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Currencies Commands

Tip: instead of using /currencies every time you can use the aliases /c or /cu !

/currencies create (currency's name)

  • This command allows you to create you own currency.

/currencies rename (currency's name)

  • Renames a currency

/currencies delete (currency's name)

  • This one allows you to delete your currency.

/currencies deposit (currency's name)

  • Hold ores in your hand an this command will deposit these ores to the specified currency !

/currencies mint (currency's name) (amount)

  • This command allows you to mint a certain amount of currency for people to exchange !

/currencies pay (player) (currency's name) (amount)

  • It's good and all having a currency but it's better when you can buy stuff with it ! am I not right ? Well... Anyway, just use this command and you'll be buying stuff from other players in no time !

/currencies info (currency's name)

  • This command allows you to get info about a currency.

/currencies list

  • This is gonna give you a list of all currencies available !

/currencies wallet (player)

  • Want to know how much of each currency you own ? No problem ! Just use this and it'll show you everything right away !

/currencies withdraw (currency's name) (amount)

  • Getting low on ores and want to get some back ? Just use this command and it will give you iron nuggets according to the value of the currency and the amount you put in.

/currencies forcedelete (currency's name)

  • Someone created a currency in your server that isn't used anymore ? just delete it using this !

/currencies config reload

  • Reload the config !

/currencies config language (name)

  • Change Language, Change de Langue ! (list of languages: en-us, fr-FR, es-ES)

/currencies top (all/one)

  • Leaderboard !

/currencies config ore (material) (value)

  • Change the ores' prices with this (list of ores: (iron/gold)_(nugget/ingot), (iron/gold/coal/diamond/netherite)_block, netherite_scrap.

/currencies config mint_material (material) (value)

  • Change the ores' mint values with this (list of ores: (iron/gold)_(nugget/ingot), (iron/gold/coal/diamond/netherite)_block, netherite_scrap

/currencies team (add/remove) (player name)

/currencies team set (player name) (permission) (true/false)

/currencies team list (currency's name)

/currencies team (leave/join)

/currencies give-ownership (currency's name) (player)

  • Allows you to manage the team of your currency