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916 lines (643 loc) · 44.9 KB

File metadata and controls

916 lines (643 loc) · 44.9 KB

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.17 TO v1.0.18

  • BC BREAK: OrderShowMenuBuilder constructor now requires the fourth argument being Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManagerInterface instance due to security reasons.

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.16 TO v1.0.17

  • BC BREAK: Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Controller::applyStateMachineTransitionAction method now includes CSRF token checks due to security reasons. If you used it for REST API, these checks can be disabled by adding csrf_protection: false to your routing configuration.

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.8 TO v1.0.9

  • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\VariantResolverHelper's resolveVariant(ProductInterface $product): ProductVariantInterface signature was changed to resolveVariant(ProductInterface $product): ?ProductVariantInterface in order to reflect the real behaviour.

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.1 TO v1.0.2

  • Sylius\Bundle\AdminApiBundle\Model\ClientManager's findClientByPublicId($publicId): ClientInterface signature was changed to findClientByPublicId($publicId): ?ClientInterface in order to reflect the real behaviour.

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.0-beta.3 TO v1.0.0


  • Parameter locale has been removed from parameters.yml.dist and parameters.yml file and is now configured as default in app/config/config.yml. If you would like to use a different default locale you should modify it there and commit such change to your project repository.

  • \DateTimeInterface is used for typehints instead of \DateTime to allow for compatibility with \DateTimeImmutable. Do not rely on mutable behaviour and set changes directly on the model.

  • WebServerBundle which is used to run PHP's internal web server is no longer loaded in the production environment. You can re-add the bundle if you need to by adding the following code to your AppKernel.php:

    public function registerBundles()
          // Other registrered bundles
          if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['prod']))
              $bundles[] = new \Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\WebServerBundle();
          return array_merge(parent::registerBundles(), $bundles);
  • Scalar and return typehints have been introduced in the codebase. Please introduce these in your codebase for classes that implement Sylius interfaces or extend Sylius classes. It is also highly recommended to add declare(strict_types=1); declaration to your PHP files. Learn more about PHP 7.1 features here:

  • Starting with Symfony version 3.3.8, the custom autoloader is not needed anymore and therefore it has been removed in favour of the Composer autoloader. Apply the following changes (reference: Sylius#8340):

    • Remove app/autoload.php
    • Change autoload path in bin/console: replace 'app' with 'vendor'
    • Change autoload path in web/app.php: replace 'app' with 'vendor'
    • Change autoload path in web/app_dev.php: replace 'app' with 'vendor'
    • Change autoload path in phpunit.xml.dist: replace 'app' with 'vendor'
    • Remove "Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::buildBootstrap", from composer.json scripts
  • Model classes now return ArrayCollections instead of arrays, so if you want to mock it in PHPSpec, you need to wrap the mocked object like this:

    function it_does_something(
         ReviewableInterface $reviewable,
         ReviewInterface $review
    ): void {
         $reviewable->getReviews()->willReturn(new ArrayCollection([$review->getWrappedObject()]));
  • Moreover remember that you will have to change typehints from array to ArrayCollection in you classes, not only in tests.

  • Due to new Twig version, macros in included templates need to be imported in the child template. Read more here:

  • Check the differences between TestAppKernel you have and the one from Sylius/Sylius repository, as it was changed.

  • The issue Warning: Cannot bind closure to scope of internal class ReflectionProperty should be fixed by clearing the cache.


Addressing / AddressingBundle

  • ZoneMatcher has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • AddressInterface::setCountryCode
    • AddressInterface::setProviceCode
    • AddressInterface::setProviceName
    • ProvinceInterface::setCountry
    • ZoneMemberInterface::setBelongsTo

Attribute / AttributeBundle

  • SelectAttributeType has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • AttributeFactory has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • ProductAttributeValueInterface::setProduct method no longer has a default null argument and requires one to be explicitly passed.
  • The AttributeTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.


  • CustomerStatisticsController has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • DashboardController has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • ImpersonateUserController has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.


  • CreateClientCommand has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

Channel / ChannelBundle

  • ChannelFactory has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • ChannelAwareInterface::setChannel no longer has a default null argument and requires one to be explicitly passed.

