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314 lines (201 loc) · 11 KB

Rust API


The crate exports several constants (* is used to denote a family prefix):

  • DEBUG: If the debug informations are enabled or not.
  • MESSAGE_TYPE_*: The type of the parser: it can autodetect (default) or only parse requests or response.
  • ERROR_*: An error code.
  • METHOD_*: An HTTP/RTSP request method.
  • CONNECTION_*: A Connection header value.
  • CALLBACK_*: A parser callback.
  • STATE_*: A parser state.


A struct representing the current compile flags of Milo:

  • debug: If the debug informations are enabled or not.


All callback in Milo have the following signature (Callback):

type Callback = fn (&mut Parser, usize, usize)

where the parameters have the following meaning:

  1. The current parser.
  2. The payload offset. Can be 0.
  3. The data length. Can be 0.

If both offset and length are 0, it means the callback has no payload associated.


A struct representing the callbacks for a parser.

Here's the list of supported callbacks:

  • before_state_change: Invoked before the parser change its state. Only invoked in debug mode.
  • after_state_change: Invoked after the parser change its state. Only invoked in debug mode.
  • on_error: Invoked after the parsing fails.
  • on_finish: Invoked after the parser is marked as finished.
  • on_message_start: Invoked after a new message starts.
  • on_message_complete: Invoked after a message finishes.
  • on_request: Invoked after the message is identified as a request.
  • on_response: Invoked after the message is identified as a response.
  • on_reset: Invoked after the parser is reset (either manually or after parsing a new message except the first one).
  • on_method: Invoked after the HTTP method has been parsed.
  • on_url: Invoked after the request URL has been parsed.
  • on_protocol: Invoked after the request or response protocol has been parsed.
  • on_version: Invoked after the request or response version has been parsed.
  • on_status: Invoked after the response status has been parsed.
  • on_reason: Invoked after the response status reason has been parsed.
  • on_header_name: Invoked after a new header name has been parsed.
  • on_header_value: Invoked after a new header value has been parsed.
  • on_headers: Invoked after headers are completed.
  • on_connect: Invoked in CONNECT requests after headers have been completed.
  • on_upgrade: Invoked after a connection is upgraded via a Connection: upgrade request header.
  • on_chunk_length: Invoked after a new chunk length has been parsed.
  • on_chunk_extension_name: Invoked after a new chunk extension name has been parsed.
  • on_chunk_extension_value: Invoked after a new chunk extension value has been parsed.
  • on_chunk: Invoked after new chunk data is received.
  • on_data: Invoked after new body data is received (either chunked or not).
  • on_body: Invoked after the body has been parsed. Note that this has no data attached so on_data must be used to save the body.
  • on_trailer_name: Invoked after a new trailer name has been parsed.
  • on_trailer_value: Invoked after a new trailer value has been parsed.
  • on_trailers: Invoked after trailers are completed.

If you want to remove a previously set callback, you can use the milo_noop function also exported by this crate.


A struct representing a parser. It has the following fields:

  • mode (usize): The current parser mode. Can be MESSAGE_TYPE_AUTODETECT, MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST or MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE,
  • paused (bool): If the parser is paused.
  • manage_unconsumed (bool): If the parser should automatically copy and prepend unconsumed data.
  • continue_without_data (bool): If the next execution of the parse loop should execute even if there is no more data.
  • is_connect (bool): If the current request used CONNECT method.
  • skip_body (bool): If the parser should skip the body.
  • owner (*mut c_void): The context of this parser. Use is reserved to the developer.
  • state (usize): The current parser state.
  • position (usize): The current parser position in the slice in the current execution of milo_parse.
  • parsed (u64): The total bytes consumed from this parser.
  • error_code (usize): The parser error. By default is ERROR_NONE.
  • message_type (usize): The current message type. Can be MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST or MESSAGE_TYPE_RESPONSE.
  • method (usize): The current request method.
  • status (usize): The current response status.
  • version_major (usize): The current message HTTP version major version.
  • version_minor (usize): The current message HTTP version minor version.
  • connection (usize): The value for the connection header. Can be CONNECTION_CLOSE, CONNECTION_UPGRADE or CONNECTION_KEEPALIVE (which is the default when no header is set).
  • content_length (u64): The value of the Content-Length header.
  • chunk_size (u64): The expected length of the next chunk.
  • remaining_content_length (u64): The missing data length of the body according to the content_length field.
  • remaining_chunk_size (u64): The missing data length of the next chunk according to the chunk_size field.
  • has_content_length (bool): If the current message has a Content-Length header.
  • has_chunked_transfer_encoding (bool): If the current message has a Transfer-Encoding header.
  • has_upgrade (bool): If the current message has a Connection: upgrade header.
  • has_trailers (bool): If the current message has a Trailers header.
  • callbacks (ParserCallbacks): The callbacks for the current parser.
  • error_description (*const c_uchar): The parser error description.
  • error_description_len (usize): The parser error description length.
  • unconsumed (*const c_uchar): The unconsumed data from the previous execution of parse when manage_unconsumed is true.
  • unconsumed_len (usize): The unconsumed data length from the previous execution of parse when manage_unconsumed is true.

