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The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.


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The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs via OpenCL.

Update History
  • v1.0 (04.08.2022)
    • initial release
  • v1.1 (29.09.2022)
    • added solid voxelization on GPU (slow algorithm)
    • added tool to print current camera position (key_H)
    • minor bug fix (workaround for Intel iGPU driver bug with triangle rendering)
  • v1.2 (24.10.2022)
    • added functions to compute force/torque on objects
    • added function to translate Mesh
    • added Stokes drag validation setup
  • v1.3 (10.11.2022)
    • added unit conversion functions for torque
    • FORCE_FIELD and VOLUME_FORCE can now be used independently
    • minor bug fix (workaround for AMD legacy driver bug with binary number literals)
  • v1.4 (14.12.2022)
    • added interactive graphics mode on Linux with X11
    • fixed streamline visualization bug in 2D
  • v2.0 (09.01.2023)
    • added (cross-vendor) multi-GPU support on a single node (PC/laptop/server)
  • v2.1 (15.01.2023)
    • made solid voxelization on GPU lightning fast (new algorithm, from minutes to milliseconds)
  • v2.2 (20.01.2023)
    • added option to voxelize moving/rotating geometry on GPU, with automatic velocity initialization for each grid point based on center of rotation, linear velocity and rotational velocity
    • cells that are converted from solid->fluid during re-voxelization now have their DDFs properly initialized
    • added option to not auto-scale mesh during read_stl(...), with negative size parameter
    • added kernel for solid boundary rendering with marching-cubes
  • v2.3 (30.01.2023)
    • added particles with immersed-boundary method (either passive or 2-way-coupled, only supported with single-GPU)
    • minor optimization to GPU voxelization algorithm (workgroup threads outside mesh bounding-box return after ray-mesh intersections have been found)
    • displayed GPU memory allocation size is now fully accurate
    • fixed bug in write_line() function in src/utilities.hpp
    • removed .exe file extension for Linux/macOS
  • v2.4 (11.03.2023)
    • added a help menu with key H that shows keyboard/mouse controls, visualization settings and simulation stats
    • improvements to keyboard/mouse control (+/- for zoom, mouseclick frees/locks cursor)
    • added suggestion of largest possible grid resolution if resolution is set larger than memory allows
    • minor optimizations in multi-GPU communication (insignificant performance difference)
    • fixed bug in temperature equilibrium function for temperature extension
    • fixed erroneous double literal for Intel iGPUs in skybox color functions
    • fixed bug in where multi-GPU device IDs would not get forwarded to the executable
    • minor bug fixes in graphics engine (free cursor not centered during rotation, labels in VR mode)
    • fixed bug in LBM::voxelize_stl() size parameter standard initialization

Compute Features

  • CFD model: lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)
       ⚬  streaming (part 2/2)

f0temp(x,t) = f0(x, t)
fitemp(x,t) = f(t%2 ? i : (i%2 ? i+1 : i-1))(i%2 ? x : x-ei, t)   for   i ∈ [1, q-1]

       ⚬  collision

ρ(x,t) = (Σi fitemp(x,t)) + 1

u(x,t) = 1ρ(x,t) Σi ci fitemp(x,t)

fieq-shifted(x,t) = wi ρ · ((u°ci)2(2c4) - (u°u)(2c2) + (u°ci)c2) + wi (ρ-1)

fitemp(x, tt) = fitemp(x,t) + Ωi(fitemp(x,t), fieq-shifted(x,t), τ)

       ⚬  streaming (part 1/2)

f0(x, tt) = f0temp(x, tt)
f(t%2 ? (i%2 ? i+1 : i-1) : i)(i%2 ? x+ei : x, tt) = fitemp(x, tt)   for   i ∈ [1, q-1]

