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0x0B. C - malloc Project

File: 0-create_array.c is a function that creates an array of chars, and initializes it with a specific char.

File: 1-strdup.c is a function that returns a pointer to a newly allocated space in memory, which contains a copy of the string given as a parameter.

File: 2-str_concat.c is a function that concatenates two strings.

File: 3-alloc_grid.c is a function that returns a pointer to a 2 dimensional array of integers.

File: 4-free_grid.c is a function that frees a 2 dimensional grid previously created by our alloc_grid function.

File: 100-argstostr.c is a function that concatenates all the arguments of our program.

File: 101-strtow.c is a function that splits a string into words.

File: main.h is a header file contaning all the function prototypes.