All the fields MUST be considered readonly, with the following exceptions:

  • mode
  • manage_unconsumed
  • continue_without_data
  • is_connect
  • skip_body
  • context
  • callbacks

Parser::new() -> Parser

Creates a new parser.

Parser::parse(&mut self, data: *const c_uchar, limit: usize) -> usize

Parses data up to limit characters.

It returns the number of consumed characters.

Parser::reset(&mut self, keep_parsed: bool)

Resets a parser. The second parameters specifies if to also reset the parsed counter.

The following fields are not modified:

  • position
  • context
  • mode
  • manage_unconsumed
  • continue_without_data
  • context

Parser::clear(&mut self)

Clears all values about the message in the parser.

The connection and message type fields are not cleared.

Parser::pause(&mut self)

Pauses the parser. The parser will have to be resumed via Parser::resume.

Parser::resume(&mut self)

Resumes the parser.

Parser::finish(&mut self)

Marks the parser as finished. Any new data received via parse will put the parser in the error state.

Parser::move_to(&mut self, state: usize, advance: usize) -> usize

Moves the parsers to a new state and marks a certain number of characters as used.

This is meant to internal use.

Parser::fail(&mut self, code: usize, description: &str) -> usize

Marks the parsing a failed, setting a error code and and error message.

It always returns zero for internal use.

Parser::state_str(&self) -> &str

Returns the current parser's state as string.

Parser::error_code_str(&self) -> &str

Returns the current parser's error state as string.

Parser::error_description_str(&self) -> &str

Returns the current parser's error descrition.

flags() -> Flags

Returns a struct representing the current compile flags of Milo.

milo_noop(_parser: &Parser, _data: *const c_uchar, _len: usize)

A callback that simply returns 0.

Use this callback as pointer when you want to remove a callback from the parser.


All the enums below implement TryFrom<usize> and Into<&str> traits and have the as_str method.


An enum listing all possible message types.


An enum listing all possible parser errors.


An enum listing all possible HTTP/RTSP methods.


An enum listing all possible connection (Connection header value) types.


An enum listing all possible parser states.


An enum listing all possible parser callbacks.

C++ public interface

The following functions are defined to allow Rust to work in a C++ environment.

While you can use these functions within Rust, it makes little sense as they only call the corresponding method of the parser passed as first argument.


A struct representing a string containing the following fields:

  • ptr (*const c_uchar): The string data pointer.
  • len (usize): The string length.

milo_flags() -> Flags

Returns a struct representing the current compile flags of Milo.

milo_free_string(s: CStringWithLength)

Release memory from a string previously obtained from other APIs.

By convention, all Milo's Rust function which ends in _string and that do not belong to a struct implementation MUST have their value freed up with this function when done.

milo_create() -> *mut Parser

Creates a new parser.

milo_destroy(ptr: *mut Parser)

Destroys a parser.

milo_parse(parser: *mut Parser, data: *const c_uchar, limit: usize) -> usize

Parses data up to limit characters.

It returns the number of consumed characters.

milo_reset(parser: *mut Parser, keep_parsed: bool)

Resets a parser. The second parameters specifies if to also reset the parsed counter.

The following fields are not modified:

  • position
  • context
  • mode
  • manage_unconsumed
  • continue_without_data
  • context

milo_clear(parser: *mut Parser)

Clears all values about the message in the parser.

The connection and message type fields are not cleared.

milo_pause(parser: *mut Parser)

Pauses the parser. The parser will have to be resumed via milo::milo_resume.

milo_resume(parser: *mut Parser)

Resumes the parser.

milo_finish(parser: *mut Parser)

Marks the parser as finished. Any new invocation of milo_parse will put the parser in the error state.

milo_fail(parser: *mut Parser, code: usize, description: CStringWithLength)

Marks the parsing a failed, setting a error code and and error message.

milo_state_string(parser: *mut Parser) -> *const c_uchar

Returns the current parser's state as string.

The returned value MUST be freed using milo_free_string.

milo_error_code_string(parser: *mut Parser) -> *const c_uchar

Returns the current parser's error state as string.

The returned value MUST be freed using milo_free_string.

milo_error_description_string(parser: *mut Parser) -> *const c_uchar

Returns the current parser's error descrition.

The returned value MUST be freed using milo_free_string.