  • peak performance on most GPUs (datacenter/gaming/professional/laptop), validated with roofline model
  • multi-GPU support on a single node (PC/laptop/server) via domain decomposition
    • allows pooling VRAM from multiple GPUs for much larger grid resolution
    • each domain (GPU) can hold up to 4.29 billion (2³², 1624³) lattice points (225 GB memory)
    • GPUs don't have to be identical (not even from the same vendor), but similar VRAM capacity/bandwidth is recommended
       ⚬  domain communication architecture (simplified)
++   .-----------------------------------------------------------------.   ++
++   |                              GPU 0                              |   ++
++   |                          LBM Domain 0                           |   ++
++   '-----------------------------------------------------------------'   ++
++              |                 selective                /|\             ++
++             \|/               in-VRAM copy               |              ++
++        .-------------------------------------------------------.        ++
++        |               GPU 0 - Transfer Buffer 0               |        ++
++        '-------------------------------------------------------'        ++
!!                            |     PCIe     /|\                           !!
!!                           \|/    copy      |                            !!
@@        .-------------------------.   .-------------------------.        @@
@@        | CPU - Transfer Buffer 0 |   | CPU - Transfer Buffer 1 |        @@
@@        '-------------------------'\ /'-------------------------'        @@
@@                           pointer  X   swap                             @@
@@        .-------------------------./ \.-------------------------.        @@
@@        | CPU - Transfer Buffer 1 |   | CPU - Transfer Buffer 0 |        @@
@@        '-------------------------'   '-------------------------'        @@
!!                           /|\    PCIe      |                            !!
!!                            |     copy     \|/                           !!
++        .-------------------------------------------------------.        ++
++        |               GPU 1 - Transfer Buffer 1               |        ++
++        '-------------------------------------------------------'        ++
++             /|\                selective                 |              ++
++              |                in-VRAM copy              \|/             ++
++   .-----------------------------------------------------------------.   ++
++   |                              GPU 1                              |   ++
++   |                          LBM Domain 1                           |   ++
++   '-----------------------------------------------------------------'   ++
##                                    |                                    ##
##                      domain synchronization barrier                     ##
##                                    |                                    ##
||   -------------------------------------------------------------> time   ||
       ⚬  domain communication architecture (detailed)
++   .-----------------------------------------------------------------.   ++
++   |                              GPU 0                              |   ++
++   |                          LBM Domain 0                           |   ++
++   '-----------------------------------------------------------------'   ++
++     |  selective in- /|\  |  selective in- /|\  |  selective in- /|\    ++
++    \|/ VRAM copy (X)  |  \|/ VRAM copy (Y)  |  \|/ VRAM copy (Z)  |     ++
++   .---------------------.---------------------.---------------------.   ++
++   |    GPU 0 - TB 0X+   |    GPU 0 - TB 0Y+   |    GPU 0 - TB 0Z+   |   ++
++   |    GPU 0 - TB 0X-   |    GPU 0 - TB 0Y-   |    GPU 0 - TB 0Z-   |   ++
++   '---------------------'---------------------'---------------------'   ++
!!          | PCIe /|\            | PCIe /|\            | PCIe /|\         !!
!!         \|/ copy |            \|/ copy |            \|/ copy |          !!
@@   .---------. .---------.---------. .---------.---------. .---------.   @@
@@   | CPU 0X+ | | CPU 1X- | CPU 0Y+ | | CPU 3Y- | CPU 0Z+ | | CPU 5Z- |   @@
@@   | CPU 0X- | | CPU 2X+ | CPU 0Y- | | CPU 4Y+ | CPU 0Z- | | CPU 6Z+ |   @@
@@   '---------\ /---------'---------\ /---------'---------\ /---------'   @@
@@      pointer X swap (X)    pointer X swap (Y)    pointer X swap (Z)     @@
@@   .---------/ \---------.---------/ \---------.---------/ \---------.   @@
@@   | CPU 1X- | | CPU 0X+ | CPU 3Y- | | CPU 0Y+ | CPU 5Z- | | CPU 0Z+ |   @@
@@   | CPU 2X+ | | CPU 0X- | CPU 4Y+ | | CPU 0Y- | CPU 6Z+ | | CPU 0Z- |   @@
@@   '---------' '---------'---------' '---------'---------' '---------'   @@
!!         /|\ PCIe |            /|\ PCIe |            /|\ PCIe |          !!
!!          | copy \|/            | copy \|/            | copy \|/         !!
++   .--------------------. .-------------------. .--------------------.   ++
++   |   GPU 1 - TB 1X-   | |   GPU 3 - TB 3Y-  | |   GPU 5 - TB 5Z-   |   ++
++   :====================: :===================: :====================:   ++
++   |   GPU 2 - TB 2X+   | |   GPU 4 - TB 4Y+  | |   GPU 6 - TB 6Z+   |   ++
++   '--------------------' '-------------------' '--------------------'   ++
++    /|\ selective in-  |  /|\ selective in-  |  /|\ selective in-  |     ++
++     |  VRAM copy (X) \|/  |  VRAM copy (Y) \|/  |  VRAM copy (Z) \|/    ++
++   .--------------------. .-------------------. .--------------------.   ++
++   |        GPU 1       | |       GPU 3       | |        GPU 5       |   ++
++   |    LBM Domain 1    | |   LBM Domain 3    | |    LBM Domain 5    |   ++
++   :====================: :===================: :====================:   ++
++   |        GPU 2       | |       GPU 4       | |        GPU 6       |   ++
++   |    LBM Domain 2    | |   LBM Domain 4    | |    LBM Domain 6    |   ++
++   '--------------------' '-------------------' '--------------------'   ++
##              |                     |                     |              ##
##              |      domain synchronization barriers      |              ##
##              |                     |                     |              ##
||   -------------------------------------------------------------> time   ||
  • optimized to minimize memory demand to 55 Bytes/node (~⅙|~⅓ of conventional FP64|FP32 LBM solvers)
    • in-place streaming with Esoteric-Pull: almost cuts memory demand in half and slightly increases performance due to implicit bounce-back boundaries; offers optimal memory access patterns for single-cell in-place streaming
    • decoupled arithmetic precision (FP32) and memory precision (FP32 or FP16S or FP16C): all arithmetic is done in FP32 for compatibility on all hardware, but LBM density distribution functions in memory can be compressed to FP16S or FP16C: almost cuts memory demand in half again and almost doubles performance, without impacting overall accuracy for most setups
  • DDF-shifting and other algebraic optimization to minimize round-off error
  • velocity sets: D2Q9, D3Q15, D3Q19 (default), D3Q27
  • collision operators: single-relaxation-time (SRT/BGK) (default), two-relaxation-time (TRT)
  • only 8 flag bits per lattice point (can be used independently / at the same time):
    • TYPE_S (stationary or moving) solid boundaries
    • TYPE_E equilibrium boundaries (inflow/outflow)
    • TYPE_T temperature boundaries
    • TYPE_F free surface (fluid)
    • TYPE_I free surface (interface)
    • TYPE_G free surface (gas)
    • TYPE_X remaining for custom use or further extensions
    • TYPE_Y remaining for custom use or further extensions

