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enc_dec_voice_conversion (EDVC)

Work in progress.

A voice conversion framework for different types of encoders, decoders and vocoders.

The encoder-decoder framework is demonstrated in the following figure. figure

More specifically, three encoders are used to extract representations from speech, including a linguistic encoder, a prosodic encoder and a speaker encoder. Then a decoder is used to reconstruct speech mel-spectrograms. Finally, a vocoder converts mel-spectrograms to waveforms. Note that this repo also supports decoders that directly reconstruct waveforms (e.g. VITS), in these case, vocoders are not needed.

This repo covers all the steps of a voice conversion pipeline from dataset downloading to evaluation.

I am currently working on my own to maintain this repo. I am planning to integrate more encoders and decoders.

Pleas be aware that this repo is currently very unstable and under very fast developement.

Conda env

create a conda env

conda create --name torch_1.9 --file requirements.txt

Working progress

  • Dataset

    • VCTK
    • LibriTTS
  • Linguistic Encoder

  • Prosodic Encoder

  • Speaker Encoder

  • Decoder

  • Vocoder

  • Evaluation

    • UTMOS22 mos prediction from UTMOS22
    • ASR WER
    • ASV EER
    • MCD, F0-RMSE, F0-CORR

How to run

Step1: Dataset download

This part of codes are mostly from parallel_wavegan




Step2: Generate metadata.csv




Step3: Extract features

A ESPNET style bash script has been provided for extracting features, including spectrograms, linguistic, speaker, and prosodic representations. Before start extracting features, you need to decide the setups of your encoders, decoder and vocoder.


./ --stage 1 \
                      --stop_stage 4 \
                      --dataset vctk \
                      --linguistic_encoder vqwav2vec \
                      --speaker_encoder utt_dvec \
                      --prosodic_encoder ppgvc_f0 \
                      --decoder fastspeech2 \
                      --vocoder ppgvc_hifigan


  • dataset:
    • vctk
    • libritts
  • speaker_encoder:
    • utt_dvec
  • linguistic_encoder:
    • vqwav2vec
    • conformer_ppg
    • hubert_soft
  • prosodic_encoder:
    • ppgvc_f0
    • fastspeech2_pitch_energy
  • decoder:
    • fastspeech2
    • taco_ar
    • taco_mol
    • vits
  • vocoder:
    • ppgvc_hifigan
    • vctk_hifigan
    • libritts_hifigan

Step4: Training

To run training, a config file need to be chosed. A config file can be specified by its dataset, encoder, decoder and vocoder. E.g.

./bin/ configs/vctk_vqwav2vec_uttdvec_ppgvcf0_fs2_ppgvchifigan.yaml


A toolkit for any-to-any encoder-decoder voice conversion systems








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