Core / CoreBundle

  • Method OrderInterface::isShippingRequired added, used in place of similar methods in OrderShippingMethodSelectionRequirementChecker and OrderShipmentProcessor

  • createByCustomerAndChannelIdQueryBuilder($customerId, $channelId) method added to OrderRepositoryInterface

  • The following classes have been made final, use decoration instead of extending them:

    • CartItemTypeExtension
    • CartTypeExtension
    • HandleException
    • IntegerDistributor
    • MissingChannelConfigurationException
    • PromotionActionFactory
    • PromotionRuleFactory
    • ReviewerReviewsRemover
    • TestPromotionFactory
    • UnsupportedTaxCalculationStrategyException
    • CheckoutStepsHelper
    • PriceHelper
    • ProductVariantsPricesHelper
    • VariantResolverHelper
  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • ChannelPricingInterface::setProductVariant
    • CustomerInterface::setDefaultAddress
    • OrderInterface::setPromotionCoupon
    • ProductInterface::setMainTaxon
    • ProductVariantInterface::setTaxCategory
    • ShippingMethodInterface::setTaxCategory
    • ShippingMethodInterface::setZone
    • TaxRateInterface::setZone
  • Constructor of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Context\SessionAndChannelBasedCartContext has been changed to use Sylius\Component\Core\Storage\CartStorageInterface

  • SessionCartSubscriber and ShopUserLogoutHandler has been moved to ShopBundle. If you used them, you need to add ShopBundle to your Kernel or define this services by your own.

  • The service definition of session_and_channel_based has been moved to ShopBundle. If you used it, you need to add ShopBundle to your Kernel or define this services by your own.

  • AssociationHydrator was moved to sylius-labs/association-hydrator package.

  • Protected methods ShopUser::assignUser and Customer::assignCustomer were deleted.

Customer / CustomerBundle

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • CustomerInterface::setBirthday
    • CustomerInterface::setGroup
    • CustomerAwareInterface::setCustomer

Inventory / InventoryBundle

  • InventoryHelper has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

Mailer / MailerBundle

  • Email has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • SenderInterface::send method has been changed: replyTo argument was added.

Order / OrderBundle

  • In order to be compatible with Doctrine ORM 2.6+ and be more consistent, OrderRepositoryInterface::count() signature was changed to OrderRepositoryInterface::countPlacedOrders().

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • AdjustableInterface::getAdjustments
    • AdjustmentInterface::setAdjustable
    • OrderAwareInterace::setOrder
    • OrderInterface::setCheckoutCompletedAt
  • OrderInterface::getAdjustmentsRecursively and OrderItemInterface::getAdjustmentsRecursively return types changed from array to Collection.

  • In order to display information only about fulfilled orders in the dashboard statistics the OrderRepositoryInterface::countByChannel() method's signature was changed to OrderRepositoryInterface::countFulfilledByChannel().

  • The service definition of sylius.context.cart.session_based has been removed. Declare it by your own if you want to use SessionBasedCartContext

        <service id="sylius.context.cart.session_based" class="Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Context\SessionBasedCartContext">
            <argument type="service" id="session" />
            <argument type="service" id="sylius.repository.order" />
            <tag name="sylius.context.cart" priority="-777" />

Payment / PaymentBundle

  • In PaymentInterface::setMethod the PaymentMethodInterface $method parameter no longer has a default value.
  • The PaymentMethodTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

Product / ProductBundle

  • ProductVariantCombination has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • ProductVariantCombinationValidator has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • ProductAssociationInterface::setOwner
    • ProductAttributeValueInterface::setProduct
    • ProductOptionValueInterface::setOption
    • ProductVariantInterface::setProduct
  • Sylius\Component\Product\Repository\ProductVariantRepositoryInterface definition changed.