Optional Compute Extensions

  • boundary types
    • stationary mid-grid bounce-back boundaries (stationary solid boundaries)
    • moving mid-grid bounce-back boundaries (moving solid boundaries)
    • equilibrium boundaries (non-reflective inflow/outflow)
    • temperature boundaries (fixed temperature)
  • global force per volume (Guo forcing), can be modified on-the-fly
  • local force per volume (force field)
    • optional computation of forces from the fluid on solid boundaries
  • state-of-the-art free surface LBM (FSLBM) implementation:
  • thermal LBM to simulate thermal convection
  • Smagorinsky-Lilly subgrid turbulence LES model to keep simulations with very large Reynolds number stable
    ⚬  equations

    Παβ = Σi e e (fi - fieq-shifted)

    Q = Σαβ Παβ2
    τ = ½ (τ0 + √ τ02 + (16√2)(2) √Qρ )

  • particles with immersed-boundary method (either passive or 2-way-coupled, only supported with single-GPU)

Graphics Features

  • on Windows and Linux: real time interactive rasterization and raytracing graphics
  • on Windows and Linux (even in WSL and/or remote through SSH): real time interactive ASCII console graphics
  • rendering is fully parallelized for multi-GPU via seamless domain decomposition rasterization
  • with interactive graphics mode disabled, image resolution can be as large as VRAM allows for (132 Megapixel (16K) and above)
  • (interacitive) visualization modes:
    • flags (and force vectors on solid boundary nodes if the extension is used)
    • velocity field
    • streamlines
    • velocity-colored Q-criterion isosurface
    • rasterized free surface with marching-cubes
    • raytraced free surface with fast ray-grid traversal and marching-cubes, either 1-4 rays/pixel or 1-10 rays/pixel

How to get started?

  1. Check the settings and extensions in src/defines.hpp by uncommenting corresponding lines.
  2. Write a C++ setup skript as main_setup() function in src/setup.cpp (get inspiration from existing setups):
    • For unit conversion, use the units struct.
    • For initializing the box, use call LBM lbm(Nx, Ny, Nz, nu, ...); constructor. To use multiple GPUs, use LBM lbm(Nx, Ny, Nz, Dx, Dy, Dz, nu, ...);, with Dx/Dy/Dz indicating how many domains (GPUs) there are in each spatial direction.
    • Set the initial condition in a loop that iterates over the entire lattice by writing to lbm.rho[n]/lbm.u.x[n]/lbm.u.y[n]/lbm.u.z[n]/lbm.flags[n].
    • Call; to initialize and execute the setup (infinite time steps) or; to execute only a specific number of time steps.
    • As long as the lbm object is in scope, you can access the memory. As soon as it goes out of scope, all memory associated to the current simulation is freed again.
  3. When done with the setup, on Windows in Visual Studio Community select "Release" and "x64" and hit compile+run, or on Linux execute chmod +x and ./; this will automatically select the fastest installed GPU(s). Alternatively, you can add the device ID(s) as command-line arguments, for example ./ 2 to compile+run on device 2, or bin/FluidX3D 1 3 to run the executable on devices 1 and 3. Compile time for the entire code is about 10 seconds. If you use INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS on Linux, change to the "compile on Linux with X11" command in
  4. Keyboard/mouse controls with INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS/INTERACTIVE_GRAPHICS_ASCII enabled:
    • P: start/pause the simulation
    • H: show/hide help
    • 1: flags (and force vectors on solid boundary nodes if the extension is used)
    • 2: velocity field
    • 3: streamlines
    • 4: vorticity / velocity-colored Q-criterion isosurface
    • 5: rasterized free surface
    • 6: raytraced free surface
    • Mouse or I/J/K/L: rotate camera
    • Scrollwheel or +/-: zoom (centered camera mode) or camera movement speed (free camera mode)
    • Mouseclick or U: toggle rotation with Mouse and angle snap rotation with I/J/K/L
    • Y/X: adjust camera field of view
    • G: print current camera position/rotation in console as copy/paste command
    • R: toggle camera autorotation
    • F: toggle centered/free camera mode
    • W/A/S/D/Space/C: move free camera
    • V: toggle stereoscopic rendering for VR
    • B: toggle VR-goggles/3D-TV mode for stereoscopic rendering
    • N/M: adjust eye distance for stereoscopic rendering
    • Esc/Alt+F4: quit


