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All of the notes in this document is in reference to the CUDA Toolkit Documentation

Verify that you have a CUDA capable GPU by running lspci | grep -i nvidia. If it doesn't show up then run the command update-pciids (located in /sbin) and then rerun the lspci command.

Refer to ROCKS CUDA installation script as a reference.

Programming Guide

CH 1: Introduction

Since GPUs were originally designed then they were optimized for realtime high-definition 2D/3D graphics. They have evolved into highly parallel, multithreaded, manycore processors that have tremendous computational horsepower and very hight memory bandwidth. Figures 1-3 compares the GPUs to CPUs.

NVIDIA's Theoretical GFLOP/s

NVIDIA's Theoretical Memory Bandwidth GB/s

NVIDIA's Quick Comparison of Architectures

Given the figures show previously it makes more sense as to why GPUs are well-suited to address programs that cna be expressed as data-parallel computations. The GPU is essentially a hardware based SIMD processor.

Scalable Programming Model

Today hardware parallelism is the de facto standard for most devices that do not constitute as embedded hardware (it will probably change soon as the manufacturing process decreases). The CUDA parallel programming model was designed with these facts in mind such that to minimize the learning curve associated with GPU programming.

To handle these demands, NVIDIA GPUs contains a set of SMs (Streaming Multiprocessors) each processor is designed to execute a set of blocks as shown in Figure 4. TODO: Go into depth later about how blocks work.

Automatic Scalability

CH 2: Programming Model


Kernels are the unit currency that programmers can utilized in order to perform computations on the GPU. They are specialized functions that are executed on the GPU. These functions can be executed N times in parallel by N different CUDA threads. Hence we get the SIMD architecture.

Thread Hierarchy

Since each kernel runs on its own thread then CUDA provides the necessary components to identify the thread. The index of a thread is determined by the following equation.

$$ T_{i} = x + y * D_x + z * D_x * D_y $$

So why do we have blocks? GPU resources although they are impressive are still finite. A Streaming Multiprocessor can only process a maximum number of threads at a time. Hence blocks are used a method to group threads into effective "batch jobs". Current GPUs only support up to 1024 threads per thread block. Besides limits on resources blocks can execute in any order and are independent of each other.

To further increase the programmers ability to manage threads, blocks can be grouped into grids which can contain at least one thread block (a single block is also a grid that is (1, 1, 1)). Figure 5 demonstrates the thread hierarchy.

Thread Hierarchy

Memory Hierarchy

Besides using grids, blocks, and threads to provide an execution hierarchy. These components also define a memory hierarchy. Threads, when executing have a per-thread local memory (SM registers). Blocks have a reserved per-block shared memory that all threads can access. While grids (and their children) have access to the GPU's global memory.

Memory Hierarchy

Heterogeneous Programming

The typical structure of a C program is usually a set of sequential operations. A CUDA enhanced C program consists of kernel functions that are executed where there will be a parallel benefit.

Compute Capability

The compute capability of a device is defined by a major revision number and minor revision number. The major version number determines the architecture while the minor number represents an incremental improvement. Refer to Compute Capabilities for more info on specific devices.

CH 3: Programming Interface

CUDA C the tools so that those familiar with C can take advantage of the GPU. This is achieved by adding a minimal set of extensions to the C language and runtime library. If the source file contains any of these extensions then it must be compiled with the nvcc compiler.

The CUDA runtime is part of that interface that allows the programmer to allocate/deallocate device memory, transfer data between host memory and device memory, manage systems with multiple devices, and so forth... (refer to the CUDA Reference Manual)

Compilation with NVCC

If needed, kernels can be written in the CUDA instruction set architecture, called PTX. It is a lower level language therefore it is safe to continue using C without much of a performance loss. nvcc is a compiler driver that compiles C or PTX code.

Compilation Workflow

There are two types of compilation, first nvcc can perform offline compilation which takes the device code, separates from the host code and compiles into into PTX code or binary form (cubin object). This allows application to either link to the compiled host code or ignore it and use the CUDA driver API to load and execute the PTX code or cubin object.

The next type is JIT compilation. Any PTX code loaded by an application at runtime is compiled further to binary code by the device. This just-in-time compilation allows the code to be executed on other devices and takes advantages of compiler improvements in the future. The JITed code is then stored in a cache called a compute cache which is automatically invalidated.

Besides updated drivers, CUDA Environment Variables can be used to control the JIT compilation process.

Binary Compatibility

Binary code is architecture-specific. A cubin object is generated using the compiler option -code that specifies the targeted architecture. For example -code=sm_13 produces binary code for devices of compute capability 1.3. That means the code will execute on any device that has a higher compute capability.

