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0.4.6 — 28-12-2017

  • ErrorBubble component was reimplemented using Popup. While the API did not change, the implementation has changed drastically. If you were relying on the internals (to customize CSS, for example) please review your implementation.

0.4.0 — 18-12-2017

  • react-markdown package was updated to version 3.0 which contains breaking changes. Since the Markdown component passes props to react-markdown, this constitutes a breaking change for Ring UI itself. See the details.

  • was set up to help us keep dependencies up-to-date. Most dependencies were updated to latest versions.

0.3.8 — 29-11-2017

Auth improvements

  • Embedded login flow is now supported: instead of redirecting to and from Hub to perform authentication, a login form can now be opened in a separate window. Upon successful authentication the service may choose to either reload the page or to partially update the UI without reloading, which results in a more pleasant login experience for the users. To enable the new mode, pass embeddedLogin: true to Auth configuration. There's also a new enableBackendStatusCheck option that checks if Hub is up and running before opening the login window or making the redirect. This option is enabled by default.

0.3.0 — 20-11-2017


  • Release 0.3.0 is designed to work with React 16. Moreover, react and react-dom are no longer dependencies but peerDependencies — make sure to include them in your project's dependencies, if you don't have them already. If your project's webpack.config.js includes a resolve section for making sure only one copy of React is loaded, it can now be removed.

  • RingComponent, a base class for all Ring UI components is now gone. The components are now inherited directly from PureComponent. If you have your own components using RingComponent as the base class, please refactor them:

    // Before
    import React from 'react';
    import RingComponent from '../ring-component/ring-component';
    export default class MyComponent extends RingComponent {
      // RingComponent had its own lifecycle methods, matching the original ones        
      didUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    // After
    import React, {PureComponent} from 'react';
    export default class MyComponent extends PureComponent {
      componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
  • If you were relying on the rerender method of RingComponent (for example, to trigger re-rendering of date-picker or query-assist), special wrapped versions of those components should be used instead. Those wrapped versions include the rerender method for backward compatibility:

    // Before
    import DatePicker from "@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/date-picker/date-picker";
    // After
    import {RerenderableDatePicker as DatePicker} from "@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/date-picker/date-picker";



  • React Ng, a legacy Angular directive for proxying React components was removed.
  • An ability to import SVG icons as components (import PencilIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/pencil.svg') deprecated earlier was removed.


  • Updated lots of dependencies
  • mout is no longer a dependency

0.2.10 — 22-08-2017


  • Icon component now exports icons (@jetbrains/icons package) and logos (@jetbrains/logos) as React components. A previously introduced feature of importing them directly from packages is deprecated:

    // deprecated, will be removed in 0.3
    import PencilIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/pencil.svg'
    import SearchIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/search.svg'
    import HubLogo from '@jetbrains/logos/hub/hub.svg'
    // Worked before, works now, and will work later
    import pencilIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/pencil.svg'
    import searchIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/search.svg'
    import hubLogo from '@jetbrains/logos/hub/hub.svg'
    import Icon from '@jetbrains/components/icon/icon'
    <Icon glyph={pencilIcon}/>
    <Icon glyph={searchIcon}/>
    <Icon glyph={hubLogo}/>
    // Works since 0.2.7. This allows to stop patching ring-ui's `svg-sprite-loader` rule in your webpack config.
    import {PencilIcon, SearchIcon} from '@jetbrains/components/icon'
    import {HubLogo} from '@jetbrains/components/icon/logos' // This can dramatically increase your bundle size, so you may want to keep using the above traditional method for logos
    // Also works
    import Icon, {PencilIcon, SearchIcon} from '@jetbrains/components/icon'
    import {HubLogo} from '@jetbrains/components/icon/logos'
    <Icon glyph={PencilIcon}/>
    <Icon glyph={SearchIcon}/>
    <Icon glyph={HubLogo}/>


  • Tag: disabled prop was added. Review

  • Popup: a custom container can be passed as a prop. Review

  • Dialog: focus is trapped inside dialog. Tabbing outside of the dialog is blocked. You can opt out of this behavior by passing trapFocus={false}. Review


  • Select: after selecting a tag, the input is cleared. Review


  • "Clear" icon on Select's button was not clickable in Firefox. Review
  • svg-sprite-loader was updated to fix rendering of logos in Firefox. Review

0.2.1 — 11-08-2017


  • Include icon-runtime-generator.js into package

0.2.0 — 11-08-2017


  • SVG icons can be imported directly as React components. They pass props to the Icon component.