  • works in Windows, Linux and Android with C++17
  • runs on any hardware that supports OpenCL 1.2, from any vendor (Nvidia, AMD, Intel, ...):
    • world's fastest datacenter GPUs like H100, A100, MI250(X), MI210, MI100, V100(S), P100, ...
    • gaming GPUs (desktop or laptop)
    • "professional"/workstation GPUs
    • integrated GPUs
    • Xeon Phi
    • CPUs
    • even smartphone ARM GPUs
  • supports parallelization across multiple GPUs on a single node (PC/laptop/server) with PCIe communication, no SLI/Crossfire/NVLink/InfinityFabric or MPI installation required; the GPUs don't even have to be from the same vendor, but similar memory capacity and bandwidth is recommended
  • supports importing and voxelizing triangle meshes from binary .stl files, with fast GPU voxelization
  • supports exporting volumetric data as binary .vtk files
  • supports exporting rendered frames as .png/.qoi/.bmp files; time-consuming image encoding is handled in parallel on the CPU while the simulation on GPU can continue without delay

Single-GPU Benchmarks

Here are performance benchmarks on various hardware in MLUPs/s, or how many million lattice points are updated per second. The settings used for the benchmark are D3Q19 SRT with no extensions enabled (only LBM with implicit mid-grid bounce-back boundaries) and the setup consists of an empty cubic box with sufficient size (typically 256³). Without extensions, a single lattice point requires:

  • a memory capacity of 93 (FP32/FP32) or 55 (FP32/FP16) Bytes
  • a memory bandwidth of 153 (FP32/FP32) or 77 (FP32/FP16) Bytes per time step
  • 363 (FP32/FP32) or 406 (FP32/FP16S) or 1275 (FP32/FP16C) FLOPs per time step (FP32+INT32 operations counted combined)

In consequence, the arithmetic intensity of this implementation is 2.37 (FP32/FP32) or 5.27 (FP32/FP16S) or 16.56 (FP32/FP16C) FLOPs/Byte. So performance is only limited by memory bandwidth.

If your GPU is not on the list yet, you can report your benchmarks here.

