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0007 Editors API Specification


This note outlines the JSON protcol between an Editor/IDE and the test platform. It is an addendum to Discovery Protocol and Execution Protocol documents.


  • Editor is an application which wants to discover, run tests from a test assembly. It has intimate knowledge of the test project.
  • Test Platform is the runner and engine which knows how to discover/run tests.
  • Request is a message from the Editor to Test Platform.
  • Response is a message from the Test Platform to Editor.

SDK Implementations

Microsoft.TestPlatform.TranslationLayer provides a .net implementation of this API. TODO: Link to sdk doc.



Editor should launch the test platform with its process id and a port that test platform can connect to. It will start console runner as follows:

> dotnet vstest --ParentProcessId <pid> --Port <port>

The windows only console runner vstest.console.exe also supports the same parameters. The test platform tries to connect to <port> and sends a connection message.


All the communication messages between an Editor and Test Platform have following structure:

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string Type of message
Payload object Payload for an operation input or output. Can be null.


    "MessageType": "TestSession.Connected",
    "Payload": null

The Payload provides data specific to an request or response. It may be null for connection and version messsages.

Connection (Response)

The test platform sends a connection message after launch.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.Connected
Payload object null


    "MessageType": "TestSession.Connected",
    "Payload": null

Version Operation

An Editor can use the version operation to check the protocol version supported by the available test platform. It may modify the protocol for further communication if needed.

Version (Request)

A version request from Editor to Test Platform has following structure.

API Payload
Key Type Description
MessageType string ProtocolVersion
Payload object null
    "MessageType": "ProtocolVersion",
    "Payload": null

Version (Response)

A version response from Test Platform has following structure.

API Payload
Key Type Description
MessageType string ProtocolVersion
Payload object 1
    "MessageType": "ProtocolVersion",
    "Payload": null

At this point the initial handshake between Editor and Test Platform is complete. Above operation is required only once per launch of test platform. Subsequent discovery, execution operation don't require an initialization.

Initialize Extensions (Request)

This request ensures that all the extensions that are required for discovery or execution get loaded before the actual operation request. While running test targeting .net4x framework, this is required for initializing the test adapters.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string Extensions.Initialize
Payload array List of paths of extensions


  "MessageType": "Extensions.Initialize",
  "Payload": [

Discover Tests

A discovery operation requests the test platform to load the test container, use the appropriate test adapter and list all tests available within the container.

Various Message types supported during discovery operation are:

  • TestDiscovery.Start
  • TestDiscovery.TestFound
  • TestDiscovery.Completed

Start Discovery (Request)

An Editor triggers the discovery operation with a TestDiscovery.Start message.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestDiscovery.Start
Payload object See below
Message Payload
Key Type Description
Sources array Array of test container paths.
RunSettings string Run settings xml


  "MessageType": "TestDiscovery.Start",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": [
    "RunSettings": null

Refer msdn for run settings sample.

Tests Found (Response)

The test platform sends tests found messages for the tests discovered. There can be one or many such messages. Editor is expected to listen to such messages until a TestDiscovery.Completed message is received.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestDiscovery.TestFound
Payload array See below for details of Property

For TestDiscovery.TestFound message, the Payload is an array of TestCase objects. See appendix for details.


  "MessageType": "TestDiscovery.TestFound",
  "Payload": [
      "Properties": [
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
            "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.PassingTest"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
            "Label": "Executor Uri",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.Uri"
          "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.Source",
            "Label": "Source",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 0,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": ".\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
            "Label": "Name",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 0,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "PassingTest"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
            "Label": "IsEnabled",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
          "Value": true
          "Key": {
            "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
            "Label": "ClassName",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
            "Label": "Traits",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 5,
            "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
          "Value": []
      "Properties": [
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
            "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.TestWithPriority"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
            "Label": "Executor Uri",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.Uri"
          "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.Source",
            "Label": "Source",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 0,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": ".\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
            "Label": "Name",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 0,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "TestWithPriority"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
            "Label": "IsEnabled",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
          "Value": true
          "Key": {
            "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
            "Label": "ClassName",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.String"
          "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
          "Key": {
            "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.Priority",
            "Label": "Priority",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 1,
            "ValueType": "System.Int32"
          "Value": 0
          "Key": {
            "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
            "Label": "Traits",
            "Category": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Attributes": 5,
            "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
          "Value": [
              "Key": "Priority",
              "Value": "0"

Discovery Complete (Response)

A discovery complete message from Test Platform marks the end of discovery process.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestDiscovery.Completed
Payload object See below for details

Payload for TestDiscovery.Completed has following structure.