    • findByCodeAndProductCode(string $code, string $productCode) was changed to findByCodesAndProductCode(array $codes, string $productCode).
  • The ProductAssociationTypeTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

  • The ProductOptionTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

  • The ProductOptionValueTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

  • The ProductVariantTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

Promotion / PromotionBundle

  • ActivePromotionsProvider has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.
  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:
    • PromotionCouponGeneratorInstructionInterface::setExpiresAt
    • PromotionCouponInterface::setPromotion
    • PromotionCouponInterface::setExpiresAt
    • PromotionInterface::setStartsAt
    • PromotionInterface::setEndsAt
    • PromotionRuleInterface::setPromotion
  • createPaginatorForPromotion(string $promotionCode) added to PromotionCouponRepositoryInterface


  • PrioritizedServiceRegistryInterface::all method return type changed from Zend's PriorityQueue to iterable.

Resource / ResourceBundle

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • TranslationInterface::setTranslatable
    • Archivable::setArchivedAt
    • SlugAwareInterface::setSlug
  • dispatchMultiple(string $eventName, RequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration, $resources) added to EventDispatcherInterface

Review / ReviewBundle

  • The ReviewInterface::setAuthor method no longer has a default null argument and requires one to be explicitly passed.
  • The ReviewFactoryInterface::createForSubjectWithReviewer method no longer has a default null value for $reviewer argument and requires one to be explicitly passed.
  • Default null value of ReviewFactoryInterface::createForSubjectWithReviewer was removed. To create a review without reviewer use createForSubject method from the same interface instead.


  • ContactController has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • _liip_imagine routing import has been moved to the main routing of Sylius app. If you are not importing app/config/routing.yml you need to add this import by your own:

            resource: "@LiipImagineBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
  • ImagineBundle has been upgraded from ^1.6 to ^1.9.1 to move past a BC break in console commands:

  • If sylius_shop.locale_switcher is set to storage, LocaleStrippingRouter is loaded, which strips out _locale parameter from the URL if it's the same as the one already in the storage. In order to disable localized urls, follow this cookbook entry:

  • ShopUserLogoutHandler has different parameters in constructor:

    • HttpUtils $httpUtils
    • string $targetUrl
    • ChannelContextInterface $channelContext
    • CartStorageInterface $cartStorage
  • Last constructor parameter of SessionCartSubscriber is now CartStorageInterface $cartStorage instead of string $sessionKeyName

Shipping / ShippingBundle

  • UnresolvedDefaultShippingMethodException has been made final, use decoration instead of extending it.

  • setShippable(?ShippableInterface $shippable) method has been added to ShipmentUnitInterface.

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • ShipmentInterface::setMethod
    • ShipmentUnitInterface::setShipment
    • ShipmentMethodInterface::setCategory
  • static getCategoryRequirementLabels method was removed from ShippingMethod

  • getCategoryRequirementLabel method was removed from ShippingMethodInterface

  • The ShippingMethodTranslationInterface now extends the Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\TranslationInterface.

Taxation / TaxationBundle

  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • TaxRateInterface::setTranslatable
    • TaxRateInterface::setCategory

Taxonomy / TaxonomyBundle

  • TaxonInterface::getParents method was renamed to TaxonInterface::getAncestors.


  • ThemeHierarchyProviderInterface::getThemeHierarchy no longer accepts null as the passed argument.

User / UserBundle

  • The following classes have been made final, use decoration instead of extending them:

    • UserDeleteListener
    • UserLastLoginSubscriber
    • UserReloaderListener
  • The following methods no longer have a default null argument and require one to be explicitly passed:

    • UserAwareInterface::setUser
    • UserInterface::setPasswordRequestedAt
    • UserInterface::setVerifiedAt
    • UserInterface::setExpiresAt
    • UserInterface::setLastLogin

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.0-beta.2 TO v1.0.0-beta.3


  • The following tag attributes were renamed in order to keep consistency with Symfony (changes not needed if using XML for service definitions):

    • from form-type to form_type
    • from attribute-type to attribute_type
    • from configuration-form-type to configuration_form_type


  • Constructor of CapturePaymentAction now takes a PaymentDescriptionProviderInterface as first argument. This allows granular customisation of the payment description.

Taxonomy / TaxonomyBundle

  • Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomyBundle\Controller\TaxonSlugController has been made final, decorate it or copy instead of extending it.

