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This directory contains code for the components that comprise the Kubeflow Pipelines backend.

Building & Testing

All components can be built using Bazel. To build everything under backend, run:

bazel build //backend/...

To run all tests:

bazel test //backend/...

Building Go client library and swagger files

After making changes to proto files, the Go client libraries and swagger files need to be regenerated and checked-in. The backend/api/ script takes care of this.

Updating BUILD files

As the backend is written in Go, the BUILD files can be updated automatically using Gazelle. Whenever a Go file is added or updated, run the following to ensure the BUILD files are updated as well:

bazel run //:gazelle

If a new external Go dependency is added, or an existing one has its version bumped in the go.mod file, ensure the BUILD files pick this up by updating the WORKSPACE go_repository rules using the following command:

bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos --from_file=go.mod