Key Type Description
TotalTests number Number of tests discovered
LastDiscoveredTests array Set of TestCase objects in the final chunk
IsAborted boolean true indicates an aborted discovery operation


  "MessageType": "TestDiscovery.Completed",
  "Payload": {
    "TotalTests": 7,
    "LastDiscoveredTests": null,
    "IsAborted": false

Run Tests

Run Tests (Request)

A run tests request will trigger test execution for a given test container.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.RunAllWithDefaultHost
Payload object See below for details

Payload for TestExecution.RunAllWithDefaultHost has following structure.

Key Type Description
Sources array Set of test containers
TestCases array Set of TestCase objects
RunSettings string Run settings for the test run
KeepAlive boolean Reserved for future
DebuggingEnabled boolean true indicates a test run under debugger


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.RunAllWithDefaultHost",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": [
    "TestCases": null,
    "RunSettings": null,
    "KeepAlive": false,
    "DebuggingEnabled": false

TargetFramework for the tests can be set using the runsettings. See appendix for details.

Test Run Statistics (Response)

Test results are provided by test platform in batches. An editor should continue to listen to TestExecution.StatsChange messages until a TestExecution.Completed message is received.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.StatsChange
Payload object See details below

Payload object has following structure.

Key Type Description
NewTestResults array Set of TestResult objects
TestRunStatistics object See details below
ActiveTests array Set of active or inprogress TestCase objects

TestRunStatistics object has following structure

Key Type Description
ExecutedTests number Total number test executed
Stats object Map for count of tests for each outcome

Details of a TestResult object is available in appendix.

Details of a TestCase object is available in appendix.


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.StatsChange",
  "Payload": {
    "NewTestResults": [
        "TestCase": {
          "Properties": [
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
                "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 1,
                "ValueType": "System.String"
              "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.FailingTest"
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
                "Label": "Executor Uri",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 1,
                "ValueType": "System.Uri"
              "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.Source",
                "Label": "Source",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 0,
                "ValueType": "System.String"
              "Value": "UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
                "Label": "Name",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 0,
                "ValueType": "System.String"
              "Value": "FailingTest"
              "Key": {
                "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
                "Label": "IsEnabled",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 1,
                "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
              "Value": true
              "Key": {
                "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
                "Label": "ClassName",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 1,
                "ValueType": "System.String"
              "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
                "Label": "Traits",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 5,
                "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
              "Value": []
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.LineNumber",
                "Label": "Line Number",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 1,
                "ValueType": "System.Int32"
              "Value": 25
              "Key": {
                "Id": "TestCase.CodeFilePath",
                "Label": "File Path",
                "Category": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Attributes": 0,
                "ValueType": "System.String"
              "Value": "UnitTestProject\\UnitTest.cs"
        "Attachments": [],
        "Messages": [],
        "Properties": [
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.DisplayName",
              "Label": "TestResult Display Name",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": null
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.Duration",
              "Label": "Duration",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.TimeSpan"
            "Value": "00:00:10.0941957"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.ErrorMessage",
              "Label": "Error Message",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<2>. Actual:<3>. "
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.ErrorStackTrace",
              "Label": "Error Stack Trace",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "   at UnitTestProject.UnitTest.FailingTest() in UnitTestProject\\UnitTest.cs:line 27\r\n"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.Outcome",
              "Label": "Outcome",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestOutcome, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
            "Value": 2
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.StartTime",
              "Label": "Start Time",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.DateTimeOffset"
            "Value": "2017-01-25T16:22:42.0912112+05:30"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestResult.EndTime",
              "Label": "End Time",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.DateTimeOffset"
            "Value": "2017-01-25T16:22:52.1862902+05:30"
    "TestRunStatistics": {
      "ExecutedTests": 2,
      "Stats": {
        "Passed": 1,
        "Failed": 1
    "ActiveTests": [
        "Properties": [
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
              "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.SkippingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
              "Label": "Executor Uri",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Uri"
            "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.Source",
              "Label": "Source",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
              "Label": "Name",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "SkippingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
              "Label": "IsEnabled",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
            "Value": false
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
              "Label": "ClassName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
              "Label": "Traits",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 5,
              "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
            "Value": []
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.LineNumber",
              "Label": "Line Number",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Int32"
            "Value": 36
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.CodeFilePath",
              "Label": "File Path",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject\\UnitTest.cs"

Test Run Complete (Response)

A TestExecution.Completed message indicates completion of a test run.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.Completed
Payload object See details below

Payload object has following structure.

