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495 lines (328 loc) · 15.8 KB


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495 lines (328 loc) · 15.8 KB

Developer's guide

  1. Quickstart by forking the main repository

  2. Clone your copy of the repository

    • Using https git clone
    • Using ssh git clone
  3. Link or point your cloned copy to the main repository. (I always name it upstream)

    • git remote add upstream
  1. Check/confirm your settings using git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

6. Install the package from the main directory. use -U or --upgrade to upgrade or overwrite any previously installed versions.

pip install . -U
  1. Check if the package was installed
retriever ls
retriever -v
  1. Run sample test on CSV engine only, with the option -k
pip install pytest
pytest -k "CSV" -v

Required Modules

You will need Python 3.6.8+ Make sure the required modules are installed: Pip install -r requirements.txt

Developers need to install these extra packages.

pip install codecov
pip install pytest-cov
pip install pytest-xdist
pip install pytest
pip install yapf
pip install pylint
pip install flake8
Pip install pypyodbc # For only Windows(MS Access)

Setting up servers

You need to install all the database infrastructures to enable local testing.

PostgresSQL MySQL SQLite MSAccess (For only Windows, MS Access)

After installation, configure passwordless access to MySQL and PostgresSQL Servers

Passwordless configuration

To avoid supplying the passwords when using the tool, use the config files .pgpass`(`pgpass.conf for Microsoft Windows) for Postgres and .my.cnf for MySQL.

Create if not exists, and add/append the configuration details as below. PostgresSQL conf file ~/.pgpass file.

For more information regarding Passwordless configuration you can visit PostgreSQL Password File and MySQL Password File



(Linux / Macos):- A .pgpass file in your HOME directory(~)

(WINDOWS 10-) - A pgpass.conf in your HOME directory(~)

(WINDOWS 10+):- Entering %APPDATA% will take you to C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming.

In this directory create a new subdirectory named postgresql. Then create the pgpass.conf file inside it. On Microsoft Windows, it is assumed that the file is stored in a secure directory, hence no special permissions setting is needed.

Make sure you set the file permissions to 600

# Linux / Macos
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.my.cnf

For most of the recent versions of Postgress server 10+, you need to find pg_hba.conf. This file is located in the installed Postgres directory. One way to find the location of the file pg_hba.conf is using psql -t -P format=unaligned -c 'show hba_file'; To allow passwordless login to Postgres, change peer to trust in pg_hba.conf file.

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                trust

Run commands in terminal to create user

psql -c "CREATE USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'Password12!'"
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE testdb_retriever'
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testdb_retriever to postgres'

Restart the server and test Postgress passwordless setup using retriever without providing the password

retriever install postgres iris

MySQL: Create if not exists .my.cnf in your HOME directory(~). Add the configuration info to the MySQL conf file file.


Run commands in terminal to create user

 mysql -e "CREATE USER 'travis'@'localhost';" -uroot
 mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'travis'@'localhost';" -uroot
 mysql -e "GRANT FILE ON *.* TO 'travis'@'localhost';" -uroot

Restart the server and test MySQL passwordless setup using retriever without providing the password

retriever install mysql iris


Before running the tests make sure Postgis is set up Spatial database setup.

Follow these instructions to run a complete set of tests for any branch Clone the branch you want to test.

Two ways of installing the program using the setup tools.

we can either install from source as

pip install . --upgrade or python install

or install in development mode.

python develop

For more about installing refer to the python setuptools documentation.

you can also install from Git.

# Local repository
pip install git+file:///path/to/your/git/repo #  test a PIP package located in a local git repository
pip install git+file:///path/to/your/git/repo@branch  # checkout a specific branch by adding @branch_name at the end

# Remote GitHub repository
pip install git+git://  #  package from a GitHub repository
pip install git+git:// # github repository Specific branch

Running tests locally

Services Used

Read The Docs, codecov, AppVeyor

From the source top-level directory, Use Pytest as examples below

$   py.test -v # All tests
$   py.test -v -k"csv" # Specific test with expression csv
$   py.test ./test/ # Specific file

In case py.test requests for Password (even after Passwordless configuration), change the owner and group permissions for the config files ~/.pgpass, ~/.my.cnf

Style Guide for Python Code

Use yapf -d --recursive retriever/ to check style.

Use yapf -i --recursive retriever/ refactor style

Continuous Integration

The main GitHub repository runs the test on both the GitHub Actions (Linux) and AppVeyor (Windows) continuous-integration platforms.

Pull requests submitted to the repository will automatically be tested using these systems and results reported in the checks section of the pull request page.

Create Release


  1. Run the tests. Seriously, do it now.
  2. Update with major updates since the last release
  3. Run python (this will update version.txt)
  4. Update the version number bumpversion release or provide a version as bumpversion --new-version 3.1.0
  5. On Github draft a release with the version changes. Provide a version as tag and publish.
  6. After the release, update the version to dev, run bumpversion patch

Release on Test PyPi and PyPi is handled by Github actions.

git push upstream main
git push upstream --tags


You will need to create an API key on PyPI and store it in ~/.pypirc to upload to PyPI.

  1. sudo python sdist bdist_wheel
  2. sudo python -m twine upload -r pypi dist/*


  1. Bump the version numbers as needed. The version number is located in the, retriever_installer.iss, version.txt and retriever/

Mac OSX Build

Building the Retriever on OSX.