  • Sylius\Component\Taxonomy\Generator\TaxonSlugGeneratorInterface::generate signature has changed from generate(string $name, ?mixed $parentId = null): string to generate(TaxonInterface $taxon, ?string $locale = null): string.

Core / CoreBundle

  • The following serialization configuration was moved from CoreBundle/Resources/config/app/config.yml to AdminApiBundle/Resources/config/app/config.yml

                       namespace_prefix: "Sylius\\Component\\Core"
                       path: "@SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer"


                       namespace_prefix: "Sylius\\Component\\Core"
                       path: "@SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer"
  • Relations in serializations files were moved from Sylius bundles to SyliusAdminApiBundle

    Example of relation for SyliusOrderBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.OrderItem.yml

          -   rel: order
                  route: sylius_admin_api_order_show
                      id: expr(object.getOrder().getId())
                      version: 1
                  groups: [Default, Detailed, DetailedCart]
  • The following serialization configurations files were moved:

    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.AdminUser.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.AdminUser.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Channel.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Channel.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ChannelPricing.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ChannelPricing.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Customer.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Customer.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Image.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Image.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Order.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Order.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.OrderItem.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.OrderItem.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.OrderItemUnit.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.OrderItemUnit.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Payment.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Payment.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.PaymentMethod.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.PaymentMethod.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Product.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Product.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductImage.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductImage.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductTaxon.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductTaxon.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductVariant.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ProductVariant.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Promotion.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Promotion.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.PromotionCoupon.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.PromotionCoupon.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Property.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Property.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Shipment.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Shipment.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ShippingMethod.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ShippingMethod.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ShopUser.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.ShopUser.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.TaxRate.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.TaxRate.yml
    • from SyliusCoreBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Taxon.yml to SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.Taxon.yml

UPGRADE FROM v1.0.0-beta.1 TO v1.0.0-beta.2

  • Bundles, container extensions and bundles configurations were made final and can't be extended anymore, follow Symfony best practices and do not extend them.


Addressing / AddressingBundle


  • Route sylius_admin_order_shipment_ship has been added to have specific endpoint only for updating via HTTP PUT method and sylius_admin_partial_shipment_ship route is only for rendering the form.

  • Route sylius_admin_address_log_entry_index was renamed to sylius_admin_partial_log_entry_index.

  • Class Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\Controller\NotificationController has been made final and can't be extended anymore, follow Symfony best practices and do not extend it.

AdminApiBundle (former ApiBundle)

  • Bundle was renamed from ApiBundle to AdminApiBundle. Routing and config was changed from sylius_api to sylius_admin_api.

  • Change the import path of your API config from @SyliusApiBundle/Resources/config/app/config.yml to @SyliusAdminApiBundle/Resources/config/app/config.yml (in file app/config/config.yml).

  • Change the import path of your API routing from src/Sylius/Bundle/ApiBundle/Resources/config/routing/main.yml to src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminApiBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml. API became versioned, so you need to prefix them accordingly (e.g. /api/customer -> /api/v1/customer).

  • Routing for the following resources has been changed to use code instead of id:

    • Products
    • Product Variants
    • Taxons

    You can bring back previous configuration by overriding current routing with your definition.

  • Routing for the following resources has been removed and replaced with the auto generated routing:

    • Channels, which are now resolved by code instead of id and only index and show endpoint are available.
    • Countries, which are now resolved by code instead of id.
    • Locales, which are now resolved by code instead of id.
    • Product Attributes, which are now by code instead of id and only index and show endpoint are available.
    • Product Options, which are now resolved by code instead of id and only index and show endpoint are available.
    • Promotions, which are now resolved by code instead of id.
    • Promotions Coupons, which are now resolved by code instead of id and only index and show endpoint are available.
    • Shipping Categories, which are now resolved by code instead of id.
    • Tax Categories, which are now resolved by code instead of id.
    • Tax Rates, which have now only index and show endpoint available.
    • Payment Methods, which have now only show endpoint available.

