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54 lines (53 loc) · 10.6 KB


feature description Alpha release Beta release GA release
ippool ip settings v0.2.0 v0.4.0 v0.6.0
namesapce affinity v0.4.0 v0.6.0
application affinity v0.4.0 v0.6.0
multiple default ippool v0.6.0
multusname v0.6.0
nodename v0.6.0 v0.6.0
default cluster ippool v0.2.0 v0.4.0 v0.6.0
default namespace ippool v0.4.0 v0.5.0
default CNI ippool v0.4.0 v0.4.0
annotation ippool v0.2.0 v0.5.0
annotation route v0.2.0 v0.5.0
subnet automatically create ippool v0.4.0
automatically scaling and deletion ip according to application v0.4.0
automatically delete ippool v0.5.0
annotation for multiple interface v0.4.0
keep ippool after deleting application v0.5.0
support deployment, statefulset, job, replicaset v0.4.0
support operator controller v0.4.0
flexible ip number v0.5.0
ippool inherit route and gateway attribute from its subnet v0.6.0
reservedIP reservedIP v0.4.0 v0.6.0
fixed ip fixed ip for each pod of statefulset v0.5.0
fixed ip ranges for statefulset, deployment, replicaset v0.4.0 v0.6.0
fixed ip for kubevirt In plan
support calico v0.5.0 v0.6.0
support weave v0.5.0 v0.6.0
spidermultusconfig support macvlan ipvlan sriov custom v0.6.0 v0.7.0
support ovs-cni v0.7.0
ipam plugin cni v1.0.0 v0.4.0 v0.5.0
ifacer plugin bond interface v0.6.0
vlan interface v0.6.0
coordinator plugin support underlay mode v0.6.0 v0.7.0
support overlay mode v0.6.0
CRD spidercoordinators for multus configuration v0.6.0
detect ip conflict and gateway v0.6.0 v0.6.0
specify the MAC of pod v0.6.0
tune the default route of pod multiple interfaces v0.6.0
ovs/macvlan/sriov/ipvlan visit clusterIP v0.6.0 v0.7.0
visit local node to guarantee the pod health check v0.6.0 v0.7.0
visit nodePort with spec.externalTrafficPolicy=local or spec.externalTrafficPolicy=cluster v0.6.0
network policy In plan
recycle IP recycle IP taken by deleted pod v0.4.0 v0.6.0
recycle IP taken by deleting pod v0.4.0 v0.6.0
dual-stack dual-stack v0.2.0 v0.4.0
CLI debug and operate. check which pod an IP is taken by, check IP usage , trigger GC In plan
multi-cluster a broker cluster could synchronize ippool resource within a same subnet from all member clusters, which could help avoid IP conflict In plan
support submariner In plan
cilium cooperate with cilium In plan
egressGateway egressGateway In plan