Device FP32
AMD Instinct MI250 (1 GCD) 45.26 64 1638 5638 (53%) 9030 (42%) 8506 (40%)
AMD Radeon VII 13.83 16 1024 4898 (73%) 7778 (58%) 5256 (40%)
Nvidia H100 PCIe 80GB 51.01 80 2000 11128 (85%) 20624 (79%) 13862 (53%)
Nvidia A100 SXM4 80GB 19.49 80 2039 10228 (77%) 18448 (70%) 11197 (42%)
Nvidia A100 SXM4 40GB 19.49 40 1555 8522 (84%) 16013 (79%) 11251 (56%)
Nvidia A100 PCIe 40GB 19.49 40 1555 8526 (84%) 16035 (79%) 11088 (55%)
Nvidia Tesla V100 16GB 14.13 16 900 5128 (87%) 10325 (88%) 7683 (66%)
Nvidia Quadro GV100 16.66 32 870 3442 (61%) 6641 (59%) 5863 (52%)
Nvidia Tesla P100 16GB 9.52 16 732 3295 (69%) 5950 (63%) 4176 (44%)
Nvidia Tesla P100 12GB 9.52 12 549 2427 (68%) 4141 (58%) 3999 (56%)
Nvidia Tesla K40m 4.29 12 288 1131 (60%) 1868 (50%) 912 (24%)
Nvidia Tesla K80 (1 GPU) 4.11 12 240 916 (58%) 1642 (53%) 943 (30%)
Nvidia Tesla K20c 3.52 5 208 861 (63%) 1507 (56%) 720 (27%)
AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX 61.44 24 960 3665 (58%) 7644 (61%) 7716 (62%)
AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT 51.61 20 800 3013 (58%) 5856 (56%) 5986 (58%)
AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT 23.04 16 512 1968 (59%) 4227 (64%) 4207 (63%)
AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT 20.74 16 512 2008 (60%) 4241 (64%) 4224 (64%)
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 9.75 8 448 1368 (47%) 3253 (56%) 3049 (52%)
AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 13.35 8 484 1875 (59%) 2878 (46%) 3227 (51%)
AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB 6.50 4 256 946 (57%) 1848 (56%) 1577 (47%)
AMD Radeon HD 7850 1.84 2 154 112 (11%) 120 ( 6%) 635 (32%)
Intel Arc A770 LE 19.66 16 560 2741 (75%) 4591 (63%) 4626 (64%)
Intel Arc A750 LE 17.20 8 512 2625 (78%) 4184 (63%) 4238 (64%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 82.58 24 1008 5624 (85%) 11091 (85%) 11496 (88%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 55.45 16 717 3914 (84%) 7626 (82%) 7933 (85%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti 40.00 24 1008 5717 (87%) 10956 (84%) 10400 (79%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 39.05 24 936 5418 (89%) 10732 (88%) 10215 (84%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 37.17 12 912 5202 (87%) 9832 (87%) 9347 (79%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 29.77 10 760 4230 (85%) 8118 (82%) 7714 (78%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 20.31 8 448 2578 (88%) 5096 (88%) 5060 (87%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 16.49 8 448 2644 (90%) 5129 (88%) 4718 (81%)
Nvidia RTX A5000M 16.59 16 448 2228 (76%) 4461 (77%) 3662 (63%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 13.17 12 360 2108 (90%) 4070 (87%) 3566 (76%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060M 10.94 6 336 2019 (92%) 4012 (92%) 3572 (82%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050M 7.13 4 192 1180 (94%) 2339 (94%) 2016 (81%)
Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 16.31 24 672 3307 (75%) 6836 (78%) 6879 (79%)
Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000 Pass. 14.93 48 624 2591 (64%) 5408 (67%) 5607 (69%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 13.45 11 616 3194 (79%) 6700 (84%) 6853 (86%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Sup. 11.34 8 496 2434 (75%) 5284 (82%) 5087 (79%)
Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000 11.15 16 448 2341 (80%) 4766 (82%) 4773 (82%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Sup. 7.18 8 448 2503 (85%) 5035 (87%) 4463 (77%)
Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000 7.12 8 416 2284 (84%) 4584 (85%) 4062 (75%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 KO 6.74 6 336 1643 (75%) 3376 (77%) 3266 (75%)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 6.74 6 336 1681 (77%) 3604 (83%) 3571 (82%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Sup. 5.03 6 336 1696 (77%) 3551 (81%) 3040 (70%)
Nvidia Tesla T4 8.14 15 300 1356 (69%) 2869 (74%) 2887 (74%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 5.48 6 288 1467 (78%) 3041 (81%) 3019 (81%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 5.07 6 192 1016 (81%) 1924 (77%) 1992 (80%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650M 3.20 4 128 706 (84%) 1214 (73%) 1400 (84%)
Nvidia Titan Xp 12.15 12 548 2919 (82%) 5495 (77%) 5375 (76%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 12.06 11 484 2631 (83%) 4837 (77%) 4877 (78%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 9.78 8 320 1623 (78%) 3100 (75%) 3182 (77%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060M 4.44 6 192 983 (78%) 1882 (75%) 1803 (72%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050M Ti 2.49 4 112 631 (86%) 1224 (84%) 1115 (77%)
Nvidia Quadro P1000 1.89 4 82 426 (79%) 839 (79%) 778 (73%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4.17 4 224 980 (67%) 1721 (59%) 1623 (56%)
Nvidia Quadro M4000 2.57 8 192 899 (72%) 1519 (61%) 1050 (42%)
Nvidia Tesla M60 (1 GPU) 4.82 8 160 853 (82%) 1571 (76%) 1557 (75%)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M 1.51 4 80 442 (84%) 872 (84%) 627 (60%)
Nvidia Quadro K2000 0.73 2 64 312 (75%) 444 (53%) 171 (21%)
Nvidia GeForce GT 630 (OEM) 0.46 2 29 151 (81%) 185 (50%) 78 (21%)
Nvidia Quadro NVS 290 0.03 0.256 6 1 ( 2%) 1 ( 1%) 1 ( 1%)
Apple M1 Pro GPU 16C 16GB 4.10 11 200 1204 (92%) 2329 (90%) 1855 (71%)
AMD Radeon Vega 8 (4750G) 2.15 27 57 263 (71%) 511 (70%) 501 (68%)
AMD Radeon Vega 8 (3500U) 1.23 7 38 157 (63%) 282 (57%) 288 (58%)
Intel UHD Graphics 630 0.46 7 51 151 (45%) 301 (45%) 187 (28%)
Intel HD Graphics 5500 0.35 3 26 75 (45%) 192 (58%) 108 (32%)
Intel HD Graphics 4600 0.38 2 26 105 (63%) 115 (35%) 34 (10%)
Samsung ARM Mali-G72 MP18 0.24 4 29 14 ( 7%) 17 ( 5%) 12 ( 3%)
2x AMD EPYC 9654 29.49 1536 922 1381 (23%) 1814 (15%) 1801 (15%)
Intel Xeon Phi 7210 5.32 192 102 415 (62%) 193 (15%) 223 (17%)
4x Intel Xeon E5-4620 v4 2.69 512 273 460 (26%) 275 ( 8%) 239 ( 7%)
2x Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4 1.41 64 137 264 (30%) 146 ( 8%) 129 ( 7%)
2x Intel Xeon E5-2623 v4 0.67 64 137 125 (14%) 66 ( 4%) 59 ( 3%)
2x Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 1.92 64 137 209 (23%) 305 (17%) 281 (16%)
Intel Core i9-10980XE 3.23 128 94 286 (47%) 251 (21%) 223 (18%)
Intel Core i5-9600 0.60 16 43 146 (52%) 127 (23%) 147 (27%)
Intel Core i7-8700K 0.71 16 51 152 (45%) 134 (20%) 116 (17%)
Intel Core i7-7700HQ 0.36 12 38 81 (32%) 82 (16%) 108 (22%)
Intel Core i7-4770 0.44 16 26 104 (62%) 69 (21%) 59 (18%)
Intel Core i7-4720HQ 0.33 16 26 58 (35%) 13 ( 4%) 47 (14%)