    // Before (and still fully supported)
    import pencilIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/pencil.svg'
    import Icon from '@jetbrains/components/icon/icon'
    // After
    import PencilIcon from '@jetbrains/icons/pencil.svg'


  • baseline option for Grid component. Review


  • Code component now comes with a list of highlighed languages. Other languages supported by highlight.js can be enabled manually:

    import {highlight} from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/code/code'
    import lang1c from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/1c';
    highlight.registerLanguage('1c', lang1c);


  • DataList component: "show more / less" functionality was fully rewritten. Review


  • DataList: fixed the issue with selection and focus being cleared when toggling a tree element. Review
  • Various optimizations were applied to reduce app bundle size. Review

0.1.0 — 01-08-2017: Ring UI goes Open Source!

What changes for the end users

  • @jetbrains/ring-ui package should be used instead of ring-ui.
  • Version was reset to 0.1.1. To install the latest version, run npm install --save-exact @jetbrains/ring-ui.
  • You may remove the internal registry line from .npmrc.
  • Named imports can be used for importing components:
    import {Button, Input} from '@jetbrains/ring-ui';
    // You can still import components one by one to reduce bundle size
    import Button from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/button/button';
    import Input from '@jetbrains/ring-ui/components/input/input';
  • Change the webpack configuration import (if using one) from require('ring-ui') to require('@jetbrains/ring-ui').

What changes for the contributors

  • The commit history has been rewritten. Please clone the repository anew from ssh://
  • Prepend your commit messages with [Publish] to trigger publishing of npm packages.

Earlier changes

27-07-2017: @jetbrains/icons

Private jetbrains-icons package was replaced with a public one that is hosted on GitHub and available as @jetbrains/icons in npm. Please update your projects accordingly.

23-07-2017: borders are used for link underline instead of text-decoration

This allows to put the underline right below the descenders, so that it doesn't cross them, and make it 1 physical pixel wide on retina displays.

If you use some non-textual content along with text inside Link component, you may need to pass a function as a child to Link, which would take one argument, WrapText, and use it to wrap the text parts (see example with logo).

Note that WrapText relies on the fact that it's an inline element, so if, for example, you use flexbox layout inside Link, you may need an additional div around WrapText.

23-07-2017: react-virtualized

The render optimisation logic in List component is delegated to react-virtualized library. Now it works even if the List doesn't have a maxHeight prop. You may still opt out of the optimization by passing renderOptimization={false}.

06-07-2017: expect(smth).to usage is discouraged in favour of smth.should

It's not possible to define should property on null and undefined values, so here's a possible workaround:

// Before

// After

// Or, if you want to be more specific
(foo === null);
(foo === undefined);

04-07-2017: Ring UI is a monorepo

Run npm run bootstrap to install all the packages' dependencies and link them between each other where needed.

03-07-2017: header-legacy component has been removed

Use header component instead

24-06-2017: major tests refactoring


Airbnb's enzyme was introduced as a tool for testing React output. Please refer to its API docs and to the list of chai-enzyme assertions.

Which helper should I use?

When using enzyme, a tough question is which of the shallow/mount/render helpers to use. Here's a simple checklist for that.

  • Use shallow by default. Basically, it just tests the output of your render function and often this can be enough
  • Use mount when
    1. some DOM APIs are involved
    2. testcase relies on componentDidMount or refs being called
    3. testcase uses type and/or props of the component being tested (example)
  • Use render when
    1. the full html output tree is needed
    2. testing the text content of a node
    3. using some complex CSS selector, beyond the subset supported by other wrappers

One possible workflow is to start with shallow, and if something doesn't work as expected, replace with mount or render based on the checklist.