Key Type Description
TestRunCompleteArgs object Summary of test run. See below
LastRunTests array Set of TestResult for the last results batch
RunAttachments array Test attachments for the run
ExecutorUris array Set of executor uri for adapters that participated in the run

TestRunCompleteArgs object has following structure.

Key Type Description
TestRunStatistics["ExecutedTests"] number Total tests executed
TestRunStatistics["Stats"]["Passed"] number Passed tests count
TestRunStatistics["Stats"]["Failed"] number Failed tests count
TestRunStatistics["Stats"]["Skipped"] number Skipped tests count
IsCanceled boolean true indicates a canceled run
IsAborted boolean true indicates aborted run
Error string Error during the run
AttachmentSets array Array of run attachments
ElapsedTimeInRunningTests string Duration for test run


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.Completed",
  "Payload": {
    "TestRunCompleteArgs": {
      "TestRunStatistics": {
        "ExecutedTests": 7,
        "Stats": {
          "Passed": 4,
          "Failed": 2,
          "Skipped": 1
      "IsCanceled": false,
      "IsAborted": false,
      "Error": null,
      "AttachmentSets": [],
      "ElapsedTimeInRunningTests": "00:00:00.1820000"
    "LastRunTests": null,
    "RunAttachments": [],
    "ExecutorUris": [

Run Selected Tests

Run selected tests operation differs from Run All tests in the request. The responses from test platform are same as above.

Test Run With Filter (Request)

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.RunSelectedWithDefaultHost
Payload object See below for details

Payload for TestExecution.RunSelectedWithDefaultHost has following structure.

Key Type Description
Sources array Set of test containers. Null in this case
TestCases array Set of TestCase objects. Required.
RunSettings string Run settings for the test run
KeepAlive boolean Reserved for future
DebuggingEnabled boolean true indicates a test run under debugger

Note that TestCases must be a valid set of TestCase objects, these should represent user's test selection.


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.RunAllWithDefaultHost",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": null,
    "TestCases": [
        "Properties": [
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
              "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.PassingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
              "Label": "Executor Uri",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Uri"
            "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.Source",
              "Label": "Source",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": ".\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
              "Label": "Name",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "PassingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
              "Label": "IsEnabled",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
            "Value": true
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
              "Label": "ClassName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
              "Label": "Traits",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 5,
              "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
            "Value": []
    "RunSettings": null,
    "KeepAlive": false,
    "DebuggingEnabled": false

Cancel Test Run (Request)

This request will cancel the current test run request.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.Cancel
Payload object null


    "MessageType": "TestExecution.Cancel",
    "Payload": null

Abort Test Run (Request)

This request will abort the current test run request.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestExecution.Abort
Payload object null


    "MessageType": "TestExecution.Abort",
    "Payload": null

Debug All/Selected Tests

Debug all or selected test operations follow this sequence:

  1. Request for the process to be launched under debugger (along with start parameters). TestSession.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunAll and TestSession.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunSelected messages need to be sent for DebugAll and DebugSelected operation respectively.
  2. Runner responds with a TestSession.CustomTestHostLaunch message. It has the executable which needs to be launched with debugger attached.
  3. After starting the host process, send TestSession.CustomTestHostLaunchCallback as an acknowledgment to the runner.

After this, runner sends TestRunStatsChange and TestExecutionComplete events similar to a RunAll operation.

Get Process StartInfo For Debug All (Request)

The request to get the Process StartInfo for the Test host.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunAll
Payload object See details below

Payload object is has following structure.

Key Type Description
Sources array Set of test containers. Required
TestCases array Set of TestCase objects. Null in this case.
RunSettings string Run settings for the test run
KeepAlive boolean Reserved for future
DebuggingEnabled boolean true indicates a test run under debugger


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunAll",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": [
    "TestCases": null,
    "RunSettings": null,
    "KeepAlive": false,
    "DebuggingEnabled": true

Get Process StartInfo For Debug Selected (Request)

The request to get the Process StartInfo for the Test host.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunSelected
Payload object See details below

Payload object is has following structure.