Multi-GPU Benchmarks

Multi-GPU benchmarks are done at the largest possible grid resolution with a cubic domain, and either 2x1x1, 2x2x1 or 2x2x2 of these cubic domains together. The percentages in brackets are single-GPU roofline model efficiency, and the multiplicator numbers in brackets are scaling factors relative to benchmarked single-GPU performance.

Device FP32
1x AMD Instinct MI250 (1 GCD) 45.26 64 1638 5638 (53%) 9030 (42%) 8506 (40%)
1x AMD Instinct MI250 (2 GCD) 90.52 128 3277 9460 (1.7x) 14313 (1.6x) 17338 (2.0x)
2x AMD Instinct MI250 (4 GCD) 181.04 256 6554 16925 (3.0x) 29163 (3.2x) 29627 (3.5x)
4x AMD Instinct MI250 (8 GCD) 362.08 512 13107 27350 (4.9x) 52258 (5.8x) 53521 (6.3x)
1x AMD Radeon VII 13.83 16 1024 4898 (73%) 7778 (58%) 5256 (40%)
2x AMD Radeon VII 27.66 32 2048 8113 (1.7x) 15591 (2.0x) 10352 (2.0x)
4x AMD Radeon VII 55.32 64 4096 12911 (2.6x) 24273 (3.1x) 17080 (3.2x)
1x Nvidia A100 SXM4 40GB 19.49 40 1555 8522 (84%) 16013 (79%) 11251 (56%)
2x Nvidia A100 SXM4 40GB 38.98 80 3110 13629 (1.6x) 24620 (1.5x) 18850 (1.7x)
4x Nvidia A100 SXM4 40GB 77.96 160 6220 17978 (2.1x) 30604 (1.9x) 30627 (2.7x)
1x Nvidia Tesla K40m 4.29 12 288 1131 (60%) 1868 (50%) 912 (24%)
2x Nvidia Tesla K40m 8.58 24 577 1971 (1.7x) 3300 (1.8x) 1801 (2.0x)
1x Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000 Pa. 14.93 48 624 2591 (64%) 5408 (67%) 5607 (69%)
2x Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000 Pa. 29.86 96 1248 4767 (1.8x) 9607 (1.8x) 10214 (1.8x)
1x Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 13.45 11 616 3194 (79%) 6700 (84%) 6853 (86%)
2x Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 26.90 22 1232 5085 (1.6x) 10770 (1.6x) 10922 (1.6x)