Local variables instead of context

Using context(this) in testcases is discouraged in favour of local variables. This allows using arrow functions for all the testcases, which in turn helps to maintain uniformity.

  • before:
    /* eslint-disable func-names */
    describe('Something', () => {
      beforeEach(function() { = makeFoo();
      it('testcase using foo', function() {;
      it('testcase not using foo', () => {
  • after:
    describe('Something', () => {
      let foo;
      beforeEach(() => {
        foo = makeFoo();
      it('testcase using foo', () => {
      it('testcase not using foo', () => {

Sinon sandbox previously available as this.sinon became a global variable sandbox.

25-05-2017: auth parameters have been uniformly named in camelCase. Support for snake_case parameters has been dropped.

Attempting to pass client_id, redirect_uri, request_credentials will throw an exception. Use clientId, redirectUri, requestCredentials instead.

27-04-2017: Unused HeaderAuth component has been removed

Use brand new Header component instead

26-04-2017: stage-0/1 transforms are dropped

The most widely used of them was transform-function-bind.

  • Before: ::this.handleClick
  • After: this.handleClick.bind(this)

Often it's better to declare an arrow property function instead of binding a method on each render.

  • Before:
    class MyComponent extends Component() {
      handleClick(e) {
      render() {
        return <div onClick={::this.handleClick}/>;
  • After:
    class MyComponent extends Component() {
      handleClick = e => {
      render() {
        return <div onClick={this.handleClick}/>;

20-04-2017: Usage with webpack 1.* is deprecated

This was necessary in order to enable tree-shaking.

18-04-2017: Default export hack is dropped

This affects only CommonJS usages.

  • Before: const Button = require('ring-ui/components/button/button');
  • After: const Button = require('ring-ui/components/button/button').default;
  • Even better: import Button from 'ring-ui/components/button/button';

13-04-2017: Auth component no longer provides getSecure and getApi methods

Use the brand new HTTP component instead.


import Auth from 'ring-ui/components/auth/auth';

const auth = new Auth(authConfig);

const services = auth.requestToken().
      then(token => auth.getApi('services/header', token));


import Auth from 'ring-ui/components/auth/auth';
import HTTP from 'ring-ui/components/http/http';

const auth = new Auth(authConfig);
const http = new HTTP(auth, auth.getAPIPath());

const services = http.get('services/header');

13-02-2017: Checkbox + ReactNg connection does not support ngModel anymore. Use checkbox-ng instead.

13-02-2017: Badge component has no margins anymore and is aligned by baseline

20-01-2016: Webpack configuration structure change

In order to migrate to webpack 2, we have to keep webpack.config clean of properties that don't match the schema. Since this change config moved to internal property config, and loaders moved to loaders properties:


require('webpack-config-merger')(require('ring-ui'), {


require('webpack-config-merger')(require('ring-ui').config, {

18-01-2016: Existing Header moved to legacy folder


import Header from 'ring-ui/components/header/header';
import HeaderHelper from 'ring-ui/components/header/header__helper';


import Header from 'ring-ui/components/header-legacy/header-legacy';
import HeaderHelper from 'ring-ui/components/header-legacy/header-legacy__helper';

04-01-2016 (2.5.5847): Popup reimplemented

  • Popup should now be rendered directly, as any other react child
  • anchorElement becomes optional, the parent DOM element is used as default anchor
  • container prop isn't used anymore. Instead, for correct positioning inside scrollable containers, scroll events on anchor ancestors are listened to.
  • Imperative API is replaced with declarative


class TogglePopup extends Component {
  renderPopup() {
    this.popup = Popup.renderPopup(
        onClose={::this.forceUpdate} // to keep button state in sync with popup
        <div ref="popupContent" />
  toggle() {
    if (!this.popup) {
    } else if (this.popup.isVisible()) {
    } else {
  render() {
    return (
        active={this.popup && this.popup.isVisible()}


class TogglePopup extends Component {
  state = {hidden: false};
  toggle() {
    this.setState(state => ({hidden: !state.hidden}));
  render() {
    return (
        // Button becomes anchor here
          // This is called on Esc press or outside click. There are also separate handlers for those two events
          onCloseAttempt={() => this.setState({hidden: true})}
          // String refs don't work inside Popup. Use functional refs instead:
            ref={el => { this.popupContent = el; }}

