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99 lines (67 loc) · 3.97 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (67 loc) · 3.97 KB




1. 此项目不是 Openai 的官方项目。
2. 贡献者不对程序生成的任何内容负责,责任由使用承担。
3. 本仓库是是一个多人维护的项目,使用时自行评估风险,维护者没有义务或责任保证解决你使用造成的任何问题。
4. 注意,拒绝 未经授权的 非项目重要贡献者的 专利/软件著作权 相关用途。
5. 如果你所在地方的法律不承认开源协议和本声明,那么本项目不授权任何权利,同时也不承担任何义务。
6. 保留对本 CLAUSE 的解释权。




由于本项目很缺维护者,所以我们分发 AGPL3.0 开源许可证,我们相信这会让开发过程更加公平。

如果贡献者达到 20 人以上,会考虑使用其他许可证,届时将发起投票。

我们允许项目长期维护者分发其他不可二次分发的开源许可证,要求持续贡献代码一周以上并且贡献量达到 1w 行。 你也可以在其他 Issue 中申请额外的不可二次分发的开源许可证。



1. 注意,项目依赖包插件(比如 Duckduckgo 插件)所使用的数据可能涉及版权数据,可能只能用于个人非商业用途使用,在此告知您风险。
2. 为了确保信息公平和减少反欺诈,禁止交易本项目源码(包含衍生)。

“CLAUSE” 正文到此结束。



The scope of CLAUSE includes the entire project's documentation and all versions of the project. If you do not agree, then the project does not grant any rights and does not assume any obligations.


1. This project is not an official Openai project.
2. The contributor is not responsible for any content generated by the program and the responsibility lies with the use.
3. This repository is a multi-user project, use it at your own risk and the maintainer has no obligation or
   responsibility to ensure that any problems caused by your use are resolved.
4. note that unauthorised use of patents/software copyrights of non-significant contributors to the project is denied.
5. If the laws of your location do not recognise the Open Source Agreement and this statement, then the project does not
   grant any rights and does not assume any obligations.
6. The right to interpret this CLAUSE is reserved.


Commercial Use: Commercial use means use for profit, including direct profit and indirect profit.

Apply for additional licenses

As this project is very short of maintainers, we are distributing the AGPL 3.0 open source licence, which we believe will make the development process more equitable.

We allow long-term maintainers of the project to distribute other non-secondary open source licenses, which require at least one week of continuous code contribution and 1w lines of contribution. You can also request additional non-secondary licenses in other Issue to request additional non-secondary open source licenses.

The project currently licenses additional non-secondary licenses to the following people.

Description of the purpose of use for commercial purposes

1. note that data used by project dependency package plugins (e.g. Duckduckgo plugin) may involve copyrighted data and
   may only be used for personal, non-commercial use, and you are hereby informed of the risks.
2. To ensure fairness of information and to reduce anti-fraud, trading in the source code of this project (including
   derivatives) is prohibited.

This concludes the "CLAUSE" main text.