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File metadata and controls

182 lines (181 loc) · 5.83 KB

Data Structure

  • Time complexity
    • O(1) : Constant
    • O(logn) : Logarithmic
    • O(n) : linear
    • O(nlogn) : Linear Logarithmic
    • O(n^2) : Quadratic
    • O(n^3) : Cubic
    • O(n^k) : Polynomial
    • O(a^n) : Exponential
    • O(n!)
  • Space complexity
  • Array
    • Lookup --> O(1)
    • Insert --> O(1)
      • If need growth --> O(n)
    • Delete --> O(1)
      • If need shift items --> O(n)
  • Linked-List
    • Lookup
      • By value --> O(n)
      • By index --> O(n)
    • Insertion
      • At the end --> O(n)
        • With tail node --> O(1)
      • At the beginning --> O(1)
      • In the middle --> O(n)
    • Delete
      • At the beginning --> O(1)
      • At the end
        • If we have to find the node before the last node --> O(n) else O(1)
      • In the middle --> O(n)
    • Problems
      • Find the Kth node form the end
        • hint: use two pointers with K-1 distance
  • Stack
    • All operations run in O(1)
    • Balanced Expression
  • Queue
    • All operations run in O(1)
    • Implementation
      • Using a circular array with two pointers for where items to get and where to put
      • Using two stacks, one for enqueue and one for dequeue
    • Problems
      • Reverse items in a queue
        • hint: use a stack
    • Priority queue
      • Use array or heap to implement
  • Hash table
    • Hash functions are deterministic
    • Use array to store items internally
    • All operations run in O(1) unless you iterate over values it will be O(n)
    • Collision
      • Chaining
      • Open addressing
        • Linear probing
        • Quadratic probing
        • Double hashing
    • Problems
      • Find first non-repeated char
      • Remove duplicate items in an array or find first repeated char
        • hint: use a Set
  • Bubble sort
  • Selection sort
    • O(n^2)
  • Insertion sort
    • Like cards
    • O(n^2)
  • Merge sort
    • Time --> O(nlogn)
    • Space --> O(n)
  • Quick sort (definition of pivot, pros and cons vs merge-sort)
  • Linear search
    • O(n)
  • Binary search
    • Implementation Types
      • Recursive
      • Iterative
    • Time --> O(logn)
    • Space complexity in case of recursive implementation --> O(logn)
    • Space complexity in case of iterative implementation --> O(1)
      • Number of recursive calls
  • Binary search tree
    • Value of any node is always greater than left and less than right child or in the other hand value of each node is greater than left subtree and less than right subtree
    • Lookup, Insert and Delete --> O(logn)
  • Traversing tree approaches:
    • Breadth first
      • Also called as level order
      • Visit all the nodes at the same level before visiting the nodes at the next level
    • Depth first
      • Pre-order --> Root -> Left -> Right
      • Post-order --> Left -> Right -> Root
      • In-order --> Left -> Root -> Right
        • Is in ascending order
        • If we want descending order swap the left with right --> Right -> Root -> Left
  • Binary Tree Problems
    • Find the min value in Binary Tree
    • Validating a Binary Tree if is a Binary Search Tree
    • Nodes at distance K from the root
  • Balanced tree
    • Self Balancing Trees
      • AVL Tree
      • Red-Black Tree
      • B-Tree
  • Heaps
    • Is a Complete Binary Tree that satisfies the Heap Property
    • Insert and Delete --> O(logn) or O(h) (h:height)
    • Because Heaps don't have holes its more efficient to implement them with array
    • Heap sort
    • Priority Queue
      • With Array implementation, Insert is O(n) and Delete is O(1)
      • With Heap implementation, Insert is O(logn) and Delete is O(logn)
    • Problems
      • Finding the Kth largest item in a list
        • hint: Use a max heap
      • Implement a heapify algorithm
        • Means transforming an array into a heap in place
  • Tries
    • Also called Digital or Radix or Prefix tree
    • It's not a binary tree
    • Use Tries to implement autocomplete
    • Lookup, Insert and Delete is O(L) where L is the length of the word, we searching for
    • If we want to print all the word then use Pre-Order traversal
    • If we want to delete a word then use Post-Order traversal
  • Graphs
    • To represent connected objects
    • A tree is a kind of a graph without a cycle
    • A node is called Vertex
    • Adjacent or neighbor
    • Dense Graph
    • Adjacency matrix
      • Two dimensional array
      • Suitable when you know ahead of time how many nodes you need
      • Space --> O(n^2)
      • Add and Remove Node --> O(V^2) (V: vertices)
      • Add and Remove Edge --> O(1)
      • Find all the adjacent nodes of a node --> O(V)
    • Adjacency List
      • Array of Linked-List
      • Suitable if you dealing with a Dense Graph
      • Space is O(V+E) but in case of Dense Graph is O(V^2)
      • Add node is O(1)
      • Remove node is O(V+E) but in case of Dense Graph is O(V^2)
      • Add and remove edge is O(V)
      • Check to see if two nodes are connected --> O(V)
      • Find adjacent node --> O(K) or O(V)
    • Traverse
      • Depth-First
        • Start from a node and recursively visit all of it's neighbors, going really deep in the graph
        • Use hashset to keep track of visited items
        • Use recursion or iteration to implement
      • Breadth-First
        • Visit a node and all it's neighbors before going further from that node
        • Implement using a queue or iteration
    • Topological sort
      • Use Depth-First traversal
      • Use a stack
    • Cycle detection
    • Problems
      • Find the shortest path between to nodes
      • Show a node best friend
        • hint: by finding a adjacent with higher weight
  • String Manipulation
    • Count vowels
      • Use a for loop
    • Reverse
      • Iterate from start
      • Iterate from End
      • Use a stack
    • Reverse words in sentence
      • Use a stack
      • Iterate from ends in words array
    • Remove Duplicates
      • Use a hashset to check an item is visited or not before
    • Most repeated char
      • Use a hashmap to count the visitation
      • Use int[] and ASCII values
        • Allocate an array with size 256 (ASCII size)
        • int['a']++
        • Find the max value in array