Python binaries

This build will allow you to successfully build the Mac App for distribution to other systems.

  1. Install the Python 3 Installer (or Python 2 if you have a specific reason for doing so) from the Python download site.
  2. Use pip to install any desired optional dependencies pip install pymysql psycopg2-binary pyinstaller pytest You will need all of these dependencies, for example pyinstaller, if you want to build the Mac App for distribution


Homebrew works great if you just want to install the Retriever from source on your machine, but at least based on this recipe it does not support the distribution of the Mac App to other versions of OS X (i.e., if you build the App on OS X 10.9 it will only run on 10.9)

  1. Install Homebrew ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install Xcode
  3. Install Python brew install python
  4. Install the Xcode command-line tools xcode-select --install
  5. Make brew’s Python the default echo export PATH='usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
  6. Install xlrd via pip pip install xlrd. No sudo is necessary since we’re using brew.
  7. Clone the Retriever git clone
  8. Switch directories cd retriever
  9. Standard install pip install . --upgrade

If you also want to install the dependencies for MySQL and PostgreSQL this can be done using a combination of homebrew and pip.

  1. brew install mysql
  2. Follow the instructions from brew for starting MySQL
  3. brew install postgresql
  4. Follow the instructions from brew for starting Postgres
  5. sudo pip install pymysql MySQL-python psycopg2-binary

MySQL-python should be installed in addition to pymysql for building the .app file since pymysql is not currently working properly in the .app.


  • This hasn’t been tested yet

Creating or Updating a Conda Release

To create or update a Conda Release, first fork the conda-forge retriever-feedstock repository.

Once forked, open a pull request to the retriever-feedstock repository. Your package will be tested on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

When your pull request is merged, the package will be rebuilt and become automatically available on conda-forge.

All branches in the conda-forge/retriever-feedstock are created and uploaded immediately, so PRs should be based on branches in forks. Branches in the main repository shall be used to build distinct package versions only.

For producing a uniquely identifiable distribution:

  • If the version of a package is not being incremented, then the build/number can be added or increased.
  • If the version of a package is being incremented, then remember to change the build/number back to 0.


We are using Sphinx and Read the Docs. for the documentation. Sphinx uses reStructuredText as its markup language. Source Code documentation is automatically included after committing to the main. Other documentation (not source code) files are added as new reStructuredText in the docs folder

In case you want to change the organization of the Documentation, please refer to Sphinx

Update Documentation

The documentation is automatically updated for changes within modules. However, the documentation should be updated after the addition of new modules in the engines or lib directory. Change to the docs directory and create a temporary directory, i.e. source. Run

cd  docs
mkdir source
sphinx-apidoc -f  -o ./source /Users/../retriever/

The source is the destination folder for the source rst files. /Users/../retriever/ is the path to where the retriever source code is located. Copy the .rst files that you want to update to the docs directory, overwriting the old files. Make sure you check the changes and edit if necessary to ensure that only what is required is updated. Commit and push the new changes. Do not commit the temporary source directory.

Test Documentation locally

cd  docs  # go the docs directory
make html && python3 -m http.server --directory _build/html
# Makes the html files and hosts a HTTP server on localhost:8000 to view the documentation pages locally


Do not commit the _build directory after making HTML.

Read The Docs configuration

Configure read the docs (advanced settings) so that the source is first installed then docs are built. This is already set up but could be changed if need be.

Docker Hub Image Update

The docker-publish Github actions workflow builds, and tests the `weecology\retriever`image and pushes to the `Docker Hub`_ registry.

To Build the image locally run the command below in the repo main directory.

docker build -t weecology/retriever:$(retriever -v) -f docker/Dockerfile .

Collaborative Workflows with GitHub

First fork the Data Retriever repository. Then Clone your forked version with either HTTPS or SSH

# Clone with HTTPS
git clone[myusername]/retriever.git
# Clone with SSH
git clone[myusername]/retriever.git

This will update your .git/config to point to your repository copy of the Data Retriever as remote "origin"

[remote "origin"]
url =[myusername]/retriever.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Point to Weecology Data Retriever repository repo. This will enable you to update your main(origin) and you can then push to your origin main. In our case, we can call this upstream().

git remote add upstream

This will update your .git/config to point to the Weecology Data Retriever repository.

[remote "upstream"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
# To fetch pull requests add
fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

Fetch upstream main and create a branch to add the contributions to.

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git reset --hard upstream main
git checkout -b [new-branch-to-fix-issue]

Submitting issues

Categorize the issues based on labels. For example (Bug, Dataset Bug, Important, Feature Request, etc..) Explain the issue explicitly with all details, giving examples and logs where applicable.


From your local branch of retriever, commit to your origin. Once tests have passed you can then make a pull request to the retriever main (upstream) For each commit, add the issue number at the end of the description with the tag fixes #[issue_number].


Add version number to to enable tracking

Skip a line and add more explanation if needed
fixes #3

Clean history

Make one commit for each issue. As you work on a particular issue, try adding all the commits into one general commit rather than several commits.

Use git commit --amend to add new changes to a branch.

Use -f flag to force pushing changes to the branch. git push -f origin [branch_name]