05-12-2016: Alert API reimplemented

  • There are now two ways to use alerts in React: 1) as a pure component with custom management of alerts' stack (see Alert Container example), and 2) a simple alert-service, which should cover most usages.
  • Alert now receives the message as its child, not as caption prop.
  • Alert is now closeable by default.
  • Alert now has a timeout property to define timeout for onCloseRequest call.
  • Alert doesn't remove itself anymore. It now calls the onCloseRequest callback if it should be removed with an animation. The host component should then set the isClosing={true} prop which performs the closing animation and calls the onClose callback after it finishes.
  • To remove an alert use {remove, removeWithoutAnimation} functions from alert-service.
  • [Angular] alert-ng component was removed – alert-service should be used instead.

29-11-2016: Several changes to Dialog and Island

  • dialog.scss was moved to dialog-ng component because dialog itself has been reimplemented.
  • island header and island content now have 32px spacing to suit the most common use case.

18-11-2016: All buttons have type="button" by default. To set another type (e.g. "submit") you have to pass it explicitly

15-11-2016: Footer no longer supports the "ring-footer_floating" modifier, use "floating" prop instead


<Footer className="ring-footer_floating"/>


<Footer floating={true}/>

31-10-2016: ListItem and ListCustom no longer pass all props to DOM elements

Since React prohibits passing non-supported props to DOM elements we now have a whitelist of supported props declared in PropTypes. Other props are no longer passed to ListItem and ListCustom.

29-08-2016: The long-deprecated .ring-input__error-bubble and .ring-form__footer styles were removed

Please migrate to .ring-error-bubble and .ring-panel

25-08-2016: SelectNg requires pack size to be specified in infinite scroll mode

infiniteScrollPackSize should match the value of $top REST parameter.


<rg-select ...


<rg-select ...

10-08-2016: Introduced new versioning system

To make Ring UI installable with npm install ring-ui we have changed the versioning scheme.


2.4.0-4995 (major.minor.patch-build)


2.4.4996 (

29-06-2016: Added "ring-" suffix to the constants in palette/palette.scss


$palette-array, $palette-white-text, $palette-grey-text


$ring-palette-array, $ring-palette-white-text, $ring-palette-grey-text

27-05-2016: rgba-attribute mixin was removed

Use rgba colors directly as we no longer support ancient IE versions.


  @include rgba-attribute('border-color', rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15));


  border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

04-04-2016: Browser requirements for Autoprefixer should be specified in the target project (RG-963)

Place a browserslist file in your project directory. Default query is > 1%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR which currently resolves to:

and_chr 49
and_uc 9.9
android 4.4
chrome 49
chrome 48
edge 13
edge 12
firefox 45
firefox 44
firefox 38
ie 11
ie 10
ie_mob 11
ie_mob 10
ios_saf 9.3
ios_saf 9.0-9.2
ios_saf 8.1-8.4
op_mini 5.0-8.0
opera 36
opera 35
safari 9.1
safari 9

17-05-2016: ES6! All existing code was converted, new code should be written in ES6 only

22-04-2016: Permissions: parameter "config" does not have property config.serviceId, use instead


new Permissions(auth, {serviceId: auth.serviceId})


new Permissions(auth, {services: [auth.serviceId]})

20-02-2016: Button.Modifiers enum was removed, attributes should be used instead


<Button modifier={Button.Modifiers.BLUE}>{'Button text'}</Button>


<Button blue={true}>{'Button text'}</Button>

03-02-2016: in-space parameter of rg-permission and rg-permission-if directives was renamed to in-project (RG-750)


<div rg-permission="space-read" in-space="0-0-0-0-0">
 Is visible if user has permission 'read-space' in space 0-0-0-0-0.


<div rg-permission="project-read" in-project="0-0-0-0-0">
 Is visible if user has permission 'read-project' in project 0-0-0-0-0.

