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Custom Vehicle Damage

Finally we can customize the tollerance of different weapons to different vehicles

The license in CVDMG states that CVDMG is free and provided as-is without any warranty.
Please see the detailed license which can be found inside

See the file for known issues and etc.


Copy directory "CVDMG" to pawno/include (you may pick another path of course, adjust paths accordingly if so)

Now you need to make sure you include the files correctly in your filterscript or gamemode
(It's recommended to be included in the gamemode, not a filterscript)

You may either take advantage of CVDMG.basic.pwn or follow the following guide to properly implement CVDMG:

If you do not already have IsPointInPolygon by Ryder`
#include <CVDMG\aera>

If you do not already have GetVehicleSize by Ryder`
#include <CVDMG\GetVehicleSize>

If you would like to lower vehicle collision damage by roughly half, add this line:

Next, You need to configure the colors a train should have when it respawns
#define TRAIN_COLOR_1 1 // White
#define TRAIN_COLOR_2 3 // Red

The last step is to include the system itself by adding these 3 lines:
#include <CVDMG\FindVehicleNearPlayer> // Checks if player is within range of hitting or operating a vehicle
#include <CVDMG\> // Custom Vehicle Damage Script - Configuration
#include <CVDMG\VehicleDamage.pwn> // Custom Vehicle Damage Script - Core

To activate the system, you have to find your OnPlayerWeaponShot callback or add/merge it with the following content:
    OnBulletHitVehicle(weaponid, hitid); // Apply custom damage
	return 0; // Have to return 0 or custom damage will not be applied


If you would like to change the toughness of a vehicle, go edit line 64-359
Or you could take a look at how CVDMG.override.pwn is overriding the default values, it has every vehicle indexed like the vehicle list on

Train colors does not have to be static, they can use functions
#define TRAIN_COLOR_1 random(255)   // Random color 1
#define TRAIN_COLOR_2 random(25)+70 // Random color 2

Train colors can also be stored values
enum eTrain
    col1, col2

new vTrain[MAX_VEHICLES][eTrain];

#define TRAIN_COLOR_1 vTrain[vehicleid][col1]
#define TRAIN_COLOR_2 vTrain[vehicleid][col2]

Optional Feature

See the TXT file inside for how to easily generate a table of the current settings inside
(PHP webhost required. You can set up a local webhost with php to run this if you want to)

Versons & ChangeLog

Current Version: v. 1.3.1
Restore old feature that was never published (See Optional section)

Older versions:

Current Version: v. 1.3
Bugfixes & API improvement

Version v. 1.2
Initial Release

Version v. 1.1 and older
Never released because proof-of-concept code needed optimizations and clean ups