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  • check_confounders.pdf: boxplot of potentially confounded variables across brain regions.
  • DE_boxplots_byDx.pdf: significant gene case control boxplots.
  • DE_boxplots_byRegion_clean.pdf: habenula vs other significant genes with cleaning effect boxplots.
  • DE_boxplots_byRegion.pdf: habenula vs other significant genes boxplots.
  • de_by_region_habenulaDown.pdf: boxplot with jitter by region for down expressed genes in region analysis.
  • de_by_region_habenulaUp.pdf : boxplot with jitter by region for up expressed genes in region analysis.
  • hist_pval_dx.pdf : distribution of pvalues by diagnosis.
  • hist_pval_regions.pdf : distribution pvalues by region.
  • PCA_plots_gene_Exprs_all_dx.pdf : pca scatter plot by diagnosis for all regions.
  • PCA_plots_gene_Exprs_all_regions.pdf : pca scatter by regions.
  • PCA_plots_gene_Exprs_control.pdf : pca scatter for only control brains.
  • PCA_plots_gene_Exprs_dx.pdf : pca scatter for case control.
  • variable_metrics_dx.pdf :boxplot of potentially confounded variables by diagnosis
  • volcano_plot_all.pdf : needs fixing (corrupted file).
  • volcano_plot_sig.pdf : volcano plot of sig genes in region analysis.
  • voom_gene_dx.pdf : voom plot for model by diagnosis.
  • voom_gene_region.pdf : vooom plot for model by region.