    You can bring back previous configuration by overriding current routing with your definition.

Attribute / AttributeBundle

  • AttributeValue::$localeCode property was added to make it translatable. Now, every attribute value has a locale code to be displayed properly in different locales. All attribute values are migrated to the new concept with migration Version20170109143010. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

  • Sylius\Component\Attribute\Repository\AttributeRepositoryInterface and its implementations were removed due to not being used anymore. You can bring back missing findByName method by copying it from Git history to your codebase.

Channel / ChannelBundle

Core / CoreBundle

  • ImageUniqueCode and ImageUniqueCodeValidator were deleted and replaced by UniqueWithinCollectionConstraint and UniqueWithinCollectionConstraintValidator from ResourceBundle. To use it replace name of constraint in constraint mapping file from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Validator\Constraints\ImageUniqueCode to Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Validator\Constraints\UniqueWithinCollectionConstraint

  • Renamed getLastNewPayment() on OrderInterface to getLastPayment($state), where $state is target last payment state. Every getLastNewPayment() method should be replaced with getLastPayment(PaymentInterface::STATE_NEW).

  • Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderTaxesProcessor and Sylius\Component\Core\Resolver\ZoneAndChannelBasedShippingMethodsResolver have become a zone scope aware. From now, only zones with scope shipping or all will be considered in Sylius\Component\Core\Resolver\ZoneAndChannelBasedShippingMethodsResolver and a scope tax or all is required by Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderTaxesProcessor. A migration file has been prepared which fill in all as scope for zones that didn't have it specified, so they will be resolved by new implementation.

  • State resolvers have been made final. In order to change theirs behavior please decorate them or provide your own implementation.

  • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RoutingRepositoryPass was removed, implement it yourself.

  • Method createQueryBuilderByChannelAndTaxonSlug from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\ProductRepositoryInterface was renamed to createShopListQueryBuilder and receives taxon object instead of taxon slug string as the second parameter.

  • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Test\MySqlDriver and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Test\PgSqlDriver were removed in favour of dama/doctrine-test-bundle package.

  • Sylius\Component\Core\Test\Services\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator was moved to Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator, change your usages accordingly.

  • Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator and Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\IdBasedInvoiceNumberGenerator were made final, use decoration and implement Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\InvoiceNumberGeneratorInterface instead of extending them.

  • Sylius\Component\Core\Currency\SessionBasedCurrencyStorage was removed and replaced by more generic Sylius\Component\Core\Currency\CurrencyStorage

  • The following classes were removed due to being no longer used in current implementation:

    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Handler\ShopCurrencyChangeHandler
    • Sylius\Component\Core\Currency\Handler\CompositeCurrencyChangeHandler
    • Sylius\Component\Core\Currency\Handler\CurrencyChangeHandlerInterface
    • Sylius\Component\Core\Provider\ChannelBasedCurrencyProvider
    • Sylius\Component\Core\SyliusCurrencyEvents
  • The following classes and interfaces was removed due to changes in locales handling (prepending them in URLs):

    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Handler\CartLocaleChangeHandler
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Handler\ShopLocaleChangeHandler
    • Sylius\Component\Core\Locale\Handler\CompositeLocaleChangeHandler
    • Sylius\Component\Core\Locale\Handler\LocaleChangeHandlerInterface
  • Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\ProductRepositoryInterface definition changed.

    • findLatestByChannel(ChannelInterface $channel, int $count) was changed to findLatestByChannel(ChannelInterface $channel, string $locale, int $count). Please provide your current locale to fetch products together with their translations.

    • findOneBySlugAndChannel(string $slug, ChannelInterface $channel) was changed to findOneByChannelAndSlug(ChannelInterface $channel, string $locale, string $slug). Please provide your current locale to fetch product together with its translations.

    • findOneBySlug(string $slug) was removed and replaced with more specific findOneByChannelAndSlug(ChannelInterface $channel, string $locale, string $slug).

  • Added Payment::$gatewayConfig property (with corresponding getter and setter) to allow dynamic gateways. Use it instead of old Payment::$gateway property.

