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This role will install and configure Graylog, an open source log management, capture and analysis platform.


  • Collect log data from multiple sources/formats
  • Organize and process data using extractors, streams, pipeline rules, lookup tables...
  • Search data using a powerful search engine
  • Create custom search/visualization dashboards
  • Build alerts based on events or relationships between events
  • Long-term archiving
  • LDAP authentication support
  • And more

Note: the SSPL license used by Graylog and MongoDB is not recognized as an Open-Source license by the Open-Source Initiative. Make sure you understand the license before offering a publicly available Graylog-as-a-service instance.

Requirements/dependencies/example playbook

  • See meta/main.yml
  • Graylog/ElasticSearch requires at least 4GB of RAM to run with acceptable performance in a basic setup [1]. Fast disks are recommended.
# playbook.yml
- hosts:
     - nodiscc.xsrv.common # (optional) base server setup, hardening, firewall, bruteforce prevention
     - nodiscc.xsrv.monitoring # (optional) server health and performance monitoring
     - nodiscc.xsrv.apache # (required) reverse proxy and SSL/TLS certificates
     - nodiscc.xsrv.graylog

# required variables:
# host_vars/
graylog_fqdn: ""
# ansible-vault edit host_vars/
graylog_root_username: "CHANGEME"
graylog_root_password: "CHANGEME20"
graylog_secret_key: "CHANGEME96"

See defaults/main.yml for all configuration variables

Remote hosts must be configured to send their logs to the graylog instance. For example with the monitoring role:

rsyslog_enable_forwarding: yes
rsyslog_forward_to_hostname: ""
rsyslog_forward_to_port: 5140


Basic setup

Login to your graylog instance and configure a basic input to accept syslog messages on TCP port 5140 (using TLS):

  • Title: Syslog/TLS/TCP
  • Port: 5140
  • TLS cert file: /etc/graylog/ssl/graylog-ca.crt (the default, self-signed cert)
  • TLS private key: /etc/graylog/ssl/graylog-ca.key (the default, self-signed cert)
  • TLS client authentication: disabled (not implemented yet)
  • TLS client auth trusted certs: /etc/graylog/ssl/graylog-ca.crt
  • Allow overriding date?
  • Save

Add Extractors to the input to build meaningful data fields (addresses, processes, status...) from incoming, unstructured log messages (using regex or Grok patterns).

Create streams to route messages into categories in realtime while they are processed, based on conditions (message contents, source input...). Select wether to cut or copy messages from the All messages default stream. Queries in a smaller, pre-filtered stream will run faster than queries in a large unfiltered All messages stream.

Start using Graylog to search and filter through messages, edit table fields, create aggregations (bar/area/line/pie charts, tables...) and progressively build useful dashboards showing important indicators for your specific setup.

Setup authentication and roles settings allow granting read or write access to specific users/groups. LDAP is supported.

LDAP authentication: This example is given for openldap server:

  • Open the System > Authentication menu (
  • Select a service: LDAP -> Get started
  • Server address:, port 636 (SSL/TLS) or 389
  • TLS or None - if the certificate is self-signed, uncheck Verify Certificates
  • System User DN: cn=bind,ou=system,dc=CHANGEME,dc=org
  • System password: the value of openldap_bind_password (unprivileged LDAP user)
  • Next: User synchronisation
  • Search Base DN: ou=users,dc=CHANGEME,dc=org
  • Search pattern: (&(uid={0})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))
  • Name Attribute: uid
  • Full Name Attribute: cn
  • ID Attribute: entryUUID
  • Default Roles: Reader or any other graylog role
  • Next: Group synchronization
  • Finish & Save Service
  • In the Configured AUthentication Services list, Activate the LDAP service




graylog - setup graylog log analyzer
