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Creation Myth

Setting: The Multiverse

As all begins, so shall all end

Before there existed anything at all, there was only darkness, and the darkness was cold and empty. Darkness, however, can only exist as a relative absence of radiance. As such, a singular grain of light began to dance and spin beside the darkness. No sooner had this spark instantiated, than the darkness sapped its energy and dimmed it with absorptive void. Once again, only darkness spanned entirety.

A moment forever

In the time between eternities of darkness, that flow of energy from light to dark formed myriad eddies, and infinite vortices sang the song of uncountable cosmos. That individual moment of illumination became its own eternity for all that existed within its motion. Within this time, the great cascade stratified thusly: above floated holiness and below lay the infernal. An ethereal bathygraphy of great luster crystallized from the origin seed, and a chromatic ocean of stars flowed from origin to void. The knotted vortices of flux manifested a universe each within this time stream, shaped and directed by stalagmitic spires of the ethereal. When these universes were still young and pyric, strands of thought lengthened within the altitudinous domain. As any proximal lengths of thread may, they twisted and wove together into a cloth of mind. This mind was a hunger, and set about finding methods to sustain. Remaining scraps of mind fiber provided minor satiation, but could not act as a long-term fuel. The cloth mind pondered, and envisioned a material engine. Transient minds that self-propagated could produce an unlimited quantity of nourishment. The cloth mind shed outer layers, which frayed. From this fray it seeded all universes with this divine fiber. This precipitate fell onto fertile matter-soil, and the cloth mind perceived the petrichor of creation.

The first beings born of this fiber called the cloth mind LOOM and were despondent. They said "LOOM, how can such transients as us continue without such things as joy, love and faith?" Before any response, these beings had ceased. LOOM could not comprehend the aspects they had desired, as it was a grand symphonic cacophony compared to the twinkling impermanents. So, it created Ere. Of a more tightly knit weave with no overabundance of fiber, Ere had a greater wherewithal to administer existence.

Pantheogenesis and prophecy

Ere oversaw the dawn of life upon the multiverse, but herself struggled with the quiet loneliness of uniquity. She said "LOOM, I have done your good work and germinated your seed of life. In your judgment may you grant me solace from this isolation?" LOOM held no great amount of understanding of this request, but frayed forth fibers that Ere could construct into others like herself, and Ere created Elfemroth.

Satiated, LOOM did not condescend to interact with Elfemroth, and withdrew from Ere's presence as well. It imparted a promise to the younger gods: it would allow them total domain over the multiverse as long as they furthered the propagation of life in order to feed it. If they failed to do so, it would wipe the multiverse clean and start again.