  • The following methods were added to Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\OrderRepositoryInterface:

    • findCartForSummary($id): ?OrderInterface
    • findCartForAddressing($id): ?OrderInterface
    • findCartForSelectingShipping($id): ?OrderInterface
    • findCartForSelectingPayment($id): ?OrderInterface
  • Channel relation was removed from ChannelPricing model. ChannelPricing::$channelCode should be used instead.

  • The following classes were moved:

    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManager to Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManager
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface to Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle\EmailManager\ShipmentEmailManagerInterface
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManager to Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManager
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManagerInterface to Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\ContactEmailManagerInterface
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManager to Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManager
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface to Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EmailManager\OrderEmailManagerInterface
    • from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\UserMailerListener to Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EventListener\UserMailerListener
  • The following email templates were moved:

    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:shipmentConfirmation.html.twig to SyliusAdminBundle:Email:shipmentConfirmation.html.twig
    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:contactRequest.html.twig to SyliusShopBundle:Email:contactRequest.html.twig
    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:orderConfirmation.html.twig to SyliusShopBundle:Email:orderConfirmation.html.twig
    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:userRegistration.html.twig to SyliusShopBundle:Email:userRegistration.html.twig
    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:passwordReset.html.twig to SyliusShopBundle:Email:passwordReset.html.twig
    • from SyliusCoreBundle:Email:verification.html.twig to SyliusShopBundle:Email:verification.html.twig
  • Removed class Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\ProductTaxonChoiceType, use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\Taxon\ProductTaxonAutocompleteChoiceType instead.

  • Removed Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\Type\Promotion\PromotionConfigurationType class as it has no behaviour and is not used.

  • Removed filterProductTaxonsByTaxon method from ProductTaxonAwareInterface, added getTaxons and hasTaxon methods. If you used the removed method to determine whether product belongs to a given taxon, use hasTaxon instead.

  • Removed Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Action\ChannelBasedPromotionActionCommandInterface and Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Checker\Rule\ChannelBasedRuleCheckerInterface interfaces together with Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\EventSubscriber\BuildChannelBasedPromotionActionFormSubscriber and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Form\EventSubscriber\BuildChannelBasedPromotionRuleFormSubscriber event subscribers, which magically resolved channel-based configurations, look at ChannelBased*Type to implement your own channel-based configs.

  • Services tagged with sylius.promotion_action and sylius.promotion_rule_checker must include form-type parameter being the FQCN of configuration type.

  • Removed class Sylius\Component\Core\TokenAssigner\UniqueTokenGenerator, use Sylius\Component\Resource\Generator\RandomnessGenerator instead.

Currency / CurrencyBundle

  • The following classes were removed due to being no longer used in current implementation:

    • Sylius\Component\Currency\Provider\CurrencyProviderInterface
    • Sylius\Component\Currency\Context\ProviderBasedCurrencyContext
    • Sylius\Component\Currency\Provider\CurrencyProvider
  • sylius_currency.currency configuration option was removed as well as sylius_currency.currency parameter.

Customer / CustomerBundle


Grid / GridBundle

  • Custom options for filter form types was extracted from options to form_options in grid configuration.


                            type: entity
                                class: ""
                                fields: [channel]


                            type: entity
                                fields: [channel]
                                class: ""
  • Grid configuration was upgraded to allow setting the number of maximum visible items per page on index.

                    limits: [15, 20, 30]

Inventory / InventoryBundle

Locale / LocaleBundle

  • Locale model's $enabled field has been removed along with all logic depending on it.

Mailer / MailerBundle


Order / OrderBundle

  • The ExpiredCartsRemover service has been moved from the component and into the bundle. In addition it dispatches the sylius.carts.pre_remove and sylius.carts.post_remove events, both of which hold the collection of carts to be, or already removed, depending on the event. Also, as of now, it depends on the sylius.manager.order to remove the carts instead of the repository in order to not flush every outdated cart, but the whole collection.

  • Moved Sylius\Component\Order\Factory\AddToCartCommandFactoryInterface to Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Factory\AddToCartCommandFactoryInterface.

Payment / PaymentBundle

  • Changed default Payment::$state from new to cart.