Maximum Single-Domain Grid Resolution for D3Q19 LBM

Memory FP32/FP32 FP32/FP16
1 GB 224³ 266³
2 GB 282³ 336³
3 GB 322³ 384³
4 GB 354³ 424³
6 GB 406³ 484³
8 GB 448³ 534³
10 GB 482³ 574³
11 GB 498³ 594³
12 GB 512³ 610³
16 GB 564³ 672³
20 GB 608³ 724³
24 GB 646³ 770³
32 GB 710³ 848³
40 GB 766³ 912³
48 GB 814³ 970³
64 GB 896³ 1068³
80 GB 966³ 1150³
96 GB 1026³ 1222³
128 GB 1130³ 1346³
192 GB 1292³ 1540³
256 GB 1422³ 1624³
384 GB 1624³ 1624³



  • What physical model does FluidX3D use?
    FluidX3D implements the lattice Boltzmann method, a type of direct numerical simulation (DNS), the most accurate type of fluid simulation, but also the most computationally challenging. Optional extension models include volume force (Guo forcing), free surface (volume-of-fluid and PLIC), a temperature model and Smagorinsky-Lilly subgrid turbulence model.

  • FluidX3D only uses FP32 or even FP32/FP16, in contrast to FP64. Are simulation results physically accurate?
    Yes, in all but extreme edge cases. The code has been specially optimized to minimize arithmetic round-off errors and make the most out of lower precision. With these optimizations, accuracy in most cases is indistinguishable from FP64 double-precision, even with FP32/FP16 mixed-precision. Details can be found in this paper.

  • Why is the domain size limited to 2³² grid points?
    The 32-bit unsigned integer grid index will overflow above this number. Using 64-bit index calculation would slow the simulation down by ~20%, as 64-bit uint is calculated on special function units and not the regular GPU cores. 2³² grid points with FP32/FP16 mixed-precision is equivalent to 225GB memory and single GPUs currently are only at 128GB, so it should be fine for a while to come. For higher resolutions above the single-domain limit, use multiple domains (typically 1 per GPU, but multiple domains on the same GPU also work).

  • Comparted to the benchmark numbers stated here, efficiency seems much lower but performance is slightly better for most devices. How can this be?
    In that paper, the One-Step-Pull swap algorithm is implemented, using only misaligned reads and coalesced writes. On almost all GPUs, the performance penalty for misaligned writes is much larger than for misaligned reads, and sometimes there is almost no penalty for misaligned reads at all. Because of this, One-Step-Pull runs at peak bandwidth and thus peak efficiency.
    Here, a different swap algorithm termed Esoteric-Pull is used, a type of in-place streaming. This makes the LBM require much less memory (93 vs. 169 (FP32/FP32) or 55 vs. 93 (FP32/FP16) Bytes/node for D3Q19), and also less memory bandwidth (153 vs. 171 (FP32/FP32) or 77 vs. 95 (FP32/FP16) Bytes/node per time step for D3Q19) due to so-called implicit bounce-back boundaries. However memory access now is half coalesced and half misaligned for both reads and writes, so memory access efficiency is lower. For overall performance, these two effects approximately cancel out. The benefit of Esoteric-Pull - being able to simulate domains twice as large with the same amount of memory - clearly outweights the cost of slightly lower memory access efficiency, especially since performance is not reduced overall.

  • Why don't you use CUDA? Wouldn't that be more efficient?
    No, that is a wrong myth. OpenCL is exactly as efficient as CUDA on Nvidia GPUs if optimized properly. Here I did roofline model and analyzed OpenCL performance on various hardware. OpenCL efficiency on modern Nvidia GPUs can be 100% with the right memory access pattern, so CUDA can't possibly be any more efficient. Without any performance advantage, there is no reason to use proprietary CUDA over OpenCL, since OpenCL is compatible with a lot more hardware.

  • Why no multi-relaxation-time (MRT) collision operator?
    The idea of MRT is to linearly transform the DDFs into "moment space" by matrix multiplication and relax these moments individually, promising better stability and accuracy. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, it has zero or even negative effects on stability and accuracy, and simple SRT is much superior. Apart from the kinematic shear viscosity and conserved terms, the remaining moments are non-physical quantities and their tuning is a blackbox. Although MRT can be implemented in an efficient manner with only a single matrix-vector multiplication in registers, leading to identical performance compared to SRT by remaining bandwidth-bound, storing the matrices vastly elongates and over-complicates the code for no real benefit.


  • Can FluidX3D run on multiple GPUs at the same time?
    Yes. The simulation grid is then split in domains, one for each GPU (domain decomposition method). The GPUs essentially pool their memory, enabling much larger grid resolution and higher performance. Rendering is parallelized across multiple GPUs as well; each GPU renders its own domain with a 3D offset, then rendered frames from all GPUs are overlayed with their z-buffers. Communication between domains is done over PCIe, so no SLI/Crossfire/NVLink/InfinityFabric is required. All GPUs must however be installed in the same node (PC/laptop/server). Even unholy combinations of Nvidia/AMD/Intel GPUs will work, although it is recommended to only use GPUs with similar memory capacity and bandwidth together. Using a fast gaming GPU and slow integrated GPU together would only decrease performance due to communication overhead.