Key Type Description
Sources array Set of test containers. Null in this case.
TestCases array Set of TestCase objects. Required
RunSettings string Run settings for the test run
KeepAlive boolean Reserved for future
DebuggingEnabled boolean true indicates a test run under debugger


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunSelected",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": null,
    "TestCases": [
        "Properties": [
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
              "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.PassingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
              "Label": "Executor Uri",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Uri"
            "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.Source",
              "Label": "Source",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "E:\\git\\singh\\vstest\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
              "Label": "Name",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "PassingTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.IsEnabled",
              "Label": "IsEnabled",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Boolean"
            "Value": true
            "Key": {
              "Id": "MSTestDiscovererv2.TestClassName",
              "Label": "ClassName",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest"
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
              "Label": "Traits",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 5,
              "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
            "Value": []
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.LineNumber",
              "Label": "Line Number",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 1,
              "ValueType": "System.Int32"
            "Value": 16
            "Key": {
              "Id": "TestCase.CodeFilePath",
              "Label": "File Path",
              "Category": "",
              "Description": "",
              "Attributes": 0,
              "ValueType": "System.String"
            "Value": "E:\\git\\singh\\vstest\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\UnitTest.cs"
    "RunSettings": null,
    "KeepAlive": false,
    "DebuggingEnabled": true

Custom TestHost Launch (Response)

CustomTestHostLaunch is the response to GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoRunAll/GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoRunSelected request. This message contains the StartInfo for the testhost process.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.CustomTestHostLaunch
Payload object See details below

Payload object is has following structure.

Key Type Description
FileName string Name of the host process
Arguments string Arguments to be passed to the host process
WorkingDirectory string Working directory for the host process
EnvironmentVariables array Environment variables associated with host process
CustomProperties array Any custom properties that need to set


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.CustomTestHostLaunch",
  "Payload": {
    "FileName": "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\dotnet.exe",
    "Arguments": "exec --runtimeconfig \"UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.runtimeconfig.json\" --depsfile \"E:\\git\\singh\\vstest\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.deps.json\" \"E:\\git\\packages\\microsoft.testplatform.testhost/15.0.0-preview-20170106-08\\lib/netstandard1.5/testhost.dll\" --port 64531 --parentprocessid 12292",
    "WorkingDirectory": "vstest\\samples\\Microsoft.TestPlatform.Protocol",
    "EnvironmentVariables": {},
    "CustomProperties": null

Custom TestHost LaunchCallback (Acknowledgement)

CustomTestHostLaunchCallback is the acknowledgement sent to the runner after starting the host process.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.CustomTestHostLaunchCallback
Payload object See details below

Payload object is has following structure.

Key Type Description
HostProcessId number Process Id of the host process
ErrorMessage string Error message in case host process does not start


  "MessageType": "TestExecution.CustomTestHostLaunchCallback",
  "Payload": {
    "HostProcessId": 53572,
    "ErrorMessage": null

Test Session Messages (Response)

The log messages are sent as TestSession.Message. Error messages are also reported via this message response.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.Message
Payload object See details below

Payload object is has following structure.

Key Type Description
MessageLevel number Represent the TestMessageLevel. See details below
Message string The actual message reported by the runner.

MessageLevel provides an integer specifying the type of log message. Possible values are:

  • 0x0: Informational
  • 0x1: Warning
  • 0x2: Error


    "MessageType": "TestSession.Message",
    "Payload": {
      "MessageLevel" : 1,
      "Message" : "The test run was aborted."

Test Session End (Request)

This request is used to the end the current test session.

API Payload

Key Type Description
MessageType string TestSession.Terminate
Payload object null


    "MessageType": "TestSession.Terminate",
    "Payload": null


Key Data Structures

1. Message

A Message is basic data unit for the Editor and Test Platform communication protocol.


Key Type Description
MessageType string Type of message
Payload object Payload for an operation input or output. Can be null.


    "MessageType": "TestSession.Connected",
    "Payload": null

2. Property

Each Property is a <Key, Value> pair as shown below.

Key Type Description
Key object Definition of a Property. See below.
Value string Value of the Property

The Key identifies the property and Value is the data. Further a Key is defined as follows:

Key Type Description
Id object Definition of a Property
Label string Value of the Property
Category string Type of a Property. Reserved for future.
Description string Description of a Property.
Attributes number Various attributes of this Property. See below.
ValueType string A .net type that represents the Value

Attributes are a bitwise OR of following values:

  • 0x0: None (default)
  • 0x1: Hidden. Should be set for hidden properties.
  • 0x2: Immutable. Should be set of properties that are readonly.
  • 0x4: Trait (Deprecated). Should be set if a Property is a Trait.