  • Credit Card model and all related code have been removed.

  • PaymentInterface::getSource() and PaymentInterface::setSource(PaymentSourceInterface $source) were removed.

  • PaymentSourceInterface has been removed.

  • void transition and state has been removed due to being not used.


  • There were changes made with handling payment states:

    • authorized is treated as processing
    • payedout is treated as refunded
  • Removed Payment::$gateway property and corresponding methods.

  • Introduced PaypalGatewayConfigurationType and StripeGatewayConfigurationType for dynamic gateways configuration.

Product / ProductBundle

  • ProductVariant::$name property (and corresponding getter and setter) was removed to make it translatable. Therefore, ProductVariantTranslation was introduced with one $name property. All product variants names are migrated to new concept with migration Version2016121415313. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

  • ProductAssociationType::$name property (and corresponding getter and setter) was removed to make it translatable. Therefore, ProductAssociationTypeTranslation was introduced with one $name property. All product association types names are migrated to new concept with migration Version20161219160441. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

  • Product::$availableOn and Product::$availableUntil properties (and corresponding getters and setters) were removed. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

  • ProductVariant::$availableOn and ProductVariant::$availableUntil properties (and corresponding getters and setters) were removed.

  • ProductInterface::getAvailableVariants() method was removed as well.

  • ProductVariantRepositoryInterface::findOneByCode($code) method has been replaced with ProductVariantRepositoryInterface::findOneByCodeAndProductCode($code, $productCode).

  • ProductVariantRepositoryInterface::findOneByIdAndProductId($id, $productId) method signature was added.

Promotion / PromotionBundle

  • Removed Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\EventListener\AbstractConfigurationSubscriber, Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\EventListener\BuildPromotionActionFormSubscriber and Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\EventListener\BuildPromotionRuleFormSubscriber event subscribers, use Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle\Form\Type\ConfigurablePromotionElementType as parent type instead.

Registry / RegistryBundle

Resource / ResourceBundle

  • Removed sylius_resource.resources.*.translation.fields configuration key, it was not used at all - if causing issues, remove your configuration under it.

  • Moved Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Model\ResourceLogEntry to Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\ResourceLogEntry.

Review / ReviewBundle

  • Service sylius.average_rating_updater name has been changed to sylius.product_review.average_rating_updater and service sylius.listener.review_change name has been changed to sylius.listener.product_review_change These services will be generated automatically based on subject name.

Shipping / ShippingBundle


  • The following templates were moved:

    • @SyliusShop/Homepage/_header.html.twig -> @SyliusShop/_header.html.twig
    • @SyliusShop/Homepage/_footer.html.twig -> @SyliusShop/_footer.html.twig
    • @SyliusShop/Homepage/Menu/_security.html.twig -> @SyliusShop/Menu/_security.html.twig
    • @SyliusShop/_currencySwitch.html.twig -> @SyliusShop/Menu/_currencySwitch.html.twig
    • @SyliusShop/_localeSwitch.html.twig -> @SyliusShop/Menu/_localeSwitch.html.twig
  • HomepageController has been made final and can't be extended anymore, follow Symfony best practices and do not extend it. Instead extend the Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller and override the service definition.

Taxation / TaxationBundle

  • Signature of method findChildren(string $parentCode) in Sylius\Component\Taxonomy\Repository\TaxonRepositoryInterface was changed to findChildren(string $parentCode, string $locale).

  • Removed Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomyBundle\Form\Type\TaxonChoiceType and Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomyBundle\Form\Type\TaxonCodeChoiceType form types. Use Sylius\Bundle\TaxonomyBundle\Form\Type\TaxonAutocompleteChoiceType instead.

  • Removed method findNodesTreeSorted() from Sylius\Component\Taxonomy\Repository\TaxonRepositoryInterface - provide your own implementation instead.

Taxonomy / TaxonomyBundle


  • Sylius\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Translation\Provider\Locale\FallbackLocalesProvider and Sylius\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Translation\Provider\Locale\FallbackLocalesProviderInterface have been removed.