  • I'm on a budget and have only a cheap computer. Can I run FluidX3D on my toaster PC/laptop?
    Absolutely. Today even the most inexpensive hardware, like integrated GPUs or entry-level gaming GPUs, support OpenCL. You might be a bit more limited on memory capacity and grid resolution, but you should be good to go. I've tested FluidX3D on very old and inexpensive hardware and even on my Samsung S9+ smartphone, and it runs just fine, although admittedly a bit slower.

  • I don't have an expensive workstation GPU, but only a gaming GPU. Will performance suffer?
    No. Efficiency on gaming GPUs is exactly as good as on their "professional"/workstation counterparts. Performance often is even better as gaming GPUs have higher boost clocks.

  • Do I need a GPU with ECC memory?
    No. Gaming GPUs work just fine. Some Nvidia GPUs automatically reduce memory clocks for compute applications to almost entirely eliminate memory errors.

  • My GPU does not support CUDA. Can I still use FluidX3D?
    Yes. FluidX3D uses OpenCL 1.2 and not CUDA, so it runs on any GPU from any vendor since around 2012.

  • I don't have a dedicated graphics card at all. Can I still run FluidX3D on my PC/laptop?
    Yes. FluidX3D also runs on all integrated GPUs since around 2012, and also on CPUs.

  • I need more memory than my GPU can offer. Can I run FluidX3D on my CPU as well?
    Yes. You only need to install the OpenCL Runtime for Intel CPUs.

  • In the benchmarks you list some very expensive hardware. How do you get access to that?
    I'm a scientist (PhD candidate in computational physics) and I use FluidX3D for my research, so I have access to BZHPC, SuperMUC-NG and JURECA-DC supercomputers.


  • I don't have an RTX/DXR GPU that supports raytracing. Can I still use raytracing graphics in FluidX3D?
    Yes, and at full performance. FluidX3D does not use a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) to accelerate raytracing, but fast ray-grid traversal instead, implemented directly in OpenCL C. This is much faster than BVH for moving isosurfaces in the LBM grid (~N vs. ~N²+log(N) runtime; LBM itself is ~N³), and it does not require any dedicated raytracing hardware. Raytracing in FluidX3D runs on any GPU that supports OpenCL 1.2.

  • I have a datacenter/mining GPU without any video output or graphics hardware. Can FluidX3D still render simulation results?
    Yes. FluidX3D does all rendering (rasterization and raytracing) in OpenCL C, so no display output and no graphics features like OpenGL/Vulkan/DirectX are required. Rendering is just another form of compute after all. Rendered frames are passed to the CPU over PCIe and then the CPU can either draw them on screen through dedicated/integrated graphics or write them to the hard drive.

  • I'm running FluidX3D on a remote (super-)computer and only have an SSH terminal. Can I still use graphics somehow?
    Yes, either directly as interactive ASCII graphics in the terminal or by storing rendered frames on the hard drive and then copying them over via `scp -r user@server.url:"~/path/to/images/folder" .`.


  • I want to learn about programming/software/physics/engineering. Can I use FluidX3D for free?
    Yes. Anyone can use FluidX3D for free for public research, education or personal use. Use by scientists, students and hobbyists is free of charge and well encouraged.

  • I am a scientist/teacher with a paid position at a public institution. Can I use FluidX3D for my research/teaching?
    Yes, you can use FluidX3D free of charge. This is considered research/education, not commercial use. To give credit, the references listed below should be cited. If you publish data/results generated by altered source versions, the altered source code must be published as well.

  • I work at a company in CFD/consulting/R&D or related fields. Can I use FluidX3D commercially?
    No. Commercial use is not allowed with the current license.

  • Is FluidX3D open-source?
    No. "Open-source" as a technical term is defined as freely available without any restriction on use, but I am not comfortable with that. I have written FluidX3D in my spare time and no one should milk it for profits while I remain uncompensated, especially considering what other CFD software sells for. The technical term for the type of license I choose is "source-available no-cost non-commercial". The source code is freely available, and you are free to use, to alter and to redistribute it, as long as you do not sell it or make a profit from derived products/services, and as long as you do not use it for any military purposes (see the license for details).

  • Will FluidX3D at some point be available with a commercial license?
    Maybe I will add the option for a second, commercial license later on. If you are interested in commercial use, let me know. For non-commercial use in science and education, FluidX3D is and will always be free.

External Code/Libraries/Images used in FluidX3D