28-01-2016: Changed the way form control sizes are set

To set the size of the form controls, use the ring-input-size_<size> class, where <size> can be "sx" (50px), "s" (100px), "md" (200px) or "l" (400px).


<div class="ring-form">
  <input class="ring-input"/>
  <input class="ring-input ring-input_long"/>


<div class="ring-form">
  <input class="ring-input ring-input-size_md"/>
  <input class="ring-input ring-input-size_l"/>

28-01-2016: CSS class .ring-form__error-bubble was renamed to .ring-error-bubble

11-01-2016: Popup API change: "Corner" and "Direction" props replaced with "Directions" array

The arcane bitwise API was replaced with a more straightforward direction specification. "Corner" and "Direction" properties were dropped, "Directions" array was introduced. Example: Before:

props: {
  Corner: Popup.PopupProps.Corner.BOTTOM_LEFT,
  Direction: Popup.PopupProps.Direction.DOWN | Popup.PopupProps.Direction.RIGHT


props: {
  Directions: Popup.PopupProps.Directions.BOTTOM_RIGHT

22-12-2015: "form-ng__update-text" component was removed

Please use the rg-save-field component instead.

18-12-2015: "textarea" component was removed

Please use ring-input instead.

11-12-2015: SVGO is not used in Ring UI anymore, its config has been removed

jetbrains-icons (since 1.0.12) and jetbrains-logos (since 1.0.5) packages now contain compressed SVG images, so there is no more RingSVGOConfig in webpack.config.js. Migration path: update jetbrains-icons and jetbrains-logos.

07-12-2015: Changes in markup of ring-input, ring-textarea, error-bubble and ring-form__control (RG-965)

  • If ring-input or ring-textarea is used outside of ring-form__control, it should have class ring-input_medium (ring-textarea_medium), otherwise it will have a width of 100%
  • Class ring-input_full-width renamed to ring-form__control_full-width (as ring-input is now full-width by default)

19-11-2015: LoaderInline was reimplemented

Usages should be updated if you're not using the React component. (See example).

02-11-2015: Auth: Hub 1.0 defaults applied

  • redirect param in Auth is now false by default
  • redirect param in Auth doesn't have the background-unsafe value anymore, so it should be removed from project's Auth configs
  • Background token refresh always uses request_credentials mode silent

30-10-2015: webpack.config.js does not provide loaders for applications' code anymore, you will need to set up all the necessary loaders in your project configuration.

30-10-2015: Icons are now loaded using svg-sprite-loader. They were also moved to a separate package (RG-550, RG-834)

Icon's glyph property now accepts URL from loader instead of ID, e.g. <Icon glyph={require('jetbrains-icons/add.svg')}>.

30-10-2015: Migration to ES6, React 0.14 and Babel (RG-361, RG-420)

jQuery, when.js, and mout are not used anymore.

30-10-2015: Components should be addressed by full path

E.g. you should use import ring-ui/components/react-ng/react-ng instead of react-ng/react-ng.

29-10-2015: Loader was renamed to LoaderInline to give place to the brand new Loader

LoaderInline is display: inline-block by default and shouldn't be used as the main loader anymore.

22-05-2015: "user2" icon duplicate removed

06-05-2015: Unused filtering functionality removed from popup-menu (RG-700)

filter property doesn't make sense anymore

06-05-2015: form-ng__update-text is no more required in form-ng (part of RG-676)

form-ng__update-text should be required separately from form-ng in consuming code

28-04-2015: ring-island refactoring (RG-662)

  • Renamed _island.scss to island.scss
  • Removed display: block from the main class and dropped the .ring-island_inline modifier completely

21-04-2015: Removed deprecated Auth.prototype.isGuest method (RG-644)

Use the guest field of the user object instead. It is included by default in Auth.prototype.requestUser response.

20-04-2015: userFields introduced in Auth config (RG-640)

It's now required to set userFields in the Auth config if any fields other than guest, id, name, profile/avatar/url are needed in auth.requestUser. Please note that you need to explicitly specify profile sub-fields to request them, specifying profile won't do anything.


var auth = new Auth({
  serverUri: 'http://localhost/',
  userFields: ['login', 'profile/email']