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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system that allows you to view and interact with a desktop environment that is running on a remote computer.  Using VNC, you can run graphical applications on a remote machine and send only the pixels generated by these applications to your local machine.  VNC is platform-independent and supports a wide variety of operating systems and architectures as both servers and clients.\
TurboVNC is a high-speed version of VNC derived from TightVNC.  It contains a variant of Tight encoding that is tuned to maximize performance for image-intensive applications (such as VirtualGL, video applications, and image editors) while still providing excellent performance for other types of applications.  TurboVNC, in combination with VirtualGL, provides a complete solution for remotely displaying 3D applications with interactive performance.\
This package includes the TurboVNC Viewer (vncviewer), which provides optimal performance when connecting to TurboVNC servers.  The Macintosh X11 application (which is not installed by default but which can be installed from the OS X distribution discs) must be installed and started prior to using the TurboVNC Viewer. \
Refer to the TurboVNC documentation (a link to which is provided in the Applications folder) for usage information.\