3. TestCase

A TestCase is a set of Property elements. Every testcase object must have following properties:

  • TestCase.FullyQualifiedName represents the unique name for a test case.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestCase.FullyQualifiedName",
    "Label": "FullyQualifiedName",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 1,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": "UnitTestProject.UnitTest.TestWithPriority"
  • TestCase.ExecutorUri represents the Adapter which owns this test case.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestCase.ExecutorUri",
    "Label": "Executor Uri",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 1,
    "ValueType": "System.Uri"
  "Value": "executor://MSTestAdapter/v2"
  • TestCase.Source is the path to the test container which contains the source of this test case.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestCase.Source",
    "Label": "Source",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": ".\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp1.0\\UnitTestProject.dll"
  • TestCase.DisplayName represents a user friendly notation for the test case. An editor or a runner can choose to show this to user.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestCase.DisplayName",
    "Label": "Name",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": "TestWithPriority"
  • TestCase.Traits are a set of <Key, Value> pair of additional data related to a test case. User can use these values to filter tests. An editor or runner may show this to user.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestObject.Traits",
    "Label": "Traits",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 5,
    "ValueType": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[[System.String],[System.String]][]"
  "Value": [
      "Key": "Priority",
      "Value": "0"

Apart from these properties, a TestCase object may have adapter specific properties.

4. TestResult

A TestResult object represents the result of a test case execution. It has the following structure.

Key Type Description
TestCase object TestCase that executed
Attachments array Paths to test attachments
Messages array Set of messages generated during test execution
Properties array Set of Property for this result
4.1 Properties

These are the mandatory properties available in every TestResult object.

  • TestResult.DisplayName provides a friendly name for the test result.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.DisplayName",
    "Label": "TestResult Display Name",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 1,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": ""
  • TestResult.Duration provides the entire duration of this test case execution.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.Duration",
    "Label": "Duration",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.TimeSpan"
  "Value": "00:00:00.0306600"
  • TestResult.ErrorMessage provides an error message if the test failed.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.ErrorMessage",
    "Label": "Error Message",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": "Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<2>. Actual:<3>. "
  • TestResult.ErrorStackTrace provides the stack trace for the error.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.ErrorStackTrace",
    "Label": "Error Stack Trace",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.String"
  "Value": "   at UnitTestProject.UnitTest.FailingTest() in D:\\dd\\gh\\Microsoft\\vstest\\samples\\UnitTestProject\\UnitTest.cs:line 26\r\n"
  • TestResult.Outcome provides an integer specifying the result of a test case execution. Possible outcomes are:
    • 0x0: None. Test case doesn't have an outcome.
    • 0x1: Passed
    • 0x2: Failed
    • 0x3: Skipped
    • 0x4: Not found. Test case was not found during execution.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.Outcome",
    "Label": "Outcome",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestOutcome, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
  "Value": 2
  • TestResult.StartTime provides the start time of the test case execution.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.StartTime",
    "Label": "Start Time",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.DateTimeOffset"
  "Value": "2017-01-06T10:15:39.9907073+05:30"
  • TestResult.EndTime provides the end time of test case execution.
  "Key": {
    "Id": "TestResult.EndTime",
    "Label": "End Time",
    "Category": "",
    "Description": "",
    "Attributes": 0,
    "ValueType": "System.DateTimeOffset"
  "Value": "2017-01-06T10:15:40.021772+05:30"

5. TargetFramework

The test runner needs the target framework for running the tests using the appropriate hosting environment. It can be set using TargetFrameworkVersion node in the RunSettings passed as part of discovery/execution request. TargetFrameworkVersion value is the fullname of the target framework. For example, ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2". Other supported .Net Framework version shortcuts are Framework35, Framework40 and Framework45.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
Example for Test Execution Request
  "MessageType": "TestExecution.RunAllWithDefaultHost",
  "Payload": {
    "Sources": [
    "TestCases": null,
    "RunSettings": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n<RunSettings>\r\n<RunConfiguration>\r\n<TargetFrameworkVersion>Framework45</TargetFrameworkVersion>\r\n</RunConfiguration>\r\n</RunSettings>",
    "KeepAlive": false,
    "DebuggingEnabled": false