  • The fallback locales generation of Sylius\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Translation\Translator has been nerfed to more strongly rely on symfony's default logic. From now on it won't compute every possible permutation of fallback locales from the given one, but only the themeless version, the base locale with and without theme's modifier, and every pre-configured fallback with and without the modifier.


  • Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Menu\AbstractMenuBuilder was removed, you should add the following code to classes previously extending it:

    use Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
     * @var FactoryInterface
    private $factory;
     * @var EventDispatcher
    private $eventDispatcher;
     * @param FactoryInterface $factory
     * @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
    public function __construct(FactoryInterface $factory, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        $this->factory = $factory;
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;

    Also sylius.menu_builder service was removed, you should add the following code to services previously extending it:

    <argument type="service" id="knp_menu.factory" />
    <argument type="service" id="event_dispatcher" />

User / UserBundle


  • sylius_admin_dashboard_redirect route was removed, use sylius_admin_dashboard instead.

  • All shop routes became prepended with locale code, see below for required routing and security changes.

  • Shop only shows products / taxons having translations in current language.


  • Move sylius_shop routing below sylius_admin and sylius_admin_api in app/config/routing.yml and replace it with the following one:

        resource: "@SyliusShopBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix: /{_locale}
            _locale: ^[a-z]{2}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?$
        path: /
        methods: [GET]
  • Payum gateways configuration is now done in Admin panel. Don't use yml file to configure your custom gateways.

  • While providing multiple locales you need to insert the two letter base (i.e. en), along with the %locale% parameter, to the fallbacks array in app/config/config.yml.

        translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%", "en"] }
  • Payum routes were made independent of the current locale. Add the following code to app/config/routing.yml:

        resource: "@SyliusShopBundle/Resources/config/routing/payum.yml"
  • Add exception config to fos_rest in config.yml:

    exception: ~


  • Firewalls configuration was changed to provide better CSRF protection and turn on remember me feature, update your app/config/security.yml:

                    csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager
                    csrf_parameter: _csrf_admin_security_token
                    csrf_token_id: admin_authenticate
                    secret: "%secret%"
                    path: /admin
                    name: APP_ADMIN_REMEMBER_ME
                    lifetime: 31536000
                    remember_me_parameter: _remember_me
                    csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager
                    csrf_parameter: _csrf_shop_security_token
                    csrf_token_id: shop_authenticate
                    secret: "%secret%"
                    name: APP_SHOP_REMEMBER_ME
                    lifetime: 31536000
                    remember_me_parameter: _remember_me

    From now on you need to pass CSRF token to your login-check request so you need to add <input type="hidden" value={{ csrf_token('csrf_token_id') }} name="csrf_parameter"> into your login form. Example input for admin login looks like <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_admin_security_token" value="{{ csrf_token('admin_authenticate') }}">.

    The remember me feature did not work properly due to missing additional configuration.

  • Securing partial routes and prepending shop URLs with locales need changes in access_control section of your app/config/security.yml:

              - { path: "^/[^/]++/_partial", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ips: [, ::1] }
              - { path: "^/[^/]++/_partial", role: ROLE_NO_ACCESS }
              - { path: "^/[^/]++/login", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
              - { path: "^/(?!admin|api)[^/]++/register", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
              - { path: "^/(?!admin|api)[^/]++/verify", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
              - { path: "^/admin", role: ROLE_ADMINISTRATION_ACCESS }
              - { path: "^/api/.*", role: ROLE_API_ACCESS }
              - { path: "^/(?!admin|api)[^/]++/account", role: ROLE_USER }

Database Migrations

  • Check if the Sylius migrations are in your app/migrations directory. If not, then add to this directory the migrations from the vendor/sylius/sylius/app/migrations/ directory.

    If you've got your own migrations here, please run the migrations carefully. The doctrine migrations system is comparing dates of the migrations, then if some of your migrations have the same dates as migrations in Sylius, then they may corrupt the sequence of running Sylius migrations.

    In such situations we suggest running migrations one by one, instead of all at once.


  • Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\IndexPage, Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\CreatePage, Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\UpdatePage now accepts route name instead of resource name.