experimental)

This provides classes for integrating BlackLab with Solr. The ultimate goal of this is to enable distributed search via SolrCloud. This is a work in progress.

To enable this plugin for your core, in your solrconfig.xml, add this to the <config> section:

<!-- Load the blacklab-solr plugin -->
<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:/opt/solr}/contrib/blacklab-solr/lib/" regex="blacklab-solr.*\.jar" />

Add the blacklab-search search component, and specify the XSLT file and the Solr field containing the input XML:

<!-- Our Apply XSLT SearchComponent -->
<searchComponent name="blacklab-search" class="org.ivdnt.blacklab.solr.BlackLabSearchComponent" >
    <!-- Where to find a core's BlackLab config file (value shown below is the default path).
         Each core gets their own config file (although certain settings are engine-wide...)
    <str name="configFile">conf/blacklab-webservice.yaml</str>


To run the plugin on your /select handler, add this to the <requestHandler name="/select" ...> element:

<!-- After all other components (standard Solr per-document search) have run, run the BlackLab (per-hit) search -->
<arr name="last-components">


A Dockerfile is included which adds this to a Solr image. Build the image with this command:

docker build -t instituutnederlandsetaal/blacklab-solr:1 -f Dockerfile .

You can derive your own Dockerfile from this. Here's an example that adds a Solr configuration dir to the image and creates a core based on that configuration:

# Based on Solr + XSLT plugin image.
# Creates our core (using the config).
FROM instituutnederlandsetaal/blacklab-solr:1

# Copy the configuration files for our core
COPY . /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/blacklab/conf

# Pre-create core (using the config copied above)
# as soon as the container is started.
CMD ["solr-precreate", "my-blacklab-corpus", "/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/blacklab"]


In addition to standard Solr parameters like q and fq for document filtering, you can use all of the same parameters BlackLab Server uses, but you should prefix them with bl.. Some examples are shown below.

Note that we always pass rows=0 to Solr, because we don't want Solr's document results; BlackLab will send a list of hits and include the document info for these hits automatically.

Find hits: https://server/solr/corename/select?bl.op=hits&bl.patt=%22the%22&q=*%3A*&rows=0

As an alternative to passing separate bl.NAME parameters, you can also pass a JSON structure with all the parameters in a parameter called bl.req, e.g.:

{ "op": "hits", "patt": "\"the\"" }

The full URL in this case would be: https://server/solr/corename/select?bl.req=%7B%22op%22%3A%22hits%22%2C%22patt%22%3A%22%5C%22the%5C%22%22%7D&q=*%3A*&rows=0

The JSON structure for group and viewgroup is not a string with separators, but an array of arrays:

  "op": "hits",
  "patt": "\"the\"",
  "group": [ [ "field", "title" ] ],
  "viewgroup": [ [ "str", "interview about city" ] ]

the above group and viewgroup parts correspond to about city.

The values of bl.op are:

bl.op Operation BLS URL equivalent Extra parameter
server-info Server information /
corpus-info Corpus information, including fields and values /CORPUS
corpus-status Corpus (indexing) status /CORPUS/status
field-info Info about (metadata or annotated) field /CORPUS/field/FIELDNAME field
hits Search (and optionally group) hits /CORPUS/hits
docs Search (and optionally group) documents /CORPUS/docs
doc-info Get document metadata and other information /CORPUS/docs/PID docpid
doc-contents Get the full contents of a document (if allowed) /CORPUS/docs/PID/contents docpid
doc-snippet Get snippet of a document (if allowed) /CORPUS/docs/PID/snippet docpid
termfreq Calculate term frequencies /CORPUS/termfreq
autocomplete Return terms matching a prefix in a field /CORPUS/autocomplete
list-input-formats List available input formats /CORPUS/input-formats
input-format-info Info about an input format /CORPUS/input-formats/NAME inputformat
input-format-xslt Generate XSLT for an input format /CORPUS/input-formats/NAME inputformat
cache-info Show cache contents (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) /CORPUS/cache-info
cache-clear Clear the cache (debug mode only; NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) /CORPUS/cache-clear
create-corpus Create corpus (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
delete-corpus Delete corpus (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
add-to-corpus Add to corpus (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
write-input-format Write input format (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
delete-input-format Write input format (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

Some example queries:

  • Documents containing "the": bl.op=docs&bl.patt="the"
  • The same documents grouped by title, viewing a single group: bl.op=docs&bl.patt="the"&
  • Viewing a single group: bl.op=docs&bl.patt="the"& about conference experience and impressions of city
  • Information about a document: bl.op=doc-info&bl.docpid=PRint602
  • Document contents: bl.op=doc-contents&bl.docpid=PRint602
  • Document snippet: bl.op=doc-snippet&bl.docpid=PRint602&bl.wordstart=100&bl.wordend=200
  • Term frequencies: bl.op=termfreq&bl.field=contents&bl.annotation=lemma
  • Autocomplete: bl.op=autocomplete&bl.field=contents&bl.annotation=lemma&bl.term=a