PTX Compatibility

Not all of the PTX instructions are supported on the compute architectures. Which means the targeted device compute capability must be specified by using the -arch=sm_13 command. In this case sm_13 tells nvcc to assume that the program is being compiled for compute capability 1.3 and above. If the programmer uses a feature that isn't supported then there will be an error.


Suppose that the set of devices to execute on is highly heterogeneous. To deal with this the nvcc compiler allows kernels to be compiled such that they support multiple compute architectures.

      -gencode arch=compute_10,code=sm_10
      -gencode arch=compute_11,code=\'compute_11,sm_11\'
Cuda C runtime Runtime

The runtime is implemented in the cudart library. It can either be statically, or dynamically linked via cudart.lib or libcudart.a, dynamically linked via cudart.dll or All of its entry points are prefixed with cuda.

__ This is an important chapter__ it covers the CUDA architecture. Even though this is NVIDIA specific. The concepts provided will be similar for any GPU.

The NVIDIA GPU architecture consists of an array of special processors called Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs). When kernels are executed the blocks in the grid are enumerated and distributed to the SMs with the available execution capacity. These SMs allow threads and blocks to execute concurrently.

SIMT Architecture

SIMT (Single-Instruction, Multiple-Thread) is the architecture that is leveraged it is similar to SIMD (Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data) but there are differences. These differences come into play depending on how much optimization is desired.

Each SM is capable of executing 32 threads concurrently, which is referred to as a warp. Warps are handled by a special component of the SM called the warp-scheduler The SM warps through the thread in increasing order of their IDs (refer to Thread Hierarchy section on details for calculating the ID). Besides warps there are half-warps and quarter-warps with represent concurrent groups of 16 and 8 threads respectively.

In an ideal situation, all threads should execute concurrently in a warp. In reality though, threads execution paths my may diverge in groups during a warp warp. Each group of divergence can execute concurrently. In the worst case scenario where each group is at most one thread then the SM must execute each thread serially.

The CUDA Toolkit documentation states that it is safe to assume that SIMT and SIMD are equivalent unless the programmer seeks optimization of the code.

Hardware Multithreading

The execution context (program counters, registers,...) for each warp processed by the SM is maintained on chip during the warp lifetime. Therefore switching from one execution context to another execution context has not cost (switching between threads in a warp). The documentation states that each multiprocessor has 32-bit registers and parallel data cache (shared memory) that is shared amongst the blocks.

The number of warps required to execute a block of threads can be determined by the following formula:

$$ ceil\left(\frac{T}{w_{size}}, 1\right) $$

There are three main performance rules to follow:

  1. Maximize parallel execution to achieve maximum utilization.
  2. Optimize memory usage to achieve maximum memory throughput.
  3. Optimize instruction usage to achieve maximum instruction throughput.

Maximize Utilization

Structure the application such that GPU utilization is maximized. Write code such that the GPU's parallelism is exploited as much as possible in order to keep the GPU busy. That is schedule tasks to the hardware that they are most appropriate for.

Maximize Memory Throughput

Maximize memory through put by minimizing data transfers through areas of low bandwidth. This is done by:

  1. Minimizing data transfers between host and device.
  2. Minimizing data transfers from device global memory.
  3. Minimizing data transfers between the shared memory and caches. 1. L1 cache available for compute capability 2.0 and 3.0. 2. L2 available on compute capability 2.0 and above. 3. Texture cache and constant cache available on all devices.

Proper organization of memory accesses can increase the performance dramatically.



ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) : The minimum required component to have a CPU. Performs integer arithmetic and logical operations.

Control : Controls other components on the chip.

Cache : Localized memory that is faster than global memory.

Block : Threads are grouped into blocks.

SM ( Streaming Multiprocessor ) : A processor designed to handle blocks of threads. Usually can go through 32 threads at a time which is referred to as a warp

Warp : The minimum number of threads an SM can execute concurrently.

Warp-Scheduler : Constructs warps of threads to be handed to the SM.

SIMD : Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data. SIMD programs are aware of the SIMD width.

Active Threads : Threads that are in the warps current execution path.

Inactive Threads : Threads that are not in the current execution path.

SIMT : Single-Instruction, Multiple-Threads. SIMT programs are not aware of the SIMT width.

PTX (Parallel Thread Execution) : An instruction set for the parallel thread execution virtual machine. "PTX exposes the GPU as a data-parallel computing device"

JIT : Just-in-time

Compute Capability : What features a NVIDIA GPU can support. Refer to the Compute Capabilities table in the toolkit documentation.