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fastlane documentation


Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:

xcode-select --install

For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane

Available Actions


ios build_developer

[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_developer

Exports a new Developer Build

ios build_appstore

[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_appstore

Exports a new AppStore Build

ios build_beta

[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_beta

Provenace Team: Push a new beta build to TestFlight

ios build_alpha

[bundle exec] fastlane ios build_alpha

Provenace Team: Push a new alpha build to Hockeyapp

ios userbuild

[bundle exec] fastlane ios userbuild

User Builds

ios certificates_download

[bundle exec] fastlane ios certificates_download

Download Certs for Match

ios certificates_update

[bundle exec] fastlane ios certificates_update

Create Certs for Match

ios update_devices

[bundle exec] fastlane ios update_devices

Update device UDID list in iTunes connect from fastlane/devices.txt

ios default_changelog

[bundle exec] fastlane ios default_changelog

ios travis

[bundle exec] fastlane ios travis

Travis building iOS & tvOS

ios travis_ios

[bundle exec] fastlane ios travis_ios

Travis building iOS

ios travis_tvos

[bundle exec] fastlane ios travis_tvos

Travis building tvOS

ios test

[bundle exec] fastlane ios test

Build and run tests

ios derived_data

[bundle exec] fastlane ios derived_data

Clear your DerivedData

ios reset_checkout

[bundle exec] fastlane ios reset_checkout

Reset build enviroment

Use this lane if you're having build issues

Use git stash first to save any changes you may want to keep.

ios check_env

[bundle exec] fastlane ios check_env

Print Environment Settings

ios updatePlistForBranch

[bundle exec] fastlane ios updatePlistForBranch

Updates the bundle id and app name if a beta build

ios plist_reset

[bundle exec] fastlane ios plist_reset

Resets the bundle id and app name after build

This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.

More information about fastlane can be found on

The